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Comment Re:git blame (Score 1) 309

Three years ago, I tried to start something called the Human Security Initiative. Not by accident acrynomically close to Human Computer Interfaces.

This is desperately needed. We need to sit our asses and oh-so-smart brains down, get some designers and psychologist into the room, and talk about how to properly design security, not just engineer it.

Comment Re:git blame (Score 1) 309

Top labs are *still* researching how to replace passwords while maintaining security.

I know. I've tried my own hand on this topic, to no avail. It's really hard.

And yes, entering your password once is a very big progress.

That's true except all kinds of people have learned to use GPG.

If you have to, or really, really want to, you will learn to use the worst tool in the history of mankind. But we should think about people who have no such drive.

The real reason people rarely use it is pure laziness

That's a cop-out. Another cheap excuse. You're blaming the user and stopping there. Let me help you with some cognitive dissonance: The same users that you call "lazy" spend an hour a day clicking on a screen to plant FarmVille crops. The most useless and boring activity ever invented. If Zynga can get them to click on some pixels repeatedly, twenty times a day, why can't we get them to click on a button once?

Comment problem (Score 1) 391

it insisted that the very idea of Net neutrality squished its First and Fifth Amendment right

There's your problem right there. Once we grow three brain cells and understand that corporations are not people, and while they deserve rights, they don't deserve the same rights. I'm not even saying higher or lower, just saying there's a fucking difference, acknowledge it!

Comment Re:I appreciate the sentiment.. (Score 1) 102

The labs actually pull in money for most universities, when students are not using them they are rented out for private training. I remember the head of CS department bitterly complaining about being forced to share the bounty with other departments.

As for TFA the companies are offering $1.75 for every dollar they state puts in, that's not a shakedown, that's philanthropy. That education in the US has to rely on philanthropy is the real shakedown.

Comment Re:Thieves looking to steal metal? lolwut? (Score 1) 133

The answer to fixing this problem is to require scrap metal dealers to be licensed (with strong penalties for anyone who isn't) and to require all transactions to be recorded along with the ID of the seller. Its already done in many jurisdictions for pawn shops (where you need a license to operate one and where sellers have to provide ID when they sell it, why should scrap merchants be any different.

Comment Re:Windows 7 doesn't need ISOs (Score 1) 132

Doesn't invalidate my point. Window 7 still needs a service pack. One could call it service pack 2, for example. Alternatively Microsoft needs to find someone who can write an OS update routine which doesn't require dozens of restarts.

Microsoft is not likely to bother with another Windows 7 service pack. They are getting ready to bring out a whole other operating system, and give it away for free to the customers who would have downloaded such a thing.

Comment "Security software..." (Score 1) 210

Whats the bet that the "Security Software" they refer to includes those crappy limited trial versions of software from McAfee and Norton, the stuff that is impossible to uninstall and gives you endless nag screens pushing you to give them money? (nag screens that used to be good at getting idiots to part with their money but now thanks to scams and fake anti-virus products and stuff that all their geek friends keep telling them about are more likely to get those same idiots to assume they are bogus and ignore them)

Those things are some of the worst offenders when it comes to bloatware.

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