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Journal orthogonal's Journal: Supporters of Democratic Party candidate John Kerry 51

Please comment here if you support the election of Democratic Party candidate John Kerry to the Presidency of the United States.

Please note: For purposes of the straw poll, John Kerry is considered the presumptive candidate of the Democratic Party.

Anonymous entries will not be included in the final tally. All other entries, even those with text opposing the candidate, will be construed as support for candidate John Kerry. If you support another candidate, please post in the corresponding journal entry.

Please add only a single comment to only one of the four tally journals. Additional comments or advocacy can be added to the latest journal entry which announces this Straw Poll.

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Supporters of Democratic Party candidate John Kerry

Comments Filter:
  • Please sir, may I have my country back now?

  • I am french, therefore support Kerry.
  • I have to admit I am not really excited about John Kerry, but then again he isn't Bush, so what other valid choice is there? Sadly we are pretty much stuck with a two party system here in the States, since convicing the two parties that more than two would be a good thing is impossible, I don't see that changing anytime soon.

    On the upside, I am thinking about changing my name to "None of the above" and running in 2008. If I can get my name listed last on the ballot, I should win by a landslide.

  • not Bush.
    And the only alternative that can actually get elected.
  • I'm holding my nose and voting for Kerry. Apparently a decent man, his chief advantage is that he's not dubya. (And his chief disadvantage is that he's not Kucinich.)
    • I agree, though I will vote for Kerry to remove Bush, I would by much, *much* happier with Kucinich (it was really neat, about two weeks ago, he did an assembly at my school)
  • obligatory text to keep slashdot happy. subject says all.
  • I'm voting for Kerry for the simple reason of practicality. I'd rather vote for Nader, but the current political climate is in desperate need of change.
    • George W. Bush is all for party discipline when it comes to certain points of Republican doctrine, but when it comes down to taking care of the nation's business he's got all the responsiblity of a teenager with the parents out of town and a keg of beer. Spending is OBSCENE, especially on non-essentials.

      It seems that the only way to have fiscal sanity in Washington is to have gridlock, so that one of the (House, Senate, executive) will refuse to let the one(s) in the other party's control take credit for a

  • Most important is to get rid of Bush & Co. Best way to do that, short of the kind of thing that got Bush & Co. into the WH in the first place, is to vote for Kerry.
  • In PA, a swing state, I'm voting for Kerry. Nader would get my vote, but I have to offset the idiots in my state who think that Iraq had something to do with 9/11, had WMD, and that Shrub's tax cuts actually benefitted them. ("Hawt day-am, Nay-deen! We done got ourselfs a hunnet dolla tax re-bay-it! Gawd buh-less Jurge Bush and Nascur!")
  • by Fratz ( 630746 )
    Kerry is Not Bush. That's good enough for me.
  • Voting for Kerry in November
  • I stood 4 hours in the rain in Seattle to see him. Fuck yeah I'm voting for him.

    Add to my open wiki at

  • If Nader was running as Green again, I might vote for him, but no. Registered Green, voting Democrat for President.
  • Unfortunatly, it looks like once again, Florida will get to decide.
  • By the way, how the deuce did this schmuck get the nod? When did everyone blink twice at that Dean chap?
    • Dean didn't put much into the Iowa caucus and in his 3rd place finish speech he unleashed the scream heard 'round the world.

      Apparently the electorate in New Hampshire were a little spooked.
  • I saw his energy speech in Seattle, and while I'm not sure some of his attacks are fair (Bush not protecting our nation's train depots for one), by and large his recognition that the US energy problem cannot be drilled away was right on the money. For this and other reasons, he's got my vote.
  • It's JFK2
  • ... say no to nuclear holocaust!
  • Proud to say that for my 1st prez election i can vote in, it will not be for Bush. While Kerry is not the ideal in my mind, the way we're set up in this nation really only allows for 2 choices, and the other is not much of an option in my mind. As being 19, I am right in the sights of the draft proposals....
  • by benh57 ( 525452 )
  • He may not be the best, but he's the only logical choice as far as I'm concerned, and hopefully a stepping stone.

    I should not have to feel afraid of our government, when I haven't done anything wrong.

    (Note on this thread: This post [] made in this thread should not have been modded down - that's a legit URL, with some very good points.)
  • Yup
  • say about it.
  • thats about all thats positive about him though.
  • And I just gave him $128.

    Of course, I liked Gore as well - I don't know what everyone on the supposed Left's problem was. I should say - I *do* know what they're problem was but it is somewhat bizarre to me.

    Yes, it's true, he wasn't The Revolution.

    On the other hand, who you elect President really just establishes the rules of engagement. If you elect a Democrat and then the entire progressive lobby calls it a day, goes home and takes a nap, you'll continue to get reactionary policy, which is a lot of wha
  • but I sure as hell am not voting for bush
  • Let America be America again. I know he voted for the wretched USA PATRIOT Act, but at least with Kerry we have a chance of getting rid of it.
  • I've been a Kerry supporter for quite a while since he took a stand against drilling in ANWAR. All the ABBA arguments apply as well: crony capitolism, lies about WMD, lies about Iraq and 9/11, lies about the environment, lies about energy plans, lies about education funding, lies about taxes, etc.

    Some thoughts about Bush's lies:

    A lie is important when the people who were lied to take some action based on the misinformation you presented. In this light, my definition of a lie includes:

    • Saying something y
  • there ya go.

  • Bush's tax cuts disproportionately favor the wealthy elite.

    Bush squandered all of the goodwill we had after 9/11.

    Bush is an inerudite bumbling idiot. Our leader should be either well-spoken or a genius, preferably both. But Bush is neither.
  • [X] ....
  • You heard me!
  • I would consider writing-in John McCain (and I recommend this in preference to voting for Bush to any who can't stomach Kerry), however...

    I live in Florida.
  • He's the lesser of two evils, and I hate voting on that basis, but that's the only choice available right now. We simply cannot afford four more years of anti-freedom, pro-theocracy, fanaticism. His actions proove that he's completely disinterested in fighting terrorism (he canceled funding for the program to keep former Soviet atomic materials out of terrorist hands, bungled Afghanistan so badly that recruting for Al Quida is actually *up* from its pre-war levels, etc). His sole interest seems to be bea
  • I'm voting for Democrat John Kerry.
  • Bill Clinton was a liar about his personal affairs and was impeached. Ken Star spent tens of millions to impeach Clinton. GWB2 is a liar and there is NO action underway against him. GWB2 is spending $100 billion and thousands of lives to protect "Freedom" from a threat that did not exist at nearly the level he indicated. I would write myself in as president before I'd vote for GWB2.

    On a tangent, but Tim Bedore sums it up nicely [].
  • ... I voted for Kodos!

    er, Kerry!

  • I actually don't find Kerry liberal enough for own my liking, but clearly between Bush, Kerry, and Nader, my vote has to be pretty obvious.

    Nader would at least not bring much of a social or moral agenda to the office, but other than that I'm a staunch supportor of the A.B.B. (already mentioned, "anybody but bush") crowd.

    At this point if it came down to a vote between Brittany Spears and George Bush, I'd probably wince and actually vote in the first female, underage president.

    Now Michael Jackson vs. Bush

After the last of 16 mounting screws has been removed from an access cover, it will be discovered that the wrong access cover has been removed.
