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Comment Re:AM radio is nothing in terms of volts. (Score 1) 111

Effective AM antennas are not exactly small

u wot?

I've got an AM radio I listen to semi regularly for the 24/7 crazy phone in (it's LBC in the UK, where AM radio isn't a right wing thing) when I'm doing housework/cooking. It's online too, but you need an account and to provide details so fuck that. It's hand held and also received Radio 4 LW just fine too.

Comment Re:Bad ideas? (Score 1) 287

You haven't actually made a point, apart from an incorrect one about APIs and stated that files are bad and URLs are good.

But no actual argument.

Unix isn't exactly the be all and end all, and it's been somewhat extended with plan 9 and hurd, but Linux then sprouted a bunch of those namespace features too.

So... I guess URLs tell you the protocol but so does simple namespacing.

So what is your point? Why not make it rather than state unsupported assertions?

Comment Re:My first programming language (Score 1) 80

Before any of us even imagined we'd have a computer or a course on it, we "programmed" in text books. The language was mostly GOTO, but might even have the occasional conditional as in, "If you like cheese turn to page 56 otherwise 103". Typical applications were insulting the teacher's appearance, as in "for a picture of the teacher, turn to page 45", where there was a picture of a gorilla.

This was of course, not permitted which made us low-key black hat "hackers". In private school the penalty for this was far too steep. I don't know if public school kids learned how to diagram sentences or not; but we did. I later realized we had been taught parse trees by another name.

Yes, BASIC was my first programming language on an actual computer.

Comment Re:Bad ideas? (Score 1) 287

USB or NIC driver. Left out a word.

Still unclear: do you mean the USB HCI or the gadgets? For the Bluetooth HCI, it makes perfect sense to represent it as a file: you can just fling bytes at it to get it to do stuff. Why not use read()/write() which are already there and the filesystem as the namespace mechanism?

For example.

If you need such an abstraction system wide

The kernel is also there to provide abstractions.

That's what libraries are for.

It's also what kernels are for. You are not as far as I know proposing that the entire FS layer is dropped because fundamentally the mechanisms in USB Flash, spinning disks, NVMe, network filesystems are so different, so why not have specific APIs for each. So it seems you are VERY PASSIONATELY stating that the line SHOULD be draw in a different place.

But you're begging the question: why should it be the way you say?

Meanwhile, the rest of the world can move past your restrictive, antiquated file abstraction to a far more useful set of abstractions.

That's just emotive language with no substance.

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