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User Journal

Journal Journal: Typical internet drama comes to Slashdot

Any pro-conservative comment:

-1, Offtopic

Shows who the people hanging around, dependent on some identity to make their empty lives feel fulfilling, are.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I want Slashdot without the ACs.

Yes I admit it I am tired of the idiot ACs that post on Slashdot. Really just make people log in and even allow them to hide there Nick when posting but at least give them the karma hit when they post something foul and and or racist. It is not like Slashdot karma is important in the real world so the chilling effect should be very low.


Journal Journal: AdSense for shilling

I hear a lot on /. about how many users are Apple Zealots or Microsoft Shills.

My question is simple: how do I monetize this?

That is, if I decide to be a shill, how do I get paid? Can I get an AdSense tag for my .sig file?

Or is there another way to sell this labor?

I'll gladly shill for products, or even countries, for money. Everyone else seems to be doing this, directly (get paid) or indirectly (loyalty, a buddy, employment, etc).

I guess I'd like it to not conflict with my loyalties. For example, if I'm an Apple shill and the latest Macintosh ends up being a silver-plated 0.5" turd, then I've got to find some euphemism to use. "The new Macbook XXXXL is... uh... a different kind of computing experience."

But it seems to me this is the future of our society. Advertising on everything; everyone a shill for something. I just want to be able to sock that shill money in my kids' college account.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Happy Halloween

Formulae ueteres exorsismorum et excommunicationum
Strigas et fictos lupos credere

Daemon pellem lupinam
In trunco quodam cauae
Arboris occultandum

Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween

Metamorphoses lycanthropie
Possunt inquam
Metamorphoses lycanthropie
Possunt inquam

Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween


Journal Journal: Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age, by Guillaume Faye

Sometime 400 years ago, as our civilization prospered, the decision was made to modernize. This came about through a belief in the equality of all human beings and a drive toward external mechanisms, namely technology and political control systems. Guillaume Faye, the seasoned rising star of the New Right movement in Europe, explores our correction of this mistake in his landmark book Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age.

Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age, by Guillaume Faye (review and purchase link)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Facebook Evolution War: Evolutionists Take an Early Lead

Back at the beginning of the year, a group of Fundamentalist Christians started a Facebook group called we can find 1,000,000 people who don't believe in Evolution befor June And, yes, the typo is really in the name.

Shortly afterwards, some people started a rival group called We can find 1,000,000 people who DO believe in Evolution before June.

At this writing, the anti-Evolution group has 37,485 fans. The pro-Evolution group has 164,000 (exactly!) despite having had a later start.

The size of the gap is quite surprising. Surveys seem to continue to show belief in Evolution to be losing group with young people, nor is Facebook a particularly tech-savvy venue.



Journal Journal: Strange ban hosting was suspended which strangely coincided with the wave of attacks from right-wing and Jewish tabloids. The attacks happened, in turn, after a regular commentary at the forums of this website on the deaths of British soldiers in Afghanistan (cheers).

I cannot figure out what to think of this: whether it was a coincidence or there was a relation.

Please visit the website, read the suspension notice and tell me what you think.


Journal Journal: WARBEAST interview

Formed by members of Rigor Mortis, Gammacide and Demonseed, the band formerly known as the Texas Metal Alliance is now WARBEAST and they're making waves with their old-school thrash metal attack. Signed to Housecore Records, WARBEAST is now touring the independent nation of Texas in preparation for world domination!

WARBEAST interview

The Matrix

Journal Journal: Interview with esoteric philosopher Vijay Prozak

For many people, metal serves as a starting point into something deeper: that is a starting point for exploring philosophy as well as hidden meanings and patterns within society and the universe. Not everyone pursues this line of thought whenever they become interested in metal music; unfortunately, those that don't are happy to drink beer, smoke pot and party --- they never aspire to great things in life. Those that do look for deeper meaning will find Prozak's website thought provoking and (most likely) controversial.

Interview with esoteric philosopher Vijay Prozak


Journal Journal: The old underground returns

To all weekenders, hipsters, novelty seekers, scenesters, and assorted parasites of the underground - we, the purveyors and fans of metal pre-1990 are taking back our music from you scum. It was never yours, you don't understand it, and we don't need your permission, approval, or support to continue. You idiots have done nothing but bastardize and trivialize it for almost a decade and we are sick of it.


Journal Journal: Battle of the Black Metal movies

"Until the Light Takes Us is a documentary of the early 1990s black metal scene in Norway. Featuring interviews with Varg Vikernes, Fenriz of Darkthrone and other foundational members of the early black metal community, it is a documentary meant to appreciate black metal the way it should always have been: as an artistic movement against the modern world, gravitating toward mythic imagination through intense music, murder and fire."

Until the Light Takes Us homepage

This is coming out right before the mainstream media unleashes their latest assault on the genre:

"Jackson Rathbone, the teen heartthrob from 'Twilight,' has reportedly agreed to play Varg Vikernes (a.k.a. Count Grishnackh) -- the former BURZUM mastermind who is currently serving a Norwegian prison term for the August 1993 murder of MAYHEM guitarist Oystein Aarseth (a.k.a. Euronymous) and setting fire to three churches -- in the upcoming movie 'Lords Of Chaos.'

Based on Michael Moynihan and Didrik Soderlind's book of the same name, the film depicts true events and revolves around the black metal sub-culture that spawned a wave of murders and church arsons across Norway in the early 1990s."

Lords of Chaos movie

Somehow, a fictionalized, dramatized, Hollywood-ized version of the Lords of Chaos book is about the last thing I'd want to ever see.

It would be great if someone treated black metal as a form of art, because those early bands are so transcendently beautiful and violent that they're like stepping outside of modern society into a reality from ancient times -- or the future.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Blaspherian interview

Blaspherian comes from Houston, Texas, and makes old school death metal with its own voice. Their music does not sound like any known band but is clearly influenced by the old school of booming, primitive, dark, introspective and alienated metal. Formed in 2004, Blaspherian arose from the collaboration of Wes Infernal -- formerly of Infernal Dominion and Imprecation -- and Desekrator, but rapidly branched out to include Matt Mayhem on drums and Apollyon on vocals and bass.

Interview: Blaspherian

Review: Blaspherian - Allegiance to the Will of Damnation

Full track MP3: Blaspherian "Enthroned in Blasphemous Triumph"

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