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Comment Re:This would all be resolved... (Score 1) 316

Yeah, I keep saying this too. For comparison: this is my allowance for my mobile with Three (a mobile provider in Ireland). It's called unlimited (but I guess they put in a figure of 2 TB in the field just to put in something. I regularly pass the 50GB mark and never heard a complaint from them.

I can't say for certain it influenced people, but I'm happy to and regularly do recommend my provider to people looking for a good provider. It might be intentional that Three never bother me, because as one of their customers who uses a disproportional amount of data, I act as an ambassador for them. Very recently, during the Steam summer sale, I almost hit 100GB in a month downloading newly bought games. Not a peep out of Three.

Comment Re:Very original (Score 1) 182

You jest, but me being very cynical, suspect that the $1,000 filter probably cost $10 to make. Marketing ("How much would you pay for clean air?" "You can't put a price on your health, but $1,000 sounds about right") does the rest.

The original price might have been set by an American in the first place.

Comment The power to destroy a habitat is nothing... (Score 3, Insightful) 181

The power to destroy a habitat is nothing next to the power of Money.

One must really wonder what is so special about this location, that they A) feel the need to risk damage to the habitats to film, and B) could not be reproduced in a green screen environment like they do everything else.

Comment What an idiot. (Score 1) 48

He decries the lack of games. Does he not understand the purpose of Developer Kits? The whole point, as I understand it, is that Games Developers should get a DK2 and Make Their Game Compatible With It.

You shouldn't be a gamer buying a DK2 and then pouting that there are currently no games supporting it. You wouldn't do the same if you had your hands on a Developer version of a next gen console.

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