BBC to Try TV On Demand 533
Shevek writes "The UK Independent newspaper is reporting on a new BBC trial: 'Later this month, the BBC will launch a pilot project that could lead to all television programmes being made available on the internet. Viewers will be able to scan an online guide and download any show. Programmes would be viewed on a computer screen or could be burned to a DVD and watched on a television set. Alternatively, programmes could be downloaded to a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) ... By launching iMP, the BBC hopes to avoid being left at the mercy of a software giant such as Microsoft, which could try to control the gateway to online television.' Yet more proof that the BBC license fee is an unmitigated Good Thing(TM)."
I wanna work for the BBC (Score:5, Funny)
Who do I have to blow to work for a company that hands out PDAs with 512 meg CF to all its employees, just so they can watch TV at work!?
Re:Mirror , just in case (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:I wanna work for the BBC (Score:3, Interesting)
Somehow I doubt I'll be one of the 500 to get a free PDA though, however I look forward to a surprise email when I get into work
Yeah, (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Yeah, (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Yeah, (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Yeah, (Score:3, Interesting)
Firstly the qualification: I'm a Brit - and I'm far from an anti-American one, although that sort of thing is definitely on the increase over here.
As flippant as it was, the parent poster actually has a point. On top of my taxes I pay a license fee so that the BBC can provide its (undeniably) excellent services to the world. Its largely English l
Re:Yeah, (Score:3, Funny)
I bet the service will be set up so that Americans can only get series 1 and 2 of "The Good Life" and Noels House Party
I hope it is, anyway.
Re:The BBC is example corporate power (Score:4, Insightful)
The BBC is operated under two constitutional documents: its Royal Charter and the Licence and Agreement. The Charter defines the BBC's objects, powers, obligations and the sources and uses of its income, while the Licence and Agreement sets the terms and conditions under which it must operate.
"Subject to the general law of the land and the provisions of the Charter and the Licence and Agreement, the BBC has full editorial and managerial independence in its day-to-day programme and other activities"
For more information visit this terribly informative site [vaxxine.com], which will doubtless also explain all about impartiality and public service broadcasting for you.
TV on demand is the future... (Score:5, Interesting)
Hot deals! [retailretreat.com]
Re:TV on demand is the future... (Score:5, Interesting)
I was able to watch them without interruption, in great quality (as I refuse to subscribe to CATV or buy a double-fucking digital receiver), at my choice of when to watch it.
I really think that it would be an excellent idea for it to be brought here and used by the major networks. I suppose they would never accept it because of the possible loss in ad revenues... Sad really.
Re:TV on demand is the future... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:TV on demand is the future... (Score:5, Insightful)
For example, we have this entire ad based economy that works off of estimates of how many people see an ad. Estimates, because they know how many people watch a show (the Neilson ratings are accurate enough for that) but they don't know how many people actually watch (and pay attention to) the ads. The same goes for magazines and newspapers, where subscription numbers feed the advertisers fantasy of how many eyeballs they are reaching. Compare that with the Internet, where you can know exactly how many people clicked though to a web paged based on a banner ad. In the latter case you know that someone was interested in your product (or not). You can even know how many people went on to buy the product as a result of the ad. That certainty I think actually hurts Internet advertising, since it gives the seller of the ad very little wiggle room about how much to charge for the ad.
The reality is that most advertising is relatively ineffective. Content on demand dispels the myth, and there are quite a few people who don't want that myth dispelled.
The flip side is this: If we had media on demand everywhere right now, and advertising built into the content, you would select a program, and while watching it see ads, just as you do now. But would you record the program on Tivo in order to watch the program later without the ads? I don't think most people would. The ability to watch something exactly when and where you wanted to would be too compelling to going back to the TV-guide sort of planning process that people do now.
The trick is, finally, to educate people who pay for ads about how valuable those click throughs are compared to a nebulous subscriber count. I don't know if the BBC experiment will do this, but I hope adoption of content on demand elswhere will convice the relatively thick skulled people in Hollywood that they may be missing out on a good thing. That will release a lot of lawyers to do more productive work perhaps.
Re:TV on demand is the future... (Score:5, Interesting)
Because you can fast-forward through commercials, over time I've gotten in the habit of never bothering to watch TV "live". Instead, I just let it record and whenever I feel in the mood I go catch up on some of my TV watching. While this is not TV "on demand" is is definitely the next best thing. I always have a huge selection of things in the library to watch. It's more like "on demand with limited selection based on configurable preferences".
All that being said, I can place a dollar value on on-demand television, based on what I pay per month for my cable service and how many shows I watch per month. I would happily pay $1 per hour of standard network/cable network TV if I could have it on demand and commerical-free, $2 per episode of premium-channel series shows (like Dead Like Me or Deadwood or Carnivale), $3 for a movie, and $4 for a new release movie.
They already have... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:They already have... (Score:2)
The iMP project is not purely for news output, but for all BBC TV output; it's going to be available to UK broadband users only - people outside the UK will be able to continue to use the news [bbc.co.uk] and BBCi [bbc.co.uk] services as now.
Re:They already have... (Score:2)
Not sure if this will work (Score:3, Funny)
I am not an active TV watcher - I have it on most of the time, but only passively. If I have to "make" it work by "demanding" it, I'm likely to find another source that's easier - a "flip-the-switch-and-go" kind of thing.
Re:Not sure if this will work (Score:2)
Re:Not sure if this will work (Score:2)
Wouldn't it be much better if you could just "flip-the-switch-and-go" watch your favorite show at any time of the day or night, instead of watching the skipper hit gilligan with his hat for the 3000th time?
Been there, done that (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Been there, done that (Score:2)
Even fox is better. As much as I can't stand fox, at least they've got the simpsons.
License fee (Score:5, Informative)
(I don't live in the UK, but I would pay it if I could get this kind of innovation)
Re:License fee (Score:3, Informative)
Re:License fee (Score:2, Informative)
All retailers must [tvlicensing.co.uk] obtain your details if you're buying a TV. Most retailers will also take your details for a video recorder as well (as it implies that you have a TV).
Re:License fee (Score:5, Informative)
Re: (Score:3, Informative)
Re:License fee (Score:2)
You should not be so cynical. The BBC is the world's leading broadcaster and this is definitely going to happen, the trial is to look at the specific technologies involved, the beeb already knows this is feasible. Ashley Highfield gave a very interesting interview [paidcontent.org] to padContent.org a while back, the most telling quote from which, for me, was "We need to help consumers leap-frog the illegal downloading issues that have wrecked havoc on
Re:A Question for UKians (Score:3, Informative)
No, you don't have to pay for radio anymore. Radio makes up less than 1% of the BBCs total spending, so I guess they figured the cost of billing people for radios was over the amount they'd actually get.
Also, portable TVs are exempt from the license.
Trouble is (Score:5, Insightful)
I doubt they'll use XVID or other open standards. Would be fairly neutral if they released MPEG-2 files, however these would be gigantic.
Re:Trouble is (Score:5, Informative)
Read Slashdot Often? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Read Slashdot Often? (Score:2)
ms drm (Score:4, Interesting)
The most significant revelations were concerning the protection of the content. All content will be DRM'd, only available for a limited period time, once downloaded. As expected, it will also only be available to UK broadband users. In a break with the BBC's long-standing support of Real, Microsoft DRM will be used for the technical trial, but it appears that no final decision has been made.
As was known previously, the EPG (Electronic Programming Guide) will cover fourteen days; seven looking forward and seven backward. The programs that have been broadcasted will be downloadable to the computer simply by clicking on them. A preview of a piece can be watched before committing to download a complete show.
Not likely to be Worldwide... (Score:5, Insightful)
The article refers to this being a challenge, but one they plan on getting over...
Re:Not likely to be Worldwide... (Score:2, Insightful)
I No Get BBC (Score:2)
I'd be willing to pay. (Score:2)
As I see it, I'd get more offerings (not just the stuff that's on BBC America, as it'd be all BBC programming), it'd be more current (eg, Coupling when it airs in the UK... no delay before it's shown on BBC America), and I could set my own relative
Freedom of Choice (Score:4, Insightful)
It is great to see a company that is willing to provide choice to its customers.
Perhaps this will force American media companies to offer a few better options to their customers.
Re:Freedom of Choice (Score:2)
Re:Freedom of Choice (Score:2)
Translation: Government-run, taxpayer subsidized companies, which is double-plus good.
putting media/news in the hands of proper citizens (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:putting media/news in the hands of proper citiz (Score:2, Insightful)
In other words, it isn't a "company" bringing us this innovation it's the socialistic government enterprise of an advanced european welfare-state.
No, this isn't a communist vs capitalist troll, it's just an area where capitalist media organisations (in their current incarnation) just have too
Interesting... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Interesting... (Score:2)
While American companies are busy suing their market, those crazy Brits are looking for ways to give customers what they want.
All TV programs are already available on the net (Score:3, Informative)
#tv-torrents [milfclan.com]
Re:All TV programs are already available on the ne (Score:3, Interesting)
Great idea! (Score:3, Interesting)
No more paying for Video Tape or DVD copies of BBC shows and waiting for them to ship. Just pay and download, and then burn my own copy to a Video CD or DVD disk. I guess they have controls so that only one copy can be burned?
Video Rental stores ought to get into this gig, get the license to distribute the movies digitally and sell them on their website.
Might as well, would be a much better quality than those idiots who bring video cameras to movie theatres and then upload those videos to file sharing networks.
what happens about the licience fee? (Score:5, Interesting)
This will raise some intersting questions: Apart from resulting in nonTV owners (and hence non licience payers) accessing the BBC it would this not lead to much wider dissemination of the BBC TV outside the UK. Wouldn't this damage the existing syndication relationships that the BBC has set up. I am amased that any broadcaster risk distribution over the internet. Certainty thinking outside the box.
Re:what happens about the licience fee? (Score:2)
Anything would be an improvement upon the Beeb's current foreign distribution deals. BBC WorldWide priced "Doctor Who" so high that even BBC America won't even show it (anymore). In the early 90s, the same thing happened to the PBS affiliates which caused "Doctor Who" from being shown all across America to nothing in a blink of an eye. Now all PBS seems to be able to show from the Beeb are endless repeats of "Are You B
Re:what happens about the licience fee? (Score:2)
Well, WHO was cancelled back in 89. That was a long time before Buffy debuted on the airwaves on either side of the Pond. If its any consolation, Buffy "borrows" heavily from WHO. Both feature a villain named "The Master." Both had characters who were actual celestial keys.
Granted, The Beeb announced WHO will be coming back in
Re:what happens about the licience fee? (Score:2)
Now if we get the rest of them to go along. (Score:4, Insightful)
I'm ready for this any time... (Score:3, Insightful)
I would love to be able to just watch the shows that I want, when I want them, and pay strictly for what I watch. I don't want to pay for a bunch of crap I don't want. Why should I be forced to buy HGTV when I'm an overweight fat slob who spends 99% of his day behind a keyboard? All I wanted was Tech Tv (although it's gone downhill bigtime).
Re:I'm ready for this any time... (Score:2)
At the expense of this being labeled "Redundant" or "Off Topic," you might want to check out what Senator McCain is trying to do. He's trying to make the FCC require "a la carte" cable pricing so you only pay for the channels you want.
As for TechTV, I just became acquainted with it since moving up to digital cable. Even though Co
I would happily pay the license fee (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:I would happily pay the license fee (Score:3, Interesting)
BBC America is a joke. It's like PBS with commercials.
Re:me too. (Score:3, Interesting)
Broadcast flag (Score:5, Insightful)
You don't need no restrictive technology to make money out of media content, just find an easy-to-use distribution vector and a fair price. Who will want to sweep through a couple of hundreds of low-res DiVx files on Kazaa to download a show when you can get it premium quality for a price this low?
I wonder what is the ROI (Return on Investment) of the boradcast flag when compared to this...Will this be availabe to non-UK citizens? (Score:2, Interesting)
Pax Britannia (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Pax Britannia (Score:5, Funny)
A half-century of practicing free trade while the US and Germany errected heavy tariffs on imports. Fighting two costly world wars that the United States waited until the very end to jump into. The rise of the US as a superpower. Colonial unrest. The constant flirtations with socializing industry post WWII. Sterling's collapse as the premiere world currency. James Bond's expensive STD treatments. All the Imperial Officers having British accents in the holy Star Wars trilogy. Star Trek's (TNG) IP theft of the Cybermen. Simon LeBon's yacht wreck. And Yoko Ono!
Re:Pax Britannia (Score:4, Interesting)
No. German fascism built better quality cars than the Jaguars and the MGs of the 1970s. Lumping the British experiment under the various Labour governments pre-Thatcher gives the German experiment (Mercedes-Benz, VW, BMW) a bad name if that can ever be possible (excluding all the other tidbits - war crimes and all).
"Translation: realisation that the dumb white folk from across the sea aren't here to help us at all but to exploit us. For a contempory example, see Iraq."
Not at all. If the end of colonialism proved one thing, it was the British Empire's administrative skills were better than the native populaces that it ruled for the most part. See the nuclear problem that is the India/Pakistani dilemma. India's population boomed under British rule because of the advent of Western medicine and technology. Then look at the economic slide the country took after independence and the application of Stalinist economic principles up until the tech boom and the appreciation of capitalism in the 1990s. How about in Africa? Are the people of Zimbabwe better off under Robert Mugabe than they were under British administration? What about Hong Kong under the People's Republic of China? After all, if the PRC were so good to Hong Kong, the Taiwanese populace would be demanding reunification now.
The areas the Empire "effed up" were with Palestine and the place formerly known as the British North American Colonies that is now known as the United States. Losing the colonies to the radicals known as the "Sons of Liberty" (SOL) has to be Britain's greatest cluster f*** since the SOL didn't have a leg to stand on when weighing the evidence. Palestine was a no-win situation following the discoveries of the Nazi attrocities in WWII. I'll also add the failure to adopt "Home Rule" in Ireland as the third biggest mistake and the area Benjamin Disraeli was incorrect on.
"In other words, the UK practiced lassez faire capitalism (which an astonishing number of people on
No. That's not what I am saying. Germany was not fascist prior to WWI. Sure, businesses tied to military procurement did do well following German unification under Bismarck, but it was not fascist. Great Britain was a free-trader at the time, but Germany preferred enacting heavy tariffs on foreign goods so that German industry would be protected. That's the textbook definition of protectionism in application. The same goes for the US during that same era. Couple both those countries with the outpouring of British capital looking for the next area to profit, and that is what created the two largest trading competitors to what had previously been known as the "factory of the world," Great Britain. That is also how the railroads of Germany and the United States were funded. It is ironic that British capital funded two of the major reasons why the British Empire no longer exists. Of course, that is what the "Little Englanders" wanted all along.
bit torrent (Score:5, Interesting)
is it because it's harder to advertise?
would people be offended by short adverts played at the beginning of the video files? (eg This Bit Torrent file is brought to you by...)
networks could distribute the seeds across their affiliates to reduce bandwidth cost, etc.
Re:bit torrent (Score:2)
Re:bit torrent (Score:3, Insightful)
As a proof of concept and way of overcoming leeching it rocked, but it is not a mature P2P app, it is only half-finished...
As for broadcasting BT is in no way suitable. Sure the BBC could solve the root node (going down) problem but if they want to get good throughput on a mass scale just use a broadcast protocal. Even
Re:bit torrent (Score:2)
Please Please Please Succeed! (Score:2, Interesting)
If it doesn't, I'm going to set up a home-made vi
Channel 4 shurely (Score:4, Funny)
Of course lots of the good programs could never get shown on broadcast TV in the USA - they freak out over a single female nipple after all.
Great but a pity (Score:3, Interesting)
Just a pity they can't leave people the fuck alone if they don't want it. [marmalade.net]
BBC starts paid online news subscription (Score:4, Informative)
A couple of days ago, I clicked to view a video on BBC news website and it told me that I have to buy a subscription as international user. I was a bit surprised since so far, BBC had been free and even free from ads.
This page [bbc.co.uk] says that: "Broadband video news from the BBC is only available to international users by subscription. Find out how to get the latest broadband video news from the BBC here [real.com].
Will the content be Free or Owned? (Score:4, Insightful)
"If we don't enter this market, then exactly what happened to the music industry could happen to us... everybody starts posting the content up there and ripping us off."
What would be wrong with the public freely sharing the content? They are subsidizing the creation of it with their tax payments.
Why don't allegedly "public" broadcasters, like the BBC in Brittan or PBS or NPR in the US, produce and release content under Creative Commons type, or other Free licences? That way the public could use, share, and redistribute the content freely. People could even re-edit the content and create new and interesting works. Wouldn't that be a good thing? Isn't the idea behind public broadcasting to serve the public, instead of seek profits?
Instead, the "public" broadcasters have developed the same control-freak mentality of the rest of the media that effectively opposes the very idea of a public domain and favors every byte having a DRM restricted ownership sticker. If that is the case, what is the point of the public subsidizing these broadcasters... and why should they even exist?
Re:Will the content be Free or Owned? (Score:2, Informative)
This money is vital for supporting new programmes.
Ideally the BBC would release their material under free licenses, but this would impact the production of new material.
Also not all the programmes shown on the BBC are produced by the BBC (for instance Have I Got News For You is made by Top Hat Productions).
Re:Me first (Score:3, Insightful)
WHY OH WHY are the only fuckers who realise this not resident in the UK? the public tide in this country (UK) is more anti than pro, and Labour/TB have been doing their level best to destroy the BBC's credibility*.
I on the other hand am very pro-BBC. The only slight problem I have with it is that the fee is the same for everybody (i.e. a poll tax).
* Whether or not Andrew Gilligan exaggerated his story, the government (and Alistair Campbell non-gov) made an enormous issue out of it in order to discredit the BBC, as the charter is coming up for renewal soon. The bastards.
Re:Me first (Score:2)
I on the other hand am very pro-BBC. The only slight problem I have with it is that the fee is the same for everybody (i.e. a poll tax)."
Even though I do not support your political views, I will support you on the BBC license if it'll return the good Doctor on his quest to fight injustice throug
Definitely a Good Thing (Score:3, Interesting)
Individual cable broadcast companies taking this initiative will bring about the same effect as the a la carte cable service many Americans have been asking for. Anyone with broadband Internet access will have access to only the shows they want, on demand, and priced individually.
Quality? (Score:2)
Mr Highfield said the quality of the programmes will be so high that the experience of watching a show on a PDA will be similar to viewing an in-flight film on screens in the backs of seats on passenger aircraft.
In-flight movies are not a real high bar to set..
I would be interested in getting episodes of "The Office" this way, if they were available in their native 16:9 format (encoded in 16:9, not letterboxed), and in a quality comparable to DVD.
Re:Quality? (Score:2)
Why don't you just buy the DVD? The show has finished now, it's all out on DVD.
Why the grass seems greener on the other side (Score:4, Insightful)
Who? (Score:4, Funny)
Why should paying government be inherently better? (Score:2)
When I was in Europe, all I could say is "please god Please let me get back to my 500 channels of McDonalds, Wal-Marts, and pure-T drivel, because this shit I"m having to watch over here is BOR-ING."
Government doesn't do a better job than private enterprise.
Re:Why should paying government be inherently bett (Score:2)
Where's the Capitalist Innovation? (Score:5, Insightful)
Isn't the BBC some kind of socialist, government supported thing?
I thought only free-market, capitalist companies in competion innovated? That's what I was taught in my American public school. There's just no reason to improve if you've got a steady, government supported income. You have to be in blood thirsty battle for market dominance to justify doing anything other than resting on your laurels and IP rights. Right?
Where's the innovation in product from the American networks?
Where's customer focus from American media?
Where's the desire to satisfy customer desire in America?
(It's sarcasm. I love my country.)
Re:Where's the Capitalist Innovation? (Score:3, Insightful)
There is still a huge problem to be solved. It costs over $1M an hour to produce quality TV. If there is no way to recover that cost why would anybody invest the money?
Perhaps a compromise is in order. Drastically reduce the copyright period (say to 7 years without exception) and in return put up with a working DRM for material still in copyright. Any material older than 7 years becomes public domain and fre
Re:Where's the Capitalist Innovation? (Score:5, Insightful)
Because they're guaranteed at least some money no matter what they do, they can spend some of it trying out new stuff. Now, this was long before the net became a household word, and they were specifically referring to new programs, but the same applies.
Because they're not entirely beholden to fickle viewers and advertisers, they can afford to experiment sometimes, and without experimentation, there can be no innovation.
For the record, though, they are beholden to the Government, who occasionally make threatening noises about the licence fee (as do the Opposition). They also have to abide by a charter, although I've not read it, so I can't comment as to what it says.
I think I speak for (Score:2, Interesting)
*But* stop wasting the license fee on silly shit like this and get us Premiership Football back on our screens. When I can settle down to Liverpool vs. Middlesborough without having the dread hand of Robert Murdoch in my wallet, then we can talk innovation and about a shiny bright little future.
The BBC have no sense of what the priorities of 30 million of their customers are.
Re:I think I speak for (Score:2, Interesting)
Why No Advertising ? (Score:2, Informative)
The BBC is not permitted to carry advertising or sponsorship on its public services. This keeps them independent of commercial interests and ensures they can be run instead to serve the general public interest.
If the BBC sold airtime either wholly or partially, advertisers and other commercial pressures would dictate its programme and schedule priorities. There would also be far less revenue for other broadcasters.
The BBC is financed instead by a TV licence paid by households. This gua
I want my EastEnders (Score:3, Interesting)
BBC - PLEASE make EE available via a pay-for mechanism (reasonable pricing please!) to those of us outside the UK. Your namesake BBCAmerica has seen fit to cancel it last year, ensuring that pretty much everything on that channel is something they can rerun 100 times a month (changing rooms, ground force, etc). If they could rerun one month of news programming for a full year to keep costs down they'd probably do that too.
I'm sure there are *many* people outside the UK willing to pay $150/year for downloadable EE.
(I can't believe Laura just died either!)
What I don't get is with programs like EE, why *not* sell them online? They're just sitting on a shelf. It's just something which is costing them money to archive, and it's never replayed again (maybe on UK Gold now, but certainly not anywhere outside the UK on a regular basis).
Freeview & the license fee (Score:2)
Writers Guild Problems (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:10 per month per TV? Good thing? (Score:2)
Re:Will there be a converter (Score:3, Insightful)
And, "Who Wants to be a Millionaire," "Men Behaving Badly," "Dear John," etc. Then you could add failed Americanized pilots of British shows such as "The Office," "Red Dwarf," and "AbFab." Wasn't there an American version of "Faulty Towers" too?
Re:Top Gear (Score:2)
Re:Socialized Entertainment (Score:2, Informative)
BBC One & Two are paid for from the licence fee. ITV and five are fully commercial stations. Channel 4 pumps its profits back into production (AFAIK).
We have satellite TV ( Sky [sky.com]) which has literally hundreds of channels. We have British equivalents of HBO (Sky Movies) and ESPN (Sky Sports).
Cable provides most satellite channels.
A full list of all satellite channels aimed at the UK audience si available at Lyngsat [lyngsat.com]. In addit
Re:Socialized Entertainment (Score:2)
IMHO commercial funding of programming ! (necessarily) = Good programming.
I think it is a fact some programs could never get the commercial funding to cover production costs so (in a purely per-program-profit business model) wouldn't be made, though they may serve to educate, inform a
Re:Socialized Entertainment (Score:3, Insightful)
And you think the quality of programming is better and fair? Last time I checked online, we had a great show on the WB Network that was cancelled despite incr
Re:Socialized Entertainment (Score:3, Funny)
Extracting a tax for simply owning a television set...
As has been pointed out in other threads, the licence is for as many TVs as you like in a single household, NOT per TV.
Re:Nanny State (Score:2)
Unfortunately most of the "western world" is moving towards socialism, not away from it.
Re:anyone can download the shows? (Score:2)
Is Katie Haswell still on ITN News? Wow. What a knockout. Someone get her on CNN, please! The local PBS affiliate started showing ITN News as a teaser a couple of years ago before dumping it for the lame DW News. While Germany makes great cars, they produce the most boring English language news on the planet, IMHO...
*The reason why I ask is because a Google Search on her doesn't bring up man