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Programming IT Technology

Curl Instead of Java or JavaScript? 252

janpod66 writes: "Tim Berners-Lee is putting his weight behind a new programming language designed by David Kranz intended to replace existing client-side programming languages like Java and JavaScript, as well as HTML. You can find more information at InteractiveWeek. Dertouzos, head of MIT's Lab for Computer Science is also involved. You can also find more information at the startup company's web site. They have programming manauls on their web site. It looks vaguely like a mix of Tcl, Lisp and C (lots of low-level type declarations possible). They also provide a brief rationale. Now, I'm the first to admit that HTML, XML, DOM, JavaScript, Java, and style sheets have become rather complex. Actually, Curl looks pretty nice and clean. But does it stand a chance? And is going with something new, untried like this better than going with mature, widely understood technology?"
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  • by Anonymous Coward
    BTW, I for one wouldn't put HTML/XML/DOM(???) in the same sentence as Java, Javascript. HTML/XML et cetera are page or data desciptions while Java/Javascript/VBScript are programming or script languages ...
  • by Anonymous Coward
    My browser supports the XXX language very well; perhaps you need to look harder for your porn?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Tim Berners-Lee is putting his weight behind a new programming language...

    Everyone is missing the real reason behind Tim Berners-Lee's advocacy of Curl. He's an investor and on the board of Curl. Need to say more?

  • by Anonymous Coward
    You don't have to imagine it.

    Just look at the Common LISP Object System (CLOS).

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Java: an object oriented language that is compiled into an Applet which is downloaded to your browser and executed on a virtual machine. Because it is precompiled into an Applet, it is much faster than Javascript (after it's downloaded).

    Java also runs programs as applications, not merely applets for your browser.

  • I have to wonder why perl seems to be falling out of favor.

    Try starting your next project like this:

    #!/usr/bin/env python

    And you too will know the secret.

  • A truly nifty multi protocol grabber:
    has the same name as this.... erms.. thing.. though I can't verify it.. I do belive the curl.haxx.se folks have been using the curl name longer then the language dudes..

    Too bad the curl.haxx.se folks didn't trademark.. now I'm going to have constant confusion with the term Curl!

    I realy wish the language dudes would change their name!
  • The name "Curl" has been in use for years by a open source url downloading program by Daniel Stenberg. This program is now in its seventh major release version. See the Curl web site [curl.haxx.se] for more information.

    As an erstwhile contributor to the original Curl, I am a little annoyed they did not bother to check freshmeat.net first to see if the name they had chosen was already in common use.

    Other than that, I do not see how this technology has any serious potential unless they plan to submit it as a fully documented, patent-free international standard capable of independent implementation.
  • by Glytch ( 4881 )
    Now I can scream "HURRRRRRRRY!!! HURRY HARRRRRRRRRRDDDD!!!" at my computer and have an excuse!
  • Sun's Java is not portable. Just write complicated code according to the Sun specs and it will not run on Microsoft VM and vice versa.

    Provide a code sample, or shaddup...
  • As and when they open source it and kill any patents, I'll look again. You cannot beat good enough and cheap with perfect and expensive, especially not when good enough is already ubiquitous - ask NeXT.

    And, lose the monitoring crud and silly EULA; anyone who thinks they can make money from a tollbooth on an empty road is nuts.
  • Because they haven't gotten their time's worth out of Java yet. If you spend a couple of years learning & practicing Java (or any language/utility), you don't want to just throw away that knowledge and move on for no good reason. Plus, Java was/is a better solution than most of the other tools available at the time; it doesn't look (at this point) like this offers that much of an advantage over Java to make the move compelling.
  • We should stick with the languages we already know and know well.

    Nice site. When you mouse over a nav link it disappears. And the date is displayed as

    Friday, April 6, 101

    I guess it *is* Joe COBOL programming it.

    Pains me to see stuff like that; I work at The Company Formerly Known As MicroFocus. :-)

  • That's why we should give up on html and java/javascript and return to a language that everyone already has on his computer: Basic. Thanks to the diligent efforts of Microsoft and other companies, who have brought Basic into the 21st century, Basic already enjoys a bigger userbase than any other language (except perhaps Fortran's). Because so many programmers grew up writing their first programs in Basic, there exists a fluent userbase already. Basic is easily extensible and rather object-oriented when you consider its vast legacy.

    Rather than interesting this post should have been moderated as funny. While not wanting to start a flame war I have to say that Basic is one of the least expressive languages that I have ever worked with. On top of that the syntax is just horrible. Just my 2 though. I know that there are many skilled vb programmers out there. It's just that I have never found one. ;)

  • All they have to do is to convince Microsoft to include it in their next release of IE.

    Actually, with the Scripting Host support built into Windows, you can run client-scripts in IE and ASP-scripts in IIS in any language supporting it. This includes MS' own VBScript and JScript (of course) plus Python and Activestate PerlScript, at least. But those aren't deployed much so people simply assume that scripts in web pages == J(ava)Script and ASP == VBScript.

  • If Tim really wanted to make the web a better place, he should push to get rid of the requirements for XHTML to be properly nested, well-formed, and closed. It may seem like a good idea to us coders, but a bad idea to people who find HTML confusing enough already.

    It seems to me that forcing the nested-container format makes HTML less confusing: one need not memorize the strange exceptions where they don't need closing tags. And it makes it easy for tools to find where the document is malformed. It's a win for novices and coders alike.

  • The difference, of course, is that I can use Java and JavaScript for the low price of FREE, and support is included in most browsers without the hassle of a plug-in.

    Curl, on the other hand, wants to charge by the character for commercial content, and your customers will be forced to install their goofy plug-in to boot. Oh, and they want to force you to learn another language as well, that makes sense.

    Face it, the folks behind Curl are clearly insane. Their mousetrap might be better at killing mice, unfortunately it irradiates the entire neighborhood and makes your house unsuitable for human habiation for the next 1e237 years.

  • The minimum payment for commercial Curl usage is $1000 per month and the maximum is $50000 per month based on the characters of Curl content sent. I don't know what kind of magic Curl claims to be doing. But the bits from your images and text have to get to the client somehow. My guess is that they aren't doing a better job than PNG, JPEG, and Apache with mod_gzip.

  • We have all seen what has happened to the VC driven Dot Com's and their startup kin. They thought (mistakenly for the most part) that the only database that was likely to be "good enough" was Oracle, and so they paid through the nose for it.

    This made Oracle happy (in the short run) because they made a great deal of profits, but it made these profits by and large from a group of customers that are now unlikely to be repeat customers. Meanwhile the wiser startups (the ones you haven't heard of because they didn't buy Super Bowl commercials and haven't been listed on fuckedcompany.com) decided that some other database was "good enough" and they might actually be around again to buy upgrades in the future. If their needs grow from their success they might even actually need Oracle the second time around (but they will be able to afford it now). The fact of the matter is that for some workloads there simply is no choice but Oracle. They sell the only tool that is "good enough."

    I can guarantee you that in the long run Oracle will either earn the premium that their customers pay, or they will have to lower their price (or go out of business). Oracle has plenty of competition, and most workloads do not come anywhere close to requiring their database.

  • Well said. There is no way that Curl has any chance of being succesful given that it is competing with several well tested (and well-known) systems that do essentially the same thing for free.

  • curl is competing with several entrenched technologies, and both Flash and Java Applets have progressed a great deal over the last couple of years

    Flash looks nice and has been embraced by the web design community due to it allowing better graphics/layout than all those cranky HTML/Java solutions and good tools for non programmers beeing available.

    But its download time is a bad joke. It has spawned a sub genre of "loading"-flics, not unsimiliar to the pre-film fill material of older cinema days.

    Its seems to run reasonably well on its few supported plattforms. (Except for the Netscape 6 desaster)

    Java could have been very promising on the graphical side (look for example over there at John Maeda's applets [maedastudio.com] ) but it is also a PITA regarding download times (SWING, Baby!).

    Plus Java's mutation rate has degraded the easiness of embodying an applet with a simple APPLET tag into a nightmare of version mismatchs between applets and browsers/VMs and forces users into using a Sun tool to construct a proper sh*tload of JavaScript that figures on what browser it sits and pulls in a proper Java VM in case the browser is too old.

    On the other hand who would not forgive Netscape to give up the internal VM and stick that cr*p into an external plugin, if the internal VM was guilty of a big lot of bugs. (Run once, debug anywhere)

    And of course has anyone written a Java tool suited for those non programmers that web designers are yet?

    Thus Flash is partly useful to the artists and Java partly useful to the hackers.

    If curl is useful to both it will have a chance on the web. It seems to address graphical expressiveness (and more than managing a fixed rectangle in the browser), intelligent downloading strategies, obligations as programming language, obligations for non programmers (providing authoring tools).

    Its lack of cross plattfrom right now however is very bad.

    I also have no clue, if any open implementation will be possible.

  • It seems that these people are from the old Dot COM school of business. Invent something cool, but try and make money on something that is competing against that is free! Netscape knows quite well what happens when you try that. (BTW I pretty much ONLY use Netscape)

    I am all for making money off internet based products, but there are some things that don't lend themselvs to be "for charge". What would have happened if CERN charged for every character served out to an HTTP Browser? Do you think the net would have taken off? Just think of the cost of relearning a new language, making sure all your clients are compatable, and then paying for thier licencing... Customers commit to an annual volume of between $12,000 and $600,000, payable in equal monthly installments, with a minimum of $1,000 per month.

    I say kill it now quietly before clueless CIO's get suckered into paying for something that will go the way of the DODO in a couple months...
  • Personally, I'm still waiting for a language that will replace current server-side languages, rather than client-side.

    You know -- things like shell scripting, TCL, Ada, and C.

  • Now Curl.

    Yesterday, Eazel just announced Reef [gnome.org], yet another attempt to do the same thing Microsoft announced with .NET which is similar to Dave Hyatt's XUL [mozilla.org] (+CSS+JS) for the Mozilla project which promised to do what Java was supposed to do.

    All this so I can subscribe to my word processor on a monthly basis?

    Kinda depressing.

    Seriously, can't we all get together and decide on a single system without everyone going off doing their own thing?

    Answer: No.

  • Because Sun has it locked up tighter than an Martha Stewart's hieney.

    Except, of course, the specs are freely available for anyone to implement. How is that "locked up"?

    The key points are:

    1. Java and Javascript have become de facto standards, as has Macromedia's Flash technology and RealMedia's streaming technology.
    2. Microsoft are trying to butt into the first and last via their .NET architecture and Windows Media.
    3. Curl will be a YALL. (Yet Another Losing Language), and can join the queue to the soup kitchen behind Eiffel, Dylan, Tcl, Smalltalk and all the others which were "supposed" to win because, like, they were best and it was just a matter of time before the rest of the world would notice.

    Java and Javascript won because they had corporate backing, and good "marketing" because they were 'in' webpages. Oh, and because they contain good ideas, and the proponents of the languages can actually communicate with the rest of the world and don't simply assume that the language will psionically make people use it by its mere existance.

  • Well, that's all server-side.

    Nope, Scripting Host works client-side in IE as well. You just need to specify e.g. "text/python" as the language. For an example, see my multiplication table [toriver.nu] (in Norwegian, but it demonstrates the concept).

  • Oh geeze, it's the Basic guy again...

    C-X C-S
  • We should stick with the languages we already know and know well.

    CobolScript [cobolscript.com]

  • There already is a CURL, it is a Cnet URL. No joke, this is what they call it. Curls are used in PRISM or story server, which IS a server side programming language based on Tcl, with extensions.

    Personally I am looking for a server side language that is better than JSP and Servlets. Perl is okay, and mod_perl is better, but can get messy, Php is good, but does not cache like Story Server.

    On another note this is exclusionaly technology in its current form. It does not work with Netscape 6, it does not work on Linux or Unix at least that is what there system requirements say, no not even Mac either. So they inventeda new plugin.. BFD there are lots of those, and unless it is an open standard that anyone can implement then it is useles to me and would deter me from visiting that site.

    Hey M$ is even talking about making there C# an open standard. Of course they wont make it open enough it will still have COM/DCOM/ActiveX hooks.

    Who would have thought that the WWW would have become the World Wide Divide? Maybe they should detect a browser and say, "your browser maker is to dumb to make a browser that works with the standards! Please go away. (lol)

    I don't want a lot, I just want it all!
    Flame away, I have a hose!

  • Nice try Bill! We're on to you!
  • In addition to the "public web" of pages that we all surf, the web has been jumped on as a platform for development of applications for businesses - intranets and extranets. This requires real programmability. You're asking for a content & presentation model designed to do nothing but render static content, but that would limit the current usefulness and future of the web.

    As for the "people who find HTML confusing enough already", in my experience, they mostly use products that allow them to avoid dealing with HTML.

  • by sharkey ( 16670 )
    CGI is a scripting language?

  • The main pox infecting the pustules of the web is client side scripting. Every browser invented by the mind of man treats every client side language differently, making the authorship of working code a Death March. [amazon.com]

    Browsers as they exist can barely (and sometimes not) handle the much easier task of rendering a page, and until one put a standards compliant page on the web AND HAVE IT APPEAR SIMILARLY on 99.5% of the browsers in use WE DON'T NEED NO STINKING CLIENT SIDE SCRIPTING!!!

    MOVE 'ZIG'.
  • Could you please clarify what, exactly you mean by those terms? To me, "mature" would mean little or no cross platform/cross browser compatibility issues... which is clearly not the case with JavaScript or CSS... to say nothing of HTML.
  • At my last company, resumes that featured "Java/JavaScript" went instantly into the atomic shredder.
  • by hugg ( 22953 )
    That reminds me, I have a flash animation I want to run in lynx, but it says "plug in not available, use color xterm" ... who knows what this means? I'm running on a Diablo teleprinter.
  • One red flag that went off immediately is the advocating of integrating code and data.

    I dont understand the rationale behind integrating them - they are 2 very different things. Developers need to be able to change one without the other, hence the recent rise of the old MVC paradigm in the JSP world (mixing the Java code in the HTML page makes for a mess because designers have to work around it, and it gets hard for coders to manage.)

    So why does Curl suddenly think it grand to re-mix all the code and data? Can anyone explain this to me?

    Aside from this, I don't see any reason to code in Curl. There's lots of mindshare and knowledge out there in HTML + DOM + CSS + JavaScript. Sure, it can be a pain sometime, but there are a lot of people out there working to make it better. Why turn that distributed responsibility over to a company with a proprietary technology? I'd rather just improve upon the current open standards.

  • My initial impression of the language itself after looking at the text formatting example is that it looks hard to parse. There's no clear distinction between control syntax and data. I think HTML/SGML/XML looks easier to parse (at least initially)
  • Netscape did their share - layer tags, blink tags, CSS that doesn't work half the time forcing use of font tags - and actually IE 5 on the Mac is quite standards compliant.

    Though, having spent all day dealing with javascript, I'd rather that I could someday, within my lifetime, code to a single standard.

    Then all I have to do is fix shitty dreamweaver code.

    Boss of nothin. Big deal.
    Son, go get daddy's hard plastic eyes.

  • According to their web site OS/2, OS/400, MPe/ix ports are on the way.

    As for the others it's already been ported to 45 platforms I am sure if the there is any demand it will be ported. How hard would it be port it tru64 unix when it already runs on aix, irix, solaris etc.

    It's kind of odd that there is no palm support however.

  • ...that can write PHP, DHTML and HTML 4 in full specification without an HTML 'editor' like Frontpage or Dreamweaver, and I will show you a man who hates his existence due to inefficiency and excessive convolutedness.


  • Anyone who thinks JavaScript is mature has obviously not seen this [andover.net] :)
  • Does anyone know if there are alternatives for LiveConnect out there that give greater cross-browser compatability? Javascript is OK to get done what you want to, but it's singlethreaded. LiveConnect allows me to tap into the JavaVM and have a multithreded codebase. We're presently using Liveconnect to connect the browser to XML-RPC on the clients JavaVM, and making multiple simultanous asyncronous calls...

    We're planning on coming up with an alternative, cause JavaVm is slow to load, hard to configure on the client.

    Does anyone know of a JavaScript only implementation of RPC server calls that works asynchronously (multithreaded) on both NS and IE?

    Even a "synchonized" block in Javascript would be helpful. (You could use the multiple frames of a browser and use the *browser* to make the calls as a POST request and let JavaScript wait for the server to give a response, but it's hard to synchronize the JavaScript to control the frames....

  • 2) Redefine a new comment indicator.

    shell: #
    C: /* */
    C++: //
    asp: '
    curl: ||
    SQL: -- (some, not all?)
    Javadoc: /** **/
    lisp: ;
    vim: "
    Forth: \

    These are just the ones I know...

  • What are the chances that TIBET [technicalpursuit.com] will ship?
  • Heh, just taking a quick glance at the language itself, not commenting about the nontechnical aspects, I found it really REALLY humorus what you find in the "Curl Advanced Features" document:

    1. Classes
    2. Class Members
    3. Strings
    4. Collections
    5. Hash tables
    6. Memory Management
    Note that this documents follows the 200 page "beginners/basic features guide"...

    I can see it now: "our language is so technologically advanced that you can use STRINGS if you become an expert in it." and "yeah well sure perl has nice hash's that they tell you about in the first chapter of learning perl. You can read about it on page 99 of the advanced features guide!"

    -Chris [nondot.org]

  • by passion ( 84900 )

    The last time that I heard of a "CURL" was when it was in reference to that POS system that Vignette hacked together, and when I was shipped off against my will to one of their training seminars. They used to refer to "Custom" URL, where you do some thing ugly like wired news: http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,42774,00. html the comma separated shit actually keys to a cached file in your database system...

    BTW, the first "0," means absolutely nothing.

  • But, there are things like PHP whose rise has been nothing but astounding...

    But that is a server side technology, so you can change your site over to php and nobody will even know (except that is has some cool new features). To adopt a new client side standard (like Curl) you need support from a lot of people: the major browser makers (to add support in their browsers), and most users (to upgrade to that new browser).

    Most companies will still want to support older browsers anyway, so doing Curl will just add another level of complexity to the mess.

    I'm much more interested in server side tech like XML/XSL that lets me use logical formatting for the data, but to then render it out in standard html (or SWF, or WAP, or PDF). If I want to change the data, I change only the data. If I want to change the formatting, I change only the template. I've been doing this for a long time with my own perl/database kludges, but it would be nice to have a standard format for it.
  • 1) It's a damn browser plug-in.

    2) Does this sound familiar?
    Surge [Curl] is currently for Microsoft Windows only - Macintosh and Linux coming soon!

    Translation: Windows development takes priority and we release for this platform first (versus other projects that *truly* support all platforms and develop their releases in tandem).

    3) How much space?!
    Total installation will be ~ 17Mb depending on system configuration.

    People will rush out ASAP and download this you say?

  • It just seems like this isn't going to stand a good chance against the already established tools out there today. People have spent a lot of time learning and developing with java and javascript, not to mention such things as flash and things like that. Will people really have the time to spend on learning a new language? (even if it is cleaner or slightly easier to use?) With so many different methods out there now, I'm afraid even a good alternative will be lost inthe jumble.

  • I can't believe Bernars-Lee is behind this. The documentation for it is in PDF.
  • http://www.curl.com/html/technology/documentation. jsp

    I guess they can't afford to pay per-character for the use of CURL on their pages... :)

  • One is slow and buggy, the other one is slower and even more buggy.
  • I've looked at it, it's EXACTLY like LISP except they replaced the parentheses with curly brackets just to say that it isn't LISP. Looks like everyone is trying to avoid to look to lispish these days. I wonder why.
  • Especially when future competitors use them on their web pages:

    http://www.curl.com/html/technology/documentation. jsp

    Seriously though, any new language is good, despite what anybody says. A different way to attack a problem always brings insight into solving others.

  • IMHO the basic rationale they provide for eth existence of CURL is flawed, based on mistaken assumptions. From their site:

    • Slow response. To dynamically update any new data within a page, the Web server must re-send and the browser must redraw the entire page.

    re-drawing the entire page is a red herring - the issue here is speed of response, which is ruled by three factors: 1. processing speed, 2. available system resources, and 3. web connection speed. Their assumption is that server-side processing is inherently slower than client-side, but that isnt true nowadays by default because server-side processing actually is more efficient than client side on all these fronts.

    the trend of most content-heavy websites is towards heavy duty server hardware with efficient server-side engines like PhP or mod_perl. Compare that hardware and software environment to a typical client-side desktop which suffers from M$ bloat, multi-tasking, and limited hardware. Unless you have server-grade hardware and don't use any other programs while surfing, you're probably not going to be able to execute code a.out in less time than it would take the server to execute it AND deliver it to you.

    speaking of delivery, consider that the trend is towards cable modems, ISDN, and DSL and away plain old dialup. True not everyone has fat pipes (I don't , myself) but why design a technlogy for the past?

    The first rationale basically is saying, "if you have a really slow connection, super-expensive hardware, and don't multi-task when browsing, you can benefit!" - what subset of users fit this profile?

    • Inflexibility. Data is transmitted inefficiently from server to client because HTML forces data and layout information to be fully expanded. This increases the size of the data packet delivered - and the cost to deliver it.

    odd they are talking about cost of delivery, when you can deliver content for free using PhP and HTML and it costs you PER CHARACTER to deliver content via CURL :P

    granted, server-side processing sends the Whole Enchilada. Your 5-line PHP file expands to 100 lines of HTML and jscript. so what? if your connection is fast you won't notice, and if your hardware isn't state of the art you will wait for local compile time anyway. Just like you do now for Java (which is why IMHO Java sucks for web but rules for everything else).

    • Big downloads. HTML requires extra coding to handle layout, boosting download size.

    well, actually if you follow CSS you can separate content and layout without installing Yet Another Plugin and also minimize complex nested tabling. Assuming you use Opera or IE anyway :) To be fair they should compare CURL vs HTML + CSS, not CURL vs HTML alone, if they want to talk about layout affecting code design.

    they should rethink these issues a bit more :) seems like they are trying to invent something unneccessary. For any real client side application requirements you would probably want stable Java anyway.
  • you can reassign a function pointer at runtime, something you cannot do in Java.

    Just change the object.

    Rate me on Picture-rate.com [picture-rate.com]
  • Looking at some of the technical docuemnts, it seems that they are designing "curl" to be fairly comprehensive. It can be run as an applet inside a web browser, compiled and run as an application, run as a script, or preprocessed and distributed for faster linking and runtime of reusable code.

    Currently, the scripting option is not supported :(

    Some of the syntax is a little strange, but I am assuming that it is related to LISP. It appears to support object and object orientated coding paradigms, but also incorporates some cool ideas from LISP - you can reassign a function pointer at runtime, something you cannot do in Java.

    I wonder how this will stack up against Micro$oft's C# and the .NET initiative. It seems to be a direct competitor to those technologies. The only drawback seems to be the syntax - very different from Java and C/C++

  • the web logs of one of the top three busiest sites in the world shows that people do in fact use late-model browsers.
  • This isn't intended as flamebait, but is something that needs to be pointed out. It seems that Slash's editors have long since written off Java as "something for web browsers", but in fact (as those of us who do this stuff for a living know) Java these days is FAR AND AWAY most used in back-end software - enterprise applications, application servers, etc. Granted, these aren't tools that most websites use, or ever will - and that's the point; Java is NOT JUST A WEBSITE OR WEB-BROWSER LANGUAGE! It has great stuff for that, sure. But that's not it's strength.

    Probably everyone to read this either (1) already knows that or (3) could care less and wants to get back to trolling. Well, fine. Have fun. But just keep that in the back of your mind.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Anyone wanting to compete in the evolution of the web should be welcome. However, reading the link, I have a number of misgivings.

    first, what exactly does curl offer that Java doesn't? It is a programming language plus client side environment ( say java), it offers a rich GUI,( say java) etc.

    Second, the idea is that the separation of interactive code and static content is a hurdle. I don't think so. This separation allows different professionals to deal with their aspect of the product. It may be that some better way to deal with this separation is needed, but having every web developer be in charge simultanuously of programming the interaction and formatting the content seems to me less than desired.

    Third, I am not sure that the need to combine various technologies is a liability either. This is after all a continuation of the Unix philosophy. I suspect that sooner or later someone will find out that Curl lacks something and people will come up with ideas of how to glue Curl and _your_favorite_technology_here_.

    I do agree that the HTML browser GUI is unacceptable. What could solve this problem better would be a browser capability of delegating widgets defined in HTML to a toolkit ( tk, Gtk, etc.)

  • One crashes my browser all the time, the other crashes my browser some of the time while opening lots of pop-up windows.

    Turn 'em both off!!

  • Excited description on the Curl website: "True write once, run anywhere."
    Link on the Curl download page: "System Requirements"

    Not really two concepts that go together are they?

  • No, I think you're missing the point. Showing off nifty new client-side technologies (of which I wouldn't even consider Java to be one anymore) has exactly zero to do with how the pages are processed on the server side. If you acknowledge (or don't, I don't care) that Java is a good technology for running an application server, that still says nothing at all about how those generated pages look on your browser.

    Your idea of "old school" is just that - old school. Typical Slashdot reactionary-ism. Just because this site runs off the cgi-bin/ doesn't mean that's the best way to do it. I guarantee you BEA Weblogic running in a cluster using servlets would absolutely devastate the performance of this site on similar hardware. Java (on the server side) is here to stay, at least for a while. You guys won't acknowledge it, but that's okay... the world moves on without you.

    And no one is talking about replacing HTML, either. I'm not even going to go into how silly that sounds.

  • Some more:
    • Pascal: { }
    • Basic: 10 REM
    I'm pretty sure there was one that used '%'. Can't remember wich one though. Must have been one of those mainframe jcl type batch languages. I have visions of all-caps daisy-wheel printouts with that one, but as I said can't place it right now...

    Having a new one in a new language is asinine. It's fairly easy to tell yacc (or bison) to use all of #, //, and /* */ (the most popular comment indicators). To use || (a well-known operator in other languages) is doubly asinine, since apparently boolean OR is something else in their language...


  • as per the web site they would be charging for using curl for commercial usage. well nobody charges u for using HTML, javascript or java?? that sucks..i cant imagine that tim-b can propose something like that. and i guess it requires a plugin..huh? how many more??
  • As a Java developer, I don't much like the name of JavaScript, since it really isn't Java. java is no more a client side programming language than VB is. Both can be used for client-side in-browser apps (applets, activex), but as far as the web goes are more popular for the server-side (ASP, JSP).

    I think the best way to tell the difference is the salary difference between JavaScript and Java programmers. :-)
  • This does not sound like a Tim company as the PR puff suggests. I have known him for almost ten years. Tim has been resolutely determined not to cash in on the web or do anything that would threaten his percieved 'impartiality' as W3C director. The only other board he has been on to my knowledge was Akamai which was founded by LCS people. He received some stock but sold it as soon as the lockup expired. I doubt his current involvement is any greater, the Curl language has been in development at MIT for years.

    So the PR description of Tim and Michael 'throwing their weight behind' Curl strikes me as unlikely and out of character. If Tim was interested in money he could have an options package almost certain to be worth seven figures from any number of profitable Internets.

    What would be more Tim's scene would be a conference on scripting languages with lots of alternative proposals.

    It strikes me though that rather than just rehashing for the nth time specification of yet another ALGOL or LISP like language it would be good to see use been made of other ideas that are not currently mainstream.

    C# and Java do no more than a necessary and useful cleanup of C. But neither fits my concept of an object oriented language. These days OO has come to mean 'support for inheritance and methods bound to data structures'. I remember when the core idea of OO was considered message passing.

    Surely there is much that could be done with message passing, direct support for parallel processing concepts etc.? The Inmos Occam language had many features that would be exceptionally useful in the context of programming for Internet applications.

    Nothing could be less interesting however than merely tweaking the syntax of C to make it less eggregious. Syntactic sugar is important but ultimately an editor or preprocessor can be programmed to do the same work. Anyone can remember using RATFOR? Or the days when C++ was a preprocessor?

  • The core concept of Object Oriented languages is data abstraction. The ability to define datatypes that act like primitive types is what OO programming does for you. That's it. Message-passing is just a term used for objects to interact with each other... while hiding the helper methods and internal data structures away.

    I did use the past tense.

    If by 'data abstraction' you mean a vacuous phrase used by marketting types in place of thought then I would agree that that is what OO has become.

  • Actually MIT have been working on their Curl for many years. I saw it six or seven years ago. Who has priority in naming we can leave to the lawyers.
  • You can get sample code from their demo page, just click on the download demos link, not their gallery link. Of course, you can't run the demos, but you can see the code.
  • {paragraph CURL is pretty neat to use, and extremely simple to write in however, for someone to think it can do much to compete with JAVA... your wrong} (by the way, thats more or less how you would write for an applet)

    Simplicity, ease of use, is not enough to compete with the marketing resources of Sun, so its going to be a difficult obstacle to overcome.

    Now should they actually go over Sun, they would also have to hope company's would be willing to switch over from JAVA to CURL, and it can be difficult to convince a company to switch technologies altogether. Not only that, but you also run into issues such as, just how great this is on x platform running x backended to x, and when I say x I don't mean X as in the desktop environment. It does not have much by way of experience.

    I like it though, its pretty neat.

    curl free [antioffline.com]

  • The good language exists yet. It's name is OCaml and it's supported by INRIA France. It is far better than Java C++ and any scripting like Perl Python PHP ... It is 4 - 10 times more productive than Java, 2 - 4 times faster with a perfomance near C++, less memory usage, strict typing system don't let you make stupid mistakes, automatic type inference (you dont need to waste your time writing and checking among modules useless declarations messed by casting). It is functional, with imperative and OO support, extensible semantics and easy C or C++ interface, GC, high level native types like tuples lists. It runs with a very fast bytecode interpreter and a superb native compiler, GUI, database ... libs. I have being programming more than 10 years C++ and 5 years Java and OCaml is far ahead. About Basic no comments (I don't want to offend anybody).
  • Back then, you could download the source off of a university server (IIRC, they had a JIT even back then). All the documentation was in Curl, and there were neat things like a falling blocks game.

    I kept watching for something interesting to happen, but the page disappeared. A while later (still years ago), a "coming soon" commercial page popped up.

    I mailed the guy who wrote it, and he made it pretty clear that it was going proprietary all the way.

    A real shame. It was a great idea that got hung up for years while they decided to develop in private, hidden away from all the potential volunteer contributors, then killed by a decision to try to sell a programming/document language like a pile of cabbages. They don't seem to have realized that there have been better hypertext languages than HTML since before HTML was made, it's that HTML was an open standard supported by free software that made it so important.
  • I have several major reservations about Curl:

    First off I downloaded SurgeLab to check out some of the code and the development environment. The curl code itself is extremely verbose, (aka takes lots of typing to create simple things) and is not very intuitive.

    Second, I think the whole idea of an "everything including the bathroom sink" technology like this will make the development of even semi-large applications difficult. I much prefer to be able to seperate data from logic and to have a language for each that is taylored to its specific purpose. The whole idea of trying to mix display elements with the programming logic that controls the display is crazy. Anybody that has worked on even a decent sized web-app knows this.
    Third, the licensing policy for curl is obscene. Can you imagine a start-up company having to fork over $1000/month (minimum) at the very begining just to pay for usage? Curl is the anthesis of the open source movement.
    I saw a couple people remark that it would great to have a new web technology that is not controlled by one of computer giants. That's crap! Everybody wants to stand behind some David that is waging war against a giant, but I have no reason to believe that the people behind Curl aren't trying to make a giant of themselves.

    I'd rather keep my text & images in resource & XML files, the display formatting information in stylesheets and XSL files, and the code all by itself.
  • In WWW terms...

    Javascript: an object oriented language interpreted by most browsers. It allows for client side dynamic html.

    Java: an object oriented language that is compiled into an Applet which is downloaded to your browser and executed on a virtual machine. Because it is precompiled into an Applet, it is much faster than Javascript (after it's downloaded).

    In general JavaScript allows you to dynamically manipulate the HTML on a page.

    Java Applets allows you do things outside the scope of HMTL (like image manipulation or word processing).

    Javascript and Java came out at about the same time, but the two really had nothing to do with each other. In fact, JavaScript was originally called LiveScript, but was renamed to capitalize on the Java name.

  • There are lots of things out there that are better that no one uses: compression formats, languages, systems, cars, voting systems, etc. Its going to be a long while before HTML goes away, especially with the less sophisticated, the incidental web-happy people who make up the bulk of internet users. I would wager that a good percentage of AOL kids and geocities flunkies can code a little HTML and know enough to cut/paste/modify a Javascript into there NSYNC or Pokemon page. XML, Javascript, etc aren't going to disappear amongst the middle-brow webbies either. The only people who might be bold enough to try are the ubergeeks. Like the guy said ^ unless MS or another behemoth takes it under their wings, it would have to be damn luck to make headway. But, there are things like PHP whose rise has been nothing but astounding...
  • A Curl version of the Web site is in the works. Until some people actually have the client, there is not much point.

    It is true that JSP and Curl can be complementary technologies (server-side production of a client-side applet). But in this case, the parallel version of our site will be designed to illustrate the advantages of moving most of the computation to the client.

  • (disclaimer: I work for Curl and love programming in Curl. However, the following is not 'officially' signed off on by Curl Corp., this is a personal diatribe.)

    Unfortunately, the motivation behind developing the Curl language has not been accurately portrayed in this discussion. This is understandable due to many factors, mainly that our demos may not represent our vision completely (they are admittedly applet oriented while Curl is much, much more than that) and our pricing page not conveying the fact that employing Curl powered Web pages/sites can significantly reduce current operational costs such as Web hosting and backend infrustructure charges.

    I have been developing database driven HTML/JS/CSS/DHTML/... Web pages/sites for quite some time now and have always run into the same problems. Cross browser incompatibility problems (not even just btwn NS and IE, but btwn different *versions* of the same browser), difficulty with maintainence, debugging, stability, and extensibility, and limitations inherent to the languages/protocols themselves.

    One of Curl's missions is to provide a way for Web programmers get away from this restrictive situation by placing the programming power back into the Web developer's hands. Since Curl is a full fledged OO programming language (including multiple inheritence) with native support for text formatting and scripting, Web developers can very rapidly produce Weby UIs with the programming power only available outside of Web UIs - like in a C/C++/Java application. Sure you can embed a Java applet in an HTML page but only through liveconnect can that applet talk w/ JS - and then only through DOM can JS modify the page dynamically - now you are back dealing with cross browser incompatability issues ...

    With Curl, you can really start thinking about advanced DHTML-like things in a cross browser environment with a development environment previously only available outside the DHTML world.

    Additionally, there is a SAX2 compliant XML parser in the Core of the Curl runtime. So, writing a Curl Web page which gets its data from an XML stream opened to a server side PHP script based upon a user's interaction w/ the page (like clicking a button, filling out a form, or mousing over some text) is possible without embedding Java in an HTML page or refreshing the entire HTML page by applying an XSLT to the XML response. XML has been searching for a way to be employed on the client side in a Web environment and Curl is, in my opinion, a great answer.

    How about graphics - many of the graphics on the Web are curves, gradients, and so on - graphics which can be procedurally generated. Curl's 2D library allows Web developers to reduce the number of little gifs their pages contain (obviously many situtations like pictures of people don't apply here).

    And then there is 3D. With native 3D support, a Scene can be placed anywhere in a Curl page. Since it is not a third party 3D Scene embedded in an HTML page, but rather a single semantic framework that contains 3D objects, everything can talk to everything else. Drop down lists, buttons, text, etc. can contain events which interact w/ the Scene and vice versa. There is no break btwn components on the page - everything is uniform, knowledgable about each other, and live.

    So, sorry for the rambling, I know that was long winded, but I just wanted get out some thoughts as to why I love programming in Curl and do not want to go back to the old environment where I'm always concerned as to whether my tables will line up right in both IE and NS. Let alone the whole other host of incompatabilities.

    Open to discussion, I love talking about Curl...
  • From their pricing page:

    ...Curl Corporation's usage-based software compiles information from end-user plug-ins that encounter Curl content. Included in this information is the number of characters of Curl content that are executed by the plug-ins. Curl Corporation's fees are derived from the total volume of Curl content executed by the plug-ins together with a price per one billion characters as determined by the customer's annual minimum fee commitment.

    Ok, let's say that some website that I don't like uses CURL. What will stop me from hacking up something that will keep reloading a certain page and causing them to be charged by CURL corp hundreds (if not thousands) of time. Even better, what if a CURL employee visits a site with CURL, s/he would be generating revenue for CURL corp. It can get more interesting. What if CURL corp. hires people all over the world (where US law does not apply, and FBI can't investigate) just to visit their customers' web-pages tens of times a day. The victim would not even know!

    Just my $.02

  • by Danse ( 1026 ) on Friday April 06, 2001 @12:57PM (#310055)

    That's why we should give up on html and java/javascript and return to a language that everyone already has on his computer: Basic. Etc, etc.

    When they "brought Basic into the 21st century", Microsoft had to introduce so many new features as to make Basic just as complex to use as Java or C++, or any other modern language really (ok, maybe I shouldn't go that far, they do take away a lot of flexibility that you would get from C or C++ for the additional cost of a lot more knowledge of APIs). Just because you learned Basic back in junior high doesn't mean you would have the foggiest idea how to use it's current and upcoming incarnations. Hell, Basic is the first language I ever encountered too. But I didn't stick with it very long. Other languages were much more powerful and made more sense to use. While the intricacies of any given language can take a significant effort to master, the effort can be well worth it if the language offers enough benefit over whatever you are currently using.

    I suppose what I'm trying to say is that it really doesn't matter what language programmers grew up using. If it was Basic, they've long since moved on to other languages (including VB which is much much different than the Basic that many of us started off with), so it wouldn't do all that much good to move back to developing in Basic at this point.

  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Friday April 06, 2001 @12:54PM (#310056)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by rho ( 6063 ) on Friday April 06, 2001 @12:30PM (#310057) Journal

    At LEAST as well as Scriptics Tclets did. You see those all OVER the place...

    "Beware by whom you are called sane."

  • by TWR ( 16835 ) on Friday April 06, 2001 @01:01PM (#310058)
    Java is portable, but to compile it into a standalone app you need a compilier for each system you intend to take it to.

    What are you talking about?

    Java applets are portable in exactly the same way that Java applications are. Both rely on the presence of a Java Virtual Machine having been ported to the computer on which you want to run your applet|application. The only differences between applets and applications are:

    1. Applets by default have fairly severe security restrictions (can't access local file system, can't make network connections to any machine other than the one they were loaded from). Signing an applet removes this restriction.

    2. Applets run inside of a browser window (or an Applet Viewer) and can take advantage of some of the resources of the browser (easy to launch another browser window, for example).


  • by Chuck Chunder ( 21021 ) on Friday April 06, 2001 @04:52PM (#310059) Journal
    Firstly I think you are wrong in stating that the barrier to entry is being raised. Whatever the new standards bring, Jane Average can still code their pages to "HTML 3.2 standards" and have them rendered as well as they ever were. The sheer weight of pages coded that way will continue to demand that browsers render them. CSS, XHTML and DOM don't take anything away from such people, they just give more to those who want it.

    Secondly I think that Jane Average will be able to take advantage of CSS, XHTML and DOM, they just won't need to know they are doing so.

    We are just getting the next generation browsers that support these standards properly. Next is the software used to create webpages for those who don't want to code by hand. Such software will take care of the hassles of these standards for the user and allow them to just build what they want.

    I don't have to understand postscript to print my word document, they won't have to understand CSS/XHTML/DOM to publish their page to a browser.
  • by Malcontent ( 40834 ) on Friday April 06, 2001 @02:31PM (#310060)
    Go look at rebol.
    It too is commercial but it's much much cheaper.
    It has a tiny download and very small code which runs faster. It runs on just about any platform you could think of.
    Oh yea the obligatory link [rebol.com]
  • by The Queen ( 56621 ) on Friday April 06, 2001 @12:41PM (#310061) Homepage
    Take all that anger and do something constructive with it: webstandards.org [webstandards.org]
    Down with crap-ass workarounds!

    "Smear'd with gumms of glutenous heat, I touch..." - Comus, John Milton
  • by iceT ( 68610 ) on Friday April 06, 2001 @12:09PM (#310062)
    It's not going to suceed until it's built into all the browsers, 'cuz writing code for non-existent interpretars is a waste of money..

    Likewise, the browser companys aren't going to build in support for an un-used language, because it's a waste of money....

    Open Source to the rescue?!?!?

  • by jacobcaz ( 91509 ) on Friday April 06, 2001 @12:09PM (#310063) Homepage
    I don't care what we use to design our sites, can we PLEASE just get 100% buy-in from both Netscape and IE so I don't have to do all kinds of weird tricks to make sure that my sites can be seen by users of both!!!

    I hate that I have to trap in my code for different browsers and handle them all differently. In case no-one at Netscape or MS know - the browser SHOULD SUPPORT XXX language the SAME, STANDARD WAY everytime!!


  • by localman ( 111171 ) on Friday April 06, 2001 @01:36PM (#310064) Homepage
    From the article:

    Applications - Web or otherwise - consist of code and data. In the current architecture of Web applications, there must be a strict partition between code and data because HTML can only describe data and has no ability to compute. But there is no real difference between an application and an interactive document. An interactive document is just an application housing mostly static data (text and graphics) with very little code (the interactive part).

    I couldn't disagree more with this theory. After years of web development, including for one of the highest volume dynamic sites in the world, I believe there should be a strict separation between data, formatting, and interactivity. Every place I've worked has eventually come to the same conclusions:

    1. content writers don't want to know layout
    2. layout designers don't want to know programming
    3. programmers don't want to do layout or writing
    Of course these are generalizations, but keeping these things seperate (at least keeping programming separate from the other two) has proven to work for the better. It's easier to find people, too.

    It's kind of like suggesting that a novel include alternating languages from paragraph to paragraph. Few people would be able to enjoy it!

  • by kramerj ( 161379 ) on Friday April 06, 2001 @01:39PM (#310065)
    I tested it out, and actually installed the dang thing.. I don't think it will ever cut it, because it lacks a few things that people have come to know and love: Consistency in UI design (it uses its own renderer.. this is not always a bad thing, just if oyu used standard system renderers it would look the same on all the platforms that it supports, ie, on a mac, it would look the same as any other mac (or those that are made to look the same), same on win, same on linux..) Also, it does not integrate with the browser very well.. sure, it is a plugin, but it is basically its own application, it takes over ALL browser functionality. The back and forward buttons of the browser no longer work, thats a BIG minus... and, it is DOG SLOW... The sample content they have is large, a set of HTML pages of the same would be larger than it is, of course, but that download speed is spread out over each page, and not as one huge download. ALSO, the rendering engine is slow, not optimized very much.. Most of this stuff can be overcome, but you need to overcome it fast to even be thought of again.. this project is doomed to failure because it tried to do too much on its own, without using standard things already available.. Anyhow, done with my rant.. "I" won't be using it anytime soon, thats for sure..

  • by Mr. Fred Smoothie ( 302446 ) on Friday April 06, 2001 @12:22PM (#310066)
    What a great idea! A proprietary toll lane on the information super-highway!

    Let's see: it's free to use if you aren't selling something, but if you are, then you'll have to pay metered fees. Shouldn't cost companies too much though, since the number of users who will download, install (and <cough> debug) the proprietary client plug-in will be negligle, so I guess the risk is minimal.

    Oops, did we just invest 27 man-months and half a million dollars deploying a great new e-Commerce site entirely written in this thing?! And if we didn't want to go immediately out of business, we should have spent over twice as much deploying a non-Curl version of the site as well, and supporting both -- completely curtailing all of the so-called benefits?

    And who's that I hear mumbling something about "separation of content and logic?"

    Yeah, sounds like a winner to me. It's gonna fly like a lead balloon... but then again, that's what Keith Moon said to Jimmy Page, isn't it?

  • by QuickBasic ( 325254 ) on Friday April 06, 2001 @12:09PM (#310067)
    Present html clients have existed for several years now, but people still haven't upgraded to the latest and greatest (for whatever reason).

    You have to reach a certain critical mass before you can dominate a market. This is doubly true for communication applications, because how can you communicate with a fellow on the other end unless you both speak the same language? Since we gave up on the glorious and noble enterprise of Esperanto, we've conceded the human-language field, but we're still working on the computer-language ones.

    How can they expect enough people to adopt this new language? If you're writing for Flash or Shockwave, then you're already leaving out a lot of your userbase. Even if you write standard html, you're leaving out lots of user userbase, because of browsers' bugs (though IE, I have to say, doesn't have a single bug with rendering standard html). You're in the business of delivering your product, information, and you have to do it in a form your clients can understand.

    That's why we should give up on html and java/javascript and return to a language that everyone already has on his computer: Basic. Thanks to the diligent efforts of Microsoft and other companies, who have brought Basic into the 21st century, Basic already enjoys a bigger userbase than any other language (except perhaps Fortran's). Because so many programmers grew up writing their first programs in Basic, there exists a fluent userbase already. Basic is easily extensible and rather object-oriented when you consider its vast legacy.

    We should stick with the languages we already know and know well. It's better to improve what we already have than to open ourselves up to new incompatibilities and build ourselves another penthouse suite on the Tower of Babel.
  • by sparcv9 ( 253182 ) on Friday April 06, 2001 @12:17PM (#310068)
    It's not going to suceed until it's built into all the browsers, 'cuz writing code for non-existent interpretars is a waste of money..
    Likewise, the browser companys aren't going to build in support for an un-used language, because it's a waste of money....
    That's why there's a plugin [curl.com] version of the interpreter.
  • by Jason Earl ( 1894 ) on Friday April 06, 2001 @12:42PM (#310069) Homepage Journal

    Exactly. This is nothing more than a Flash or Java Applet substitute. Unfortunately for the folks working on Curl they seem to have forgotten the most basic premise of computer economics.

    The "winner" in any technological niche will go to the software that is "good enough" at the lowest price.

    Curl is competing with several entrenched technologies, and both Flash and Java Applets have progressed a great deal over the last couple of years. More importantly, both of these solutions are easier and less expensive to deploy than Curl. So even if Curl has serious cool points it doesn't stand a chance.

    What's most amazing to me is that apparently these folks just don't see that. That absolutely boggles my mind. Surely they must realize that the last thing that the web needs is yet another plug-in. Especially a plug-in that requires you to pay by the character for commercial content. The folks at Curl must be targetting the demographic of billionaires who recently had a botched frontal lobotomy.

  • by Nohea ( 142708 ) on Friday April 06, 2001 @12:16PM (#310070)
    This is the first i head of Curl, and here's my impression, based on the info at the above links:

    Free for non-commercial use, pay whatever they say for commercial use

    Basically, in today's environment, this will make it hard to get developer support. Open source tools or at least reliably free for use (Java) are the systems that will get adopted (exception: MS .NET)

    Custom client simplifies client-server information sharing, using SGML-like language

    Even if orgs want this, they are more likely to just use custom java client and XML. I don't see how there will be any substantial web browser support for this, so it will be just another plugin.

    I definately understand the complexity of creating web apps, and they need to be simpler to create. But we should create simple frameworks for existing technology, and improve those platforms. I guess they think this will be some kind of quantum leap, but we'll see.

  • by sulli ( 195030 ) on Friday April 06, 2001 @12:49PM (#310071) Journal
    10 PRINT "Nice troll"
    20 GOTO 10

  • by stonewolf ( 234392 ) on Friday April 06, 2001 @12:45PM (#310072) Homepage
    Read the license agreement at http://www.curl.com/html/products/surge_license.js p and tell me why I, or anyone else in their right mind would load a plug in that allows the plug in to report on what you have viewed with it and also allows the plug in to block content!

    Then wander over to http://www.curl.com/html/products/pricing.jsp and look at the fact that you have to commit to sending Curl a minimum of $1000/month (max of $50,000/month) to use Curl to deliver content. And the cost is based on how many characters you serve. Not, on how much revenue it generates.

    This product looks more like misguided megalomania than like product that stands a chance of actually being used by anyone.

    Technically, it acutally looks pretty good. But, the business model and the privacy policy are, well... They're insane.


  • by guku ( 317345 ) on Friday April 06, 2001 @12:18PM (#310073)
    They charge for commercial deployment. On top of that they charge by the 'volume' of curl usage.

    Curl was dead before the press release.

    Move along folks. Nothing to see here.

Unix soit qui mal y pense [Unix to him who evil thinks?]
