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Journal perfessor multigeek's Journal: Index of My Journal Entries (v 1.3) 6

When I reached a nice round one hundred and twenty-eight entries, I figured that it was time that I posted an index. After all, the /. one is pretty doggone useless.

Here's the latest revised version. It still has a seventy-one entry gap, and contains only the first and most of the latest. There are also some more recent ones not yet put in. But I think that you may find it of use nonetheless.

1. Brains can suck-or-how NOT to be a successful consultant
Saturday - September 14, 2002 - 4:57AM
I bemoan the sad state of my life. IT was a failure, all my life I've been treated like some sort of freakish walking data appliance, and mainstream society has used me where it can and then dropped me like a hot rock. So I guess that I'm starting my own company.

2. What, exactly, am I *doing*? Hmmm. Good question.
Wednesday - September 18, 2002 - 2:32AM
I briefly explain my situation, provide a few links, and give a little more conceptual grounding about just what my company is about.

3. Open sourcing my information mgmt system
Wednesday - September 18, 2002 - 2:45AM
I mention the possibility of open sourcing my whole information management system. There is exactly no response.

4. smileys vs. characters
Friday - September 20, 2002 - 12:31AM
Is there an inherent and significant value to making a written system capable of both phonemes and representation? History seems to say "yes".

5. Military actions in the REAL WORLD
Friday - September 20, 2002 - 1:19PM
My take on what will happen when we invade Iraq. I predict a quick advance followed by our military suffering "death by a thousand cuts".

6. What do citizens really want?
Saturday - September 21, 2002 - 1:33AM
My willfully "ghetto" neighbors get me thinking about how so many Americans want to be hoodwinked, that "this is what gets people like Bush elected. Millions of Americans are deciding that they *prefer* to be ignorant, amoral, incompetent. That way it's all somebody else's problem. They'll just put on the WWF and have another burger."

7. Who need televison when you've got children?
Sunday - September 22, 2002 - 12:42AM
I visit an old friend for a party in a wealthy suburb and reflect on how comfy life can be once you make that choice to buckle down, close your eyes, and be a "good boy or girl".

8. Rest is GOOD
Tuesday - September 24, 2002 - 2:13PM
I take the day off. This is what an obsessive is like in his downtime.

9. Perspective
Thursday - September 26, 2002 - 1:09PM
I ramble about just what "luxury" means, bellus quies and I flirt and discuss painting, I go over ways to get good clothes very cheaply in NYC

10. Losing my treasured tunnel vison
Friday - September 27, 2002 - 1:59AM
Why I decided to become active on slashdot, how slashdot is changing my perspective and goals, a bit about my background to explain where those concerns and goals came from.

11. journal dynamics
Sunday - September 29, 2002 - 2:44AM
My ode to slashdot. A long and detailed view of why this place is not just a distraction from "more important things".
btw, I strongly suggest following the Vital Stats link.

12. Assassination attempts not reported
Monday - October 7, 2002 - 2:57AM
Our mainstream media is blowing it but good. These days they just ignore major news and who knows how they choose what they do cover. As a former Time, Inc. employee, I make a few comments.

13. Livin' in The Kuiper Belt
Monday - October 7, 2002 - 9:24PM
I lay out my plan for a real approach to settling the solar system. Yeah, Mars is cool. Yeah, warp drive would be nice. But in the real world we should be paying a hell of a lot more attention to the potential of all those billions of square miles of land out there at the edges of the solar system. I lay out some numbers and propose some steps doable today. memfree and I dispute the specifics.

14. We *have* ignition. Finally.
Tuesday - October 8, 2002 - 9:16AM
A minor comment on Atlantis launching. No heavy lifting in any sense.

15. - all the news, dumbed down for *you*!
Tuesday - October 8, 2002 - 9:49AM
I bitch about and provide links to a few meatier options.

16. I'm NEVER getting out of New York
Tuesday - October 8, 2002 - 11:34PM
I get a chance to slide along the edge of deep coolness. Then bellus quies and Com2Kid and I discuss the relevance and coolness of encountering the famous while bellus and I flirt some more.

17. SAP: willful torture, or just bad design
Wednesday - October 9, 2002 - 11:49PM
Anybody out there got a sense of just how bad SAP is? Nobody responds. Maybe it's my pissy comments on slashdot's choices of subjects.

18. And *why* exactly do you call it WASTE?
Tuesday - October 15, 2002 - 10:00PM
So let me get this straight. We spend vast amounts of money to get every ounce up out of the gravity well and then we take anything requiring processing and just throw it away?! I lay out a less pathological approach.

19. OK, so we're pissed at Saddam; now what?
Wednesday - October 16, 2002 - 10:25AM
As the government prepares to invade Iraq, I suggest a less brute force approach. memfree and I get into an extended and very satisfying discussion of the positive and negative of "American" culture.

20. "American" Hegemony: I Think That It's Grand
Thursday - October 17, 2002 - 12:04PM
I lay out a few more aspects of what is right about this gumbo we call "western culture".

21. Soyuz go BOOM! 'nauts go nowhere.
Thursday - October 17, 2002 - 2:28PM
A brief rant about the screwed up nature of our space program.

22. As Rustin gets to see memfree's side of things
Friday - October 18, 2002 - 10:15PM
I get disgusted at the contents of our supermarkets and the system that causes them to be that way. A whole passel of folks (memfree, gmhowell, Com2Kid, and mekkab) wade in with good comments on "real food" versus the muck sold to the masses.

23. Jet packs: a dram of history
Saturday - October 19, 2002 - 2:11AM
A brief explanation of what really happened to the very real attempts to make jet packs back in the sixties and seventies.

24. I'm baaaack!
Friday - November 8, 2002 - 12:08AM
gmhowell and I talk about who (Yemen, Saudi Arabia) the Bush administration should be targeting if they really want to cut away at terrorism.

25. The Freedom Pack, what should it be?
Friday - November 08, 2002 - 9:39PM
With so many of us having talked about saner approaches to culture war in the Middle East, I ask, "okay, so what would you airdrop in to undermine somebody like Saddam?"

26. first post(er)
Thursday - November 14, 2002 - 12:02AM
A national wholesaler decides to carry my poster. I dribble anxiety bits all over my chance for celebration. Various folks pull me together and ask what the heck I'm rambling about.
(P.S. Since that day the retailer has reordered three times and now does their own custom version.)

27. "Normal" ain't never coming back. Get used to it.
Friday - November 15, 2002 - 6:09PM
I take a stroll through lower Manhattan. The continuing realities of the post-9/11 world make it clear that it's a whole new world.

28. Flames, flames, everywhere.
Sunday - November 17, 2002 - 5:48PM
After I talk about stress and flaming a bit, a bunch of folks take on the question, is there any good substitute out there for the phrase "bitch-slapped"?

29. rambling, nothing much more.
Tuesday November 19, 2002 - 9:20PM
I bitch and ramble about flaming and girlfriends. Mekkab adds a bit of perspective.

30. Homeland Security Bill is in, 90 to 9
Wednesday November 20, 2002 - 9:58AM
The official start date of our new proto-fascist world. I provide a point by point reality check.
As I write this summary, a year and a half later, I wonder how long it will take congresscritters to start repudiating this vote the way so many have long been trying to distance themselves from their votes in favor of our current Iraq insanity.

31. Clothing
Friday November 22, 2002 - 11:39AM
"A couple of my fellow male geeks have posted stuff recently about clothes and I admit that I am confused. [folks], clothes are language! This is hackable code and it lets you hack, in a small way, the behaviors of the people around you."
Com2Kid, bellus quies, and I go over the mechanics in detail of Clothes and the Modern Geek.

- Big Honkin' Gap of JEs To Be Filled In Later -
Yeah, I'm hoping to get to them sometime soon. Below, as promised, you can find the most recent stuff.


Here we go.

102. I'm asking YOU
Monday January 19, 2004 - 12:17PM
I ask, "So, let's say that somebody actually implements the kind of thing that we've talked about, where Americans really are sent out there to do good works in ways that are not just blatant extensions of our military and commercial interests. Would you be willing to go?"
This then result mostly in pages and pages of discussion trying to lay out the specs of how this could actually be done.

103. So ya wanna be a rocket scientist?
Wednesday January 21, 2004 - 1:16AM
Our collective detailed overview of what it would take to bypass all this government mahooey and just build some more Saturn Vs using the original basic spec and off-the-shelf modern technologies. Again, Ritchie2000 and others contribute at least as much as I do.
This one, btw, has just pages and pages of specifications. Someday some college kid will simply reformat this JE and hand it in as a paper.

104. Am I STILL Supposed To Pretend That I Consider Bush "Elected"?
Friday January 23, 2004 - 2:17AM
As the evidence of the deep criminality fundamental to the Bush Administration piles higher and higher (in this case, a great overview of the circumstances of the 2000 Florida "vote count" and GOP operatives breaking into computers to steal position papers) why am I supposed to pretend that these people constitute a legitimate government? And, more importantly, what can we do to counter their actions?

105. Sex Slaves: What Should We Be Doing?
Monday January 26, 2004 - 11:34AM
With all our technology and billions of dollars of law-enforcement apparatus, why do we still have a huge trade in human beings? And what should we be doing about it?

106. Here In NYC, Some Things Never Change
Thursday February 12, 2004 - 12:46PM
The winners of a major high school competition are plastered all over the news but just about any reference to winners from my alma mater is stripped out or simply not done. Media bias sucks.

107. Yes, I Reluctantly Concede That I Have Good News
Monday February 16, 2004 - 4:23AM
I meet yet another cute, smart, New York single woman and for once we hook up. After a few weeks of tentative dating and a sweet Valentine's Day dinner, I figure I should let you folks know. This turns out to be less then two weeks before she cryptically disappears, only later going into her reason on her blog.

108. NY Post Quotes Me on . . . Dumpster Diving?
Monday March 01, 2004 - 06:05PM
The Post does a story on dumpster diving that quotes (and misquotes) me extensively. I provide a link but also a copy of what I actually wrote to the journalist in question.
Since then, btw, this story has propagated and my name now turns up more in Google in copies of this article then in anything else. Hey, it's all good as long as they spell your name (W)right.

109. Ah, Makes Me Feel Young Again (Aw, Sh*t!)
Thursday - March 4, 2004 - 11:32AM
A front page thred on an announcement of Phillips brings back harsh memories of working on a related invention back in the mid-eighties.

110. A Quick Note on Saddam's Capture
Saturday - March 6, 2004 - 12:20PM
I attempt to clear up a misconception and correct a previous mis-statement of mine.

111. Law Vs. Ethics Vs. Religion Is IN THE HOUSE!!!
Monday - March 8, 2004 - 2:41PM
Nothing more or less then a link to the serious, energetic, and broad debate on sexuality-related issues going on in gmhowell's journal.

112. Losing My Patience with Liars
Tuesday - March 09, 2004 - 2:52PM
The structural and inherent dishonesty of some of the anti-gay debaters finally spends the last of my tolerance. They are predictably defensive and miffed.

113. Let's Have Some Sympathy for the Homophobes
Wednesday - March 10, 2004 - 11:34AM
After a period of enraged and widespread debate on the issues related to homosexuality and the law, I remind folks trhat none of us are Simon pure in all of this.

114. A Look at "Anti-Terrorism" Policy
Thursday - March 11, 2004 - 4:57PM
I reprint and expand upon an article laying out the appaling realities behind the Bush Adminsitrations claims to have reduced the risk of terrorism. Billions spent, our privacies violated, and we'ld probably have been better off not doing most of it.

115. Hello, goodbye.
Thursday - March 11, 2004 - 9:14PM
Since my billables are a disaster and sleep is a distant memory, I warn slashdot that I won't be around as much for a while. (And we've alll seen how that worked out.)

116. There is Do. There is Not Do. There is No Try
Sunday - March 14, 2004 - 5:16PM
After doing another Caustic debate I positively dance with vituperative glee.

117. Gay Marriage @ NYC City Hall Today:You're Invited
Thursday - March 18, 2004 - 9:46AM
What it says.

118. Hooking Up On The City Hall Steps
Thursday - March 18, 2004 - 10:05PM
Three gay couples get married on the City Hall steps. Since I was there, I give my blithely subjective impressions. Links to articles in more mainstream outlets are provided.

119. Context
A sequence that caught my attention. What do *you* think?
Friday - March 19, 2004 - 9:42AM

120. Stepping A Little Further Out of "Society"
Sunday - March 21, 2004 - 11:27PM
With blls far beyond "due" and clients not paying, I get dropped yet further into financial and emotional hell as my broadband connection dies and Time/Warner brings "tech support" to a new low standard. All of which stiffens my resolve to scale up and go off-grid.

121. Our Kids Can Tell Us
Wednesday - March 24, 2004 - 11:27AM
A bunch of us wade into the problem of jargon and obstructive language in textbooks and American culture.

122. Jo Miller explains the UK to YOU!!
A former Oxbridge resident provides a, urm, helpful guide for Americans in Britain.
Wednesday - March 24, 2004 - 11:17PM

123. Hate
The bilious and discouraged shriek of a bitter and miserable day.
Tuesday - March 30, 2004 - 1:53PM

124. A Few Thoughts on Mel's "The Passion"
A local minister's letter on shortcomings in Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ(sic) and my comments on that.
Thursday - April 01, 2004 - 3:46AM

125. Speaking of Saucer Cults . . .
Comments on the state of uncertainty and paranoia that we now endure as the litany of Bush-related media distortions grows.
Friday - April 2, 2004 - 2:18AM

126. Well, I *guess* I should be happy about this.
I bitch, mostly with little justification, about editorial choices regarding a published article of mine.
Wednesday - April 07, 2004 - 2:17PM

127. A Different Kind of Sound
An evening in Williamsburg with the Squeezebox Orchestra.
Saturday - April 10, 2004 - 12:14PM

128. Just to be Sure That I've Offended Everybody . . .
I speculate on a link between the history of Arab regional economies and a cultural lack of acceptance of personal responsibility.
Tuesday - April 13, 2004 - 2:19PM

129. Free Stuff for Blacksmiths & Carpenters (& . . . )
A posting to let everybody know about copious quantities of wood, plants, and other stuff free for the taking. Nobody responded, or at least nobody here. My posts elsewhere resulted in dozens of people coming and taking about a small truckload or two of various cool things.
Friday - April 16, 2004 - 10:53 AM

130. Serving Fair Warning
Thursday April 22, 2004 - 2:15PM
As my deeply fucked up family re-emerges from the muck, I serve notice that if and when this journal is interfered with it will be first of all made friend-only and if that doesn't work, shut down and moved to a location I can better control.
Mostly I spew rage and bile venting my frustration that I'm having to waste my time on this shit at the age of thirty-seven.

135. Umbrellas Should Be For COLLECTING Rain
Thursday May 6, 2004 - 8:46PM
Plans laid out for a low-entry cost way to collect rainwater. A robust discussion gives a pretty decent set of critiques as well as discussion of typical water usage, toxicities, and other related concerns.

137. "Patent it"
Monday May 10, 2004 - 10:54AM
In case there was any ambiguity left at all, let me make it clear right here, everything on this journal is copylefted for non-commercial purposes. Though documentation of use would be nice.

138. Management Consulting and Abu Ghraib
Monday May 10, @11:50AM
Yup, wouldn't ya just know that the commanding officer at Abu Ghraib was, in her civilian life, a "business consultant" from Hilton Head?

139. Military Service - A Veteran Speaks
Monday May 10, 2004 @3:31PM
An extended quote on the dehumanizing and undermining nature of military service from Alexander Kuprin, novelist and veteran officer of the Tsar's Imperial Army.

140. Physics Is Your Phriend
Wednesday May 12, @11:11AM
A useful household tip for cleaning rust off with dilute acid.

All for now,
This discussion has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Index of My Journal Entries (v 1.3)

Comments Filter:
  • s/.*id=([0-9]*)/http:\/\/\/~perfessor% 20multigeek\/journal\/$1/

    Or something like that.:P

    In other words, replace with /
    • Oops and thanks. I was wondering how well the URLs would work.
      I did this (and am doing this) with some hand editing and *lots* of search and replaces (BBEdit is my friend) and even then I was starting out with the URL from the "view all journal entries" page as /. provides it, which doesn't even include the http. Yep, that's right, URLs provided by /. are not compliant with the high standards required by /. for posts.
      Looks like I've got a few more iterations to go, hmm?

  • I warn slashdot that I won't be around as much for a while. (And we've all seen how that worked out.)

    I was going to ask about that (not complain, mind you, just ask). Not only do you seem to have found time enough for love but you have time to index your JEs? I call obsessive/compulsive/timemachine disorder.

    (Oh, and there's a Heinlein novel in this post. Don't rightly know how it got there, but I guess it's Friday. Oh. Damn. OK. That makes two.)

    • Actually, a large part of why I write JEs is to hash out ideas that are supposed to eventually be used for essays or saleable overviews for my company.
      In the normal world I'm terrible at sitting down and writing version 1.0 of anything so I figured (correctly as it turned out) that /. was low-pressure enough that I would be able to crank out version 1.0s and focus on what I'm far more comfortable with, revision and expansion. After all, not only does this place give me a sympathetic (enough) forum, even bet

Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later. -- F. Brooks, "The Mythical Man-Month"
