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Comment Re:Intense skepticism. Fraud? (Score 1) 81

That means there is little electrical resistance, which seems impossible if both electrodes are made of carbon. Metal has low electrical resistance. The electrical resistance of carbon is much higher.

Tell that to the graphene, to the nanotubes and to any superconductors build with high resistance (isolated) materials.

Most of the time, each material have different behaviour than simply the sum of all parts, the interaction between different atoms change their global proprieties

Comment Re:Why swapping stations don't exist (Score 1) 81

No, the battery charge cycle is really the main problem!

everything is expensive when is new, old gas station where also expensive, but when demands grow, so will the deployment.

The problem is that batteries are EXPENSIVE and that price must be paid during the lifetime of the baterry. This makes the all process very expensive, the price of gas is for many people cheaper than having a "monthly" subscription to replace batteries on "gas" stations. This keep the sales and the demand low and everything will keep being expensive and rare.

With longer batteries, their cost can be paid during more time, making everything cheaper (think in airplanes). With cheaper subscription more willl buy EV cars and the demand for gas stations will go up, reducing the deployment cost.

Standardization is quickly solved by the car builders if there is demand, or by the government (think in Europe) to speed up things. Just look to the LPG/GPL cars, they aren't many, but a standard for gas station was created without much trouble.

This problem is always the same: better batteries will solve most problems by improving the demand, being best by much higher energy density, or by being much cheaper or last much longer. If you can get 1 of this, is good, 2 is great, 3 would be as finding the holy grail

Also don't forget that you can also combine batteries, you can use the long lasting battery for the small charge cycles (breaking, plug-in anywhere, solar, etc) and use the high density ones for the nightly charge (and if needed, to keep the other battery on the optimum charge level)

Comment Re:Cheaper beer (Score 1) 264

The old hardware is a useful metric, as no company or public entity will replace desktops each year, they must survive for several years.

in no place i said that one must buy only old hardware, just that companies have then and can use then longer than in windows.

if you want to buy recent machines, why not?
what hardware is missing linux support today? brand new 3D cards? Nvidia and AMD support then but closed drivers, Intel support then with open drivers ( AMD is in each new hardware iteration is releasing faster the open drivers, with the final objective of any latest distros version already have at least basic support for any hardware released). Those cards also don't show up in office workstation
The only things not supported i remember are "retina" displays, but those aren't also found in office workstations yet.

So in linux you can support BOTH older and new hardware. Top level, brand new hardware might not be perfect in linux... but people that want brand new high end machines right now will probably don't want linux too... is just not their style! :)

Comment Re:There was also transition to Linux and... back (Score 3, Interesting) 264

They where using ancient versions of thunderbird and openoffice because of internal rules that didn't allowed upgrades... by doing this, of course any interoperability problem would get worst each year. They even report that updating most software would solve most problems...

So it was not a open source problem directly, but a internal planning and rules that caused the problems. I'm just guessing, but i suspect that the one that made the "no updates" rule didn't knew anything about computers or was already secretly preparing everything to cause problems and propose later a migration.

Comment Re:Cheaper beer (Score 4, Insightful) 264

yeh, right, just because all those problems never happen in windows!!

and it is really just the reverse of what you said. Linux support better older hardware, when it gives errors, is easier to debug and if you have any problem, is a lot easier to verify the system (file checksum, OS and hardware) remotely and clone and replace the faulty desktop if needed. If it is a HD problem, you can even create a fallback network boot to keep the user working (slower, but working) until someone replaces the HD.

Comment Re:Lock-in? (Score 1) 589

i can crop and rotate just fine in LibreOffice...

the rotate is 90 jumps, not free rotate, but for a word processor i think that is OK
Crop, you have to go to the picture properties and choose what how much and where to crop. It's also not a free-on-the-fly crop, but then again, write is not a picture editing tool

Comment Re:Lock-in? (Score 1) 589

Developers usually don't use the help, mostly because they developed it or just look at the source ... so no, this is not a obvious bug.

and again, if it crashes and you can reproduce the crash, you should report it... if it crashes for you, then it will for sure not crash on the developers, or else it was already fixed. Sometimes small tips on crashes make a big hidden bug go away.

Comment Re:Mod parent up (Score 1) 589

Ok, i will bit the troll...

All this post is FUD... at very least is from someone that don't understand how a *nix work.

Why can't apps just work between versions like MacOSX, Solaris, FreeBSD with the compat libs, and even Windows?

What apps stop working because versions of linux, that will not also happen in *bsd? when a app stop working is because the libs are different (ABI if compiled or API if source), sources assumes a compiler behaviour or missing dependencies. If you still have the right dependencies, your app will work... if something fails, a recompile is usually enough. Broken code is still broken code and need to be fixed (or downgrade... a windows 3.1 program will almost for sure not compile in a windows 8 without some changes)

The last big change in linux that turned the old apps incompatible was the a.out to elf migration.
Linus is very strict about never break userlevel API. Kernel level API do change and is up to the company to either open the drivers and collaborate or do the update work herself.
In windows is the same, the kernel drive API can change and is up the companies to supply updated drivers. yes, in windows kernel the kernel drivers API change fewer times, mostly because they release a lot less kernel versions than linux.

I can click on a setup.exe from the XP era and unless it is a horribly written business app requiring local admin (more like win98 style written) it will run on Windows 8 no problem.

just grab the source and recompile... or, like windows, grab a static (or libs included) binary and you can do exactly the same

Why do ATI drivers from 2 years ago not run on Linux? ABI and API compatibilities as Linux developers feel that is evil and encourages binary blobs! Funny no other platform has this problem with them.

they run on linux... just grab a 2 years ago linux version... ohh, you want to use the more current linux version? sure, use the CURRENT binary driver!
why the hell you want to use old drivers on a recent kernel? can you use the windows XP drivers on a windows 8 kernel? most of then it's not possible! if the installer don't have a windows 8 driver, you will hit a brick wall. Binary drivers are always a brick wall when they go unsupported... ALWAYS!

better yet, for a 2 year ago ATI/AMD card, you can just use the open driver and never again look at binary drivers.. that is the power that RMS gave to us all

Socialist ideology about everyone that is closed source is harmful
run, run, the communist will eat our children!! RUN!!
Closed drivers are bad because you never know that when you update your kernel, if those drivers can work... or if they have some bug, you are unable to fix then.
Just look to the android phone market. most older phones can be upgrades to newer versions, not because the linux kernel, but because there are missing drivers for the newer kernels, making it impossible to have a usable phone without support from the manufacturer/chip builder.

Comment Re:Linux developer arrogance (Score 1) 589

Why do you want a binary level compatibility? what are you missing? the last big missing part is the 3D drivers, but open source ones are getting better fast, thanks to the work of intel and amd... even nvidia is reusing their work. With that compatibility layer, i'm sure that the open drivers would never show up... and wel all win if the drive is open instead of closed

Many people in LKML say many things, but the floppy is still there... not everyone agree with those "cleaning tasks" and linux still supports very old hardware. Most of the time it is only removed if is already broken for a long time or is "blocking" something new

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