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Comment Re:These types of laws are BS (Score 1) 119

You can, and the reason why you can is exactly the same reason that people use to say it can't be done: The people who buy the goods wind up paying the costs. For example, if you suggest taxing shipping by truck more because of the road damage done by heavy trucks, everyone complains that this will raise the price of shipping goods, and this will make the goods more expensive in turn. And the answer is, yeah. That's right. That's the whole damn point, the goods that get shipped the furthest get taxed the most and we learn to stop pushing those externalities off onto others at their expense.

In exactly the same way, we can tax the carbon release at the source, where it's being removed from "natural" sequestration which will likely never happen again due to fungus evolving to eat lignin, and with the express purpose of allowing it to be combusted (etc. etc.)

Comment Re:AI will save the German fax machine (Score 1) 28

I don't trust caller ID, so I don't trust anything about a fax any more than anything else. And if a document isn't legible, I can't use it, so I prefer almost anything to a fax. Your average cellular phone is capable of taking end to end legible photographs of typical black-on-white printed documents in a variety of lighting conditions, and that's an order of magnitude more valuable to me than a crappy fax.

Comment Re: Apple Exec says fuck you (Score 1) 74

I know you know enough to know that all secondary (rechargeable) Batteries lose Capacity as they age.

Yep. You are right.

Apple just thought it would be preferable to slow your phone a little for a few seconds, or even a few milliseconds, rather than have it crash when you're trying to call a tow truck with your last 8% of Battery to pull you out of the snowdrift in the middle of nowhere. . .

The performance hit was bad enough that Apple fans were complaining about it.

The only reason you don't notice it as much with Android is that most of those Unsupported Shitboxes Lie Useless in a Landfill long before their Failing Batteries become a Problem!

I've certainly had some Android phones go bad, in total about $800 worth... for three devices. I didn't pay full price for the relatively expensive one (a Nexus 4/LG E960) and even so I swore it would be the last LG device I bought.

I now have a $250 (with insurance) Moto G Power (2021) and it does all of the usual phone things gracefully except that it doesn't have wireless charging, but I wouldn't be using that anyway because I have my phone in a big goofy hard case because I like to mistreat devices. Despite its age, it will still get 4-5 days of light use per charge with WiFi, BT, and LTE all enabled and no thought of conservation, depending on network coverage. Somehow Lenovo has so far resisted the urge to ruin the brand. I did have a Motorola (pre-buyout) phone fail one time, but it was a free phone from a carrier.

Comment Re: Apple Exec says fuck you (Score 2) 74

Apple famously stated that they had to throttle phones with old batteries to keep them working because the older batteries couldn't provide enough current to avoid voltage drops.

This means either they chose to design the phones such that they would get into that condition during the usable life of the phone and battery, or that they are incompetent. Given that Apple users believe the myth of Apple competence despite the repeated and glaring evidence that they are no more competent than average, the only explanation that they MIGHT accept is that the phone was designed with planned obsolescence.

Comment popcorn ! (Score 3, Insightful) 60

Now that is interesting news to follow.

Definitely massive use of dark patterns there. The cancel process is definitely made to just outright frustrate you, and whenever you order something from Amazon you need to take extra care not to accidentally sign up to Prime.

And good that they're going after the execs. It's time the corporate shield comes down a bit.

Comment X keeps making me lie (Score 0) 60

When I block advertisers on Twitter (which the site makes reasonably convenient) I get a popup asking me to pay for premium to block all the ads, and I can either upgrade now or "maybe later". But no, there is in fact no chance that I will subscribe later. Also, I am doing them a favor since seeing their ads on Twitter at this time creates a negative association in my mind. Not that there was any chance I would do business with them anyway, since the vast majority of them are for some kind of cryptocurrency service or web tracking.

Comment Re: On the right track. (Score 1) 61

I had Moto triplets phones too... V300 V500 V600, RAZR V3 V3i. My current phone is a Moto G Power 2021 (2nd) which they advertised as having a 3 day battery, but I have gone 5 without getting into the single digits several times. My lady has an even cheaper Tracfone made by Moto which has less dots but otherwise accomplishes all the same stuff, she almost never uses her phone except to read on.

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