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Comment Re:Cognitive Dissonance (Score 1) 324

A restaurant filming me does not bother me at all. Why? Because they don't do anything with it other than in the case of a crime.

seriously? how do you think all of the celebrity footage gets released? sort of like the film of Jay Z getting punched by his sister in law (or whatever it was) in the elevator?

the reason why nothing gets done with security footage of you is that nobody gives a crap about you. google glass won't change that.

Comment Re:Size (Score 1) 324

You think is OK for some Glasshole to walk into a restaurant where you are enjoying a public yet private dinner with a friend, record it and put it up on the Intertubes? You are OK with that. I mean, it is a "public" place, right?

i'd be flattered if someone cared enough about me to do so. anyone that uses the term "glasshole" is utterly naive about the technology and has serious misconceptions about what privacy they have while in public places. if you aren't getting recorded and blasted on youtube today, it's not because it can't be done, it's because nobody cares. if someone wants to record you in public, they will ... and every month a new product comes out that's smaller, faster, has more memory, better frame rate, higher resolution, better zoom. there's no law against it, it's legal. it happens and will continue to happen.

Comment both ... all? (Score 1) 243

If Tizen development speeds up a bit, the OS could become a stand-in for Android

wrong, samsung will make both. they made 52 different smartphone models last year. samsung has enough money to do everything 10x, and they do.

Comment Re:Wow! Cool! (Score 1) 92

Hollywood has set the bar so low you'd need trenching equipment not to clear it.

the bar as always been low.

old farts (like me) do this thing where they remember only the good movies from their childhood. across a lifetime there are many memorable movies. movies were better when i was young! what they don't remember are the thousands of duds, of course, because they weren't memorable movies.

Comment Re:"Forget about the risk that machines pose to us (Score 1) 227

The doom and gloom scenarios all hinge on this idea that the AI is going to be so much smarter and more powerful than we are. That's where it's dipping way into just crazy speculation. Based on what we know about intelligent beings, the system is full of flaws that slow everything down.

it's not like we have to build AI from the ground up. we have a prototype already. it's called the brain. your brain is just a meat processor. it's a system of cells, interconnections, chemicals, and electric pulses. all of that can be modeled in software, and run a million times faster, run itself in parallel, interface with other electronic systems in vastly superior ways, nearly limitless, perfect storage, and so on.

For all we know ...

think about what humanity knew 100 years ago, and what they know now. no one is saying absolutely AI will threaten humanity. people are suggesting it might, and considering the stakes, we should be proceed with caution.

I'd wager the first truly sentient AI's will be quite a bit duller

one idea is that once software can improve itself things will go from 0-60 very quickly. that's why people suggest we need a plan before even the dullest AIs are developed.

Comment Re:Core misunderstanding (Score 1) 227

unless you actually fucking MADE it evil.

did you mean "made to do harm"? people do and will continue to make machines that do harm, and if giving them some semblance of "AI" makes them more effective, they will do it. people are "evil", and we build machines to help us do our bidding. i hope that humans aren't in conflict with other humans in 200 years, but i doubt it.

Comment Re:"Forget about the risk that machines pose to us (Score 4, Insightful) 227

where i come from, discussing and addressing problems before they are a threat is a good idea.

did we learn anything from global warming? we denied that up to the point where it's essentially too late. would have been good to be talking about global warming a hundred years ago wouldn't it have? humans need to get accustomed to looking at the big picture if we are to survive.

Comment Re:Killer AI will kill journalists for slandering (Score 4, Insightful) 227

yes, worrying about AI that might be a threat in 500 years is like worrying about the Sun burning out in 5 billion years. good point. we should also stop talking about global warming while we are at it.

We cannot build a computer that can model a bug's brain activity, let alone something a million times more complicated like a human brain
rather, once we are able to model any nervous system we are well one the way,

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