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Comment Re:Hasn't been involved with Greenpeace since 1985 (Score 1) 573

Gees dude you can even count, here is a list of the income of the largest oil companies., and no, I will not add it up for you (that is the money being generated by your drill baby drill, burn baby burn, side of the argument, not tens of millions but trillions of dollars). Lobbying in just one election in one country Dude science is not "rhetoric" talk about subconsciously exposing yourself.

Comment Re:Wait (Score 1) 128

You use the term "and/or" but you clearly do not know what it means I simply choose one of the specific options of the three available options you provide, so violence or sex or violence and sex (violent sex which is what you have when you mix violence and sex). It seems you also have a problem with the word 'rant' http://www.thefreedictionary.c.... A stated calm personal opinion is not a rant.

It is not 'just humanity' but the state of our current human society. Humanity has expressed itself in many ways over millennia, some worse and some better, we seem to be sliding into worse at this stage, compared to different era's ie just in the last century.

Comment Re:not just unlikely, completely avoidable. (Score 1) 70

Not only is it going on but it is strongly indicative they are intending to do something very naughty in the near future, which is why the push to surreptitiously trial out various methods because they know full well the majority of the world will disapprove of an impending action, a South American adventure seems most likely.

Comment Re:Hasn't been involved with Greenpeace since 1985 (Score 1) 573

Moron, science is their job, they go on working on science in the same exact way they already are, just different science. Of course on the other hand the fossil fuelers with trillions of dollars locked the the ground and the ability to get it out and sell it rapidly disappearing and no other alternatives for them. So on balance a scientist get paid tens of thousands of dollars to do science going on simply to do other science (because according to you, no global warming, zero need for weather science, fuck the weather, who needs to now anything about the weather, after all you can just watch the weather man on the idiot box PS butt for brain TV weather people get their weather from oh yes weather scientists who would still be working all over the world). Now this versus lost trillions of dollars owned by corporate psychopaths. Now which is far more likely. The whole of your post is fossil fueler bullshit.

Comment Re:not just unlikely, completely avoidable. (Score 1) 70

A kind of cyber Armageddon is going on as we speak. It seems the US military, industrial and espionage complex is carrying out a range of rolling trial attacks. Basically testing their ability to censor the whole of the internet, so when they roll out their next propaganda campaign tied to military and espionage misadventure they will be able to create a vacuum of truth. That way, their lies will 'full spectrum dominate' the air and cable waves, long enough to complete that military espionage misadventure before the truth can stop it. Various avenues are being trialled including, use of agents in commercial organisations both voluntary and victims of extortion who use their position to block content. DMCA via pet media organisations. Straight up web site attacks via back doors already put in place. Abusing government censorship rules and regulations to accidentally block websites. Targeting and disrupting specific web applications. Targeting the actual hardware of the internet to knock out whole sections of the internet. So likelihood of cyber Armageddon is not that remote when the US military industrial espionage complex is actively working on it and trialling out as we speak and according to them you should of course not be paying any attention to it at all, nope, nothing unusual going on, nothing to report, nobody attacking the web.

Comment Re:It's a Double Godwin! (Score 1) 110

Oh so troll, obviously at least five modders completely missed it but the last sentence should have given it away " Fortunately, this is Slashdot, so it's likely I'm the only one who will bother actually reading TFA.", now how many of you suckers clicked the article after reading that sentence and how many of you picked up on the 'real' intent of that sentence based upon the story and the opening paragraph of the comment. Oh so very sly (I won't be reading that article, now or ever, cheeky bugger ;D ).

Comment Re:WTF AM I DOING HERE! (Score -1, Troll) 109

What is really interesting in this story is "By oscillating super-fast, these sound waves are able to gently open up the blood-brain barrier", now that, should set off some real alarm bells, especially when (so not only permanent ear damage but brain damage to, yes, you definitely do not want your blood brain barrier to open up except under controlled circumstance). So a potential cure but most definitely a clear warning about noise pollution and unexpected outcomes.

Comment Re:Hasn't been involved with Greenpeace since 1985 (Score 5, Interesting) 573

More like his wallet took a sharp turn to the right "Moore has earned his living since the early 1990s primarily by consulting for, and publicly speaking for a wide variety of corporations and lobby groups" So why was he in Greenpeace in the first place, likely pursuing the opposite sex. Caring sharing community activities often have a preponderance of the fairer sex (they are referred to as the 'fairer sex' for a reason) http://siteresources.worldbank....

Comment Re:Wait (Score 1) 128

Violent sex as a legitimate entertainment tool, seriously?!? I would hardly call it legitimate and do honestly look upon it as a profoundly disturbing reflection of humanity. Why do humans, find humans killing other humans, to be so entertainingly rewarding? Something seriously wrong is going on with human society and while those games are most definitely not the cause, they are still a matter of concern in they way they reflect the current nature of human society. Root cause, likely the harm being caused by psychopathic capitalism upon the psychology of the majority by an already bat shit insane destructive minority. Our desire for human on human violence as a form of human entertainment is really, really not normal and is a symptom of the psychological harm we are suffering in our daily lives. Stop and honestly think about it and you should find it as disturbing as I found it to be.

Comment Re:Recycle and bioplastics (Score 1) 98

What makes more sense is to switch to hemp fibre rather than plastic. With so many pot heads and potential pot heads floating around, this is going to be a whole bunch of waste cannabis fibre floating about, so it would make sense to use it before just adding it to a landfills.

PS if your landfills are dry, then you have shit head greedy cheap ass local government. You have to water them to keep the dust down (prevent infectious agents from spreading with that dust) and to aid compaction (you can not compact dry stuff). Also areas of landfills not being used should be covered with impermeable fabric to retain moisture and to enable collection of methane gasses which should not be released to atmosphere but burned to generate energy, methane is basically equal to natural gas.

Comment Re:It is time to get up one way or the other (Score 2) 1089

Actually the outcome of compulsory voting with a fine for failure to vote is far more subtle than you think. Firstly it teaches people to vote, so from 18 on you can turn up to the polls and vote, turn up to the polls sign off and put in a junk non-vote or pay the fine. Any choice still gets them to the polls and gets them used to the idea and of course gets the associating with other voters. Secondly and often far more importantly in the US, is the what is required to happen in the election process in order to make the fine valid, the election process must be more accessible to the voters. So weekend elections because it is easier for the majority to vote on weekends rather than weekdays. More voting booths because long lines and queues to drive people away from the pools becomes very corrupt when the result is that they will be fined.

Either the US electoral process changes or the US will continue to fail, rampant political corruption, failing infrastructure, collapse of the criminal justice system, all are signs of an already failed state that is simply waiting for that collapse to propagate throughout the whole US society, the dominoes are already falling.

Comment Re:SubjectsInCommentsAreStupid (Score 1) 216

The only real labels that matter are 'innocent' or 'proven guilty in a court of law'. Corrupt capitalism seems to be doggedly reaching for more and more guilt upon accusation with zero remediation for false accusation, no matter how many times false accusations are made. This basically to be made available only to governments and those who can afford access to government, pretty much a licence to censor anyone and everyone for any reason at all and to keep them off line with repeated false accusations. Basically costs nothing to accuse someone if you are licensed and approved to do so but costs thousands of dollars to lift the ban with no opportunity to recover not only the cost of lifting the ban but also lost revenue and readers.

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