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Comment Re:That's nuthin (Score 1) 81

Want faster weight loss add an electric shock to the game ie munching game, eat the healthy food and avoid the bad food, accidentally eat the bad food and not only lose points but get an electric shock. Where you attack those electrodes, your choice but repeated painful negative reinforcement will guarantee pretty fast weight loss and a healthier diet. Of course it might cause public problems if people start screaming when they walk past a cake shop.

Comment Re:Relevant to you? (Score 1) 27

How about just giving away you skills and ideas now for free. The measure of your real worth is not you wealth and egoistic philanthropy (which is often more destructive than constructive). The measure of your real worth is who you think you see in the mirror. Who gives a tiddly crap about how main stream media with it's wealth worship ideology treats you now, a billion years, hell just a hundred thousands years, forward or back it is all totally meaningless, only you own perception of what you have freely contributed will define your true worth, a positive or negative worth, contributed more than you consumed and nothing is more consumptive of society than accumulating wealth. You do not have to make money to be of worth to the human society you are a part of and factually the greatest contributions are done for free everyday, those contributions that bind humanity together. Being able to buy more junk and more fully obeying the demands of marketing, than others around does not make you special, unless you think being a victim of marketing somehow makes you 'special' (I remember that as being the euphemism for disabled children, somehow seems more appropriate when talking about victims of mass consumerism, hmm, the 'special' people).

Philanthropy the art of making the myopically greedy look better, at least for a short time. Charity, helping to serve a better a society for the long term with no reward or recognition, just the ones you provide yourself. Which is the greatest accomplishment, which is shared with the many rather than being exclusive to the few and which in total contributes far, far more to the whole of human society.

Comment Re:This problem needs a technical solution (Score 0) 268

Suck it up. Very tight drone regulations are coming, get over it and play with a different toy instead. Likely, use restricted to private property with the permission of the owner. Excluded from all non approved public spaces. Temporary permits for specific public spaces at specific times. The new regulations will require quite a bit of effort in the US because it has to make its way through state and local governments but the regulations are inevitable because stupid is as stupid does and anyone no matter how stupid can buy a drone and crash it into something or someone. Bringing them down is all too easy with specific radio frequency jamming devices and catching the individual is easy, just wait for them to try to recover the drone with remote in hand.

Comment Re:O rly (Score 1) 371

If they are smart enough to be Manager, a group leader of UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, than you should be smart enough to check the facts prior to acting perhaps everyone should drop him a line g.rees@ucl.ac.uk and keep the viral social media joke running. Experience is often a better teacher than theory.

Comment Re:Social Media Outage (Score 1) 371

If they are older and subject to attacks, the result, "Fuck off, I am too old to bother with this any more see you later". Of course the narcissist who kicked it off to snatch their bit of fame regardless of consequences, they tend to pick their targets to avoid the risk of repercussions. Admittedly the individual involved is likely to be very sensitive breaking three main stream media laws of acceptability, a female academic, an overweight female (overweight men not being subject to the same level of judgement) and of course the more obvious (being far more obvious now thanks to the public display of US law enforcement activities against them), this sensitivity resulting in exaggeration of instances of perceived prejudicial slight even to the point of believing the exaggeration as real. Still a nasty hatchet job for a slice of fame and likely to cause a significant problem with her sheep er followers and likely as a result of screwing someone else career on purpose has screwed her own because clearly the attack was prejudiced by the victim being too old, too white, not very funny and very likely to back down regardless (an easy victim).

Comment Re:"Are" or "could be"? (Score 2) 104

You kind of ignored the planning part, factually the most important part. People pay extra for homes in better, quieter more stable neighbours. Let's say MI the grandparent is a dick douche bag and wants to buy up a good neighbourhood cheap. No planning laws, so MI the dick douche bag buys one house a full price and starts renting it out for biker parties, every single night. Neighbours can do nothing because no planning laws and a driven out, new buyers don't want to buy in at full price because of stories about 7 day a week all night biker parties (and drugs and sexually aggressive behaviour and random acts of violence). So this enable MI the anti-planning dick douche bag to buy up all the properties cheap and voila shut down the biker parties and rent the properties at a high return.

People go on holiday to party and because they are on holiday they party every single night they are physically able to. People pay extra to live in quite well behaved neighbourhoods. Inevitably MI dick douche bags turn up trying to exploit this for their own personal greed and those societies grab those arseholes fine the crap out of them and shut them down, whilst the MIs of the world bitterly complain about statism and their being prevented from exploiting every imaginable situation to their advantage and of course screw everyone else.

Comment Re:Depends (Score 2) 517

Funny I have noticed slows downs with windows 7 with upgrades. The culprit being the habit of upgrades turning on unused services which inevitably slow the system down, this especially if you tend to tweak services (disabled, manual, auto, using guides like http://www.blackviper.com/ ), to better manage performance. M$ often, tend to reset services to default settings, less so now than before. Requiring a review of service settings to get performance back.

So likely they simply need to review the services running on those systems and turn off the unnecessary ones. Also the delayed boot for many services can cause, 'perceived' performance issues ie the system appears to be up and running but some services you need to run might still be waiting to boot but you run your application and it runs horribly as back ground services are still booting up, this performance impression is then left behind in the users mind and they become more sensitive to other delays (M$ also did tend to shift more services to delayed start in upgrades).

That problem is caused by M$ seeking to B$ their way through boot up speed tests by simply not completing the process and pretending for tests results it has been done. This forces new tests, no longer to desktop but say from switch on to a website completed loaded in say Firefox. So they might have good to the desktop quicker but that affect was destroyed by slower launching of their applications.

Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 1) 138

Middling performance, high performance, low performance, that is all silly twaddle. Appropriate performance for the appliance application is the correct. 50% higher performance than you need is simply wasted and idle. Gaming performance is tricky, the game itself needs to target the majority of the market segment for that style game, it needs to run well and look good at middling performance and reality is, games often run far more stably at those levels rather than at higher graphics which tend to crash more because they are tested less, non-majority market segment.

AMD likley simply focusing on NVidia at this time and wants to make it's GPU look as good as possible and is using Intel to do that, rather than the obvious answer of using two lower power, lower temperature CPUs and doubling the number of cores. Two CPUs don't not work as efficiently as one bigger CPUs in performance but you can still gain a big jump with cheaper parts but it does let you balance things out better with one CPU running at higher speeds whilst the other is running in efficiency mode or if demand isn't there pretty much switched off.

Comment Re:diluting the market (Score 3, Interesting) 249

Now of course your comment touches on the future of electric vehicles, keeping in mind the electronic companies hiding in the background behind Tesla Motors testing the waters based upon Tesla Motors Experience.

Forget Chevy, Ford, GMH, the new motor builders or road appliance manufacturers will be the electronics companies. Some mergers, some acquisitions and of course Korea's unique vertical integration of manufacturers mean they are already there.

So say Sony and Panasonic motors, with a largely electronic vehicle, running FOSS but with content management as an extension to the Big Screen Computer, the Tablet remote, the mobile phone and of course the ultimate mobile (also all the other home appliances), the car or more a utility vehicle with greater emphasis on function, the all electric compact SUV, in the city or out in the country on a picnic and still providing access to shared content and helping to create new content.

That better battery is drawing a huge amount of focus, lighter with greater capacity and low manufacturing cost, the current technological holy grail in so many areas, cars, mobile devices, home energy generation and storage. With that level of focus the better battery is likely not that far off and it puts current automotive manufacturers under serious threat as well as of course the fossil fuelers.

Comment Re:Must have been visited by some serious looking (Score 1) 45

You have just barely touched on what is really happening, this best described by economics versus psychology. Psychopathic capitalism can only exist where psychopaths dominate economic control, without them it ceases, that is their nature, their ego that drives their psychopathic selfishness and greed, their psychologically need to dominate and control others in society, up to and including live or death decisions over others (this not for mutual benefit but to feed personal ego). Economics is just a religious framework around the underlying psychology of the individuals involved and economists the high priests of that religion, who just exactly the same as all other religious preach the value of their religion for their own personal benefit.

So it is really all about, what framework will allow a minority of psychologically disturbed individuals to control the majority for the benefit of the psychologically disturbed minority. The balance is of course being how much more assertive the majority are in demanding greater equality in access to the resources produced by the society they are a part of. The whole lie of ordinary people versus the PR managed delusion of extraordinary people, the reality is less assertive people versus more assertive people and what happens when those less assertive people, the majority, start becoming more assertive, as in the meek shall inherit the earth and the not so meek, well, for one to inherit the other must, well, die (figuratively speaking of course as dying of old age with all their corruptive power stripped away is quite fine, subject to the crimes they commit to gain and keep power).

Comment Re:Mob Programming, huh? (Score 1) 126

So you break down coding to it's elements and create sound logically structure. You do not want all coders, churning out code, you want to break down coding, it's application it's final result into all the tasks required to achieve a successful outcome. So code researchers, who gather information on the problem to be solved, who define and layout the problem. Next code describers, who describe the problem in coding terms and break down the problem into it's various coding elements. Then you have coders who produce those elements, those rough initial draughts that lay down the framework for the code. Then you have debuggers who take that framework and flesh it out and debug it. Then you have code documenters, who just detail the code for future review and rework. You break up the task so you do not waste skills, you establish a training path from documenting up to research and you train them along the way as they carry out their tasks.

You want creative coders, creating code, not talking to clients, no breaking down specs, not engineering, not debugging (which is often the most lengthy and time consuming task) and certainly not adding in descriptions for what is going on (can be pretty time consuming if done really well).

Comment Glaing Error (Score -1, Flamebait) 305

Note the huge error, the denial of those persons, their culture and their heritage "sacred sites in Hawaiian religion and culture". This repeated denial of equal existence by Immigrants that stole the land but deny the people. It is not "sacred sites in Hawaiian religion and culture", a denial that they are American, it is "sacred sites in Hawaiian American, religion and culture". They are meant to be Americans, their culture and religion are mean to be American culture and religion and not somehow be publicly defined as be foreign and those people are being foreigners. This is repeated again and again in immigrant dominated societies, the complete denial of those original inhabitants as being real citizens, they are foreigners in the own land, who hold foreign non-Immigrant cultures and beliefs and whose history is not Immigrant America, it is foreign to Immigrant America but the immigrant capitalists of course still want that land whilst they was want to denying the people and who those people are. Hawaii culture and religion is 'American' culture and religion and you are horribly racist and prejudiced if you believe any different (one element of it, of course, not the totality of American culture and religion). They are meant to be Americans and hence their culture and religion are meant to be American and not denied by immigrants as being somehow foreign to those immigrants and thus denied in a country now predominately occupied and controlled by foreign immigrants.

Comment Re:Death to reboots (Score 1) 137

Nope a definitely a reboot of an idea. That very subtle change in the whole idea of a corporate executive putting lives over money. No longer the ugly white douche but a fuckable sweety, oh gee, she didn't mean to get all those people killed when she put profits ahead of people and even risked the lives of her own family, she is still the heroine. It's not the corporate executives, no it's all the evil scientists plotting and scheming in the background.

The main stream media idea of corporate executives not to be held accountable for killing huge numbers of people when they make self serving greed based decisions and in fact they are to be commended for their pragmatic decisions and worshipped when they stumble through the life following the decisions of a from the gut thinker. Kill the scientists, the dinosaur loving scientists, it is all their fault.

Comment Re:Phase out fossil-fueled power plants by midcent (Score 1) 308

The other alternative is an honest government is elected, audit the Federal reserve, point out it fraudulent and conspiratorial nature, seize it's assets, throw it's executives and investors in prison, seizing their assets and voilÃ, no debt, in fact likely a very high surplus. That money that is owed is owed to someone and when that someone can legally pretend to have money to lend and the claim repayment via real assets, logically that is fraud and a conspiracy and they should be in jail.

Comment Re:Not surprising... (Score 5, Insightful) 181

What a load of crap. The Major ISPs want to become content publishers, nothing more and nothing less. They want a 30% hit from all the content sold on their networks.

The internet, the digital highway, needs to be as regulated as every other road for smooth traffic flow. Imagine a sick corporate world, where you are forced to pull over to allow a corporate executive through and if you do not move over fast enough, forced straight off the road. Imagine roads run as revenue operations, fines for everything, penalties for excess use, penalties for not using it enough, all you movements subject to review. Imagine wanting to drive to one place only to be forced to drive somewhere else instead. Imagine tolls on every road and footpath. Imagine someone else owning your driveway, front path and garage. Imagine being charge for having more stuff in you car when you use roads, four people four tolls, full boot, extra fees. That is corporate freedom in roads just as they would implement it on the digital highway.

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