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Comment Re:i remember (Score 1) 45

It doesn't list my name and i routinely get calls looking for Mr...... (my last name.) Bethanie, you know why this happens to me!

Ahem. Only *bethanie* knows why this happens to you?

Aren't you forgetting someone?

A certain ... Vulcan perhaps? *raised eyebrow*

User Journal

Journal Journal: This Week's Enterprise - Anomaly (SPOILERS!!!) 13

Warning: SPOILERS! If you haven't watched Enterprise GO NO FURTHER.

Synopsis from
The mission to find the Xindi takes a treacherous turn when Enterprise is crippled by inexplicable, destructive spatial anomalies that distort the laws of physics. With systems down, Osaarian pirates board the ship and and raid it of valuable supplies. The crew captures one of the marauders, and Archer's sense of morality is tested when he interrogates the prisoner.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Arrrr! Shiver me timbers, baby! 24

For I am the infamous Dread Pirate Kidd!

ph34r m3 dr34d m4d sk1llz!

Err....ARRRRR... something like that...

Uhhh...take the test.

Post your results here instead of Bethanie or FortKnox's journal 'cause you like me better. I know you do. ;)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Weekly Recap(tm) is delayed and is currently in process... 27

But in the meantime, a poll:

Is netiquette dead?

Do you think, in light of the September That Never Ended[*], that netiquette is dead? I recently had an e-mail I sent to someone in private -- containing informatino of a private nature -- posted on a public forum without my permission. Call me an old fart, but in my day, you didn't do that. You asked permission before you forwarded such mails, and certainly before you posted them in a public forum.

User Journal

Journal Journal: diet pop + google + phenylalanine == Ultimate Web Spam? 17

One day while drinking my diet pop* (this was maybe about 3 or more years ago), I noticed the following wording on the bottle:


Being the curious sort of person I am, I typed phenylalanine into google and determined that phenylalanine is a protein that's used to make aspartame, aka NutraSweet(tm), and that phenylketonurics are people who are unable to process phenylalanine.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Question for Sun people 11

I tried to get an Ultra 60 this morning booted into single user by issuing a Stop-A and a "boot -s". The thing wouldn't do it. It insisted on trying to mount all the NFS mounts, one of which isn't working due to a server that is down and being changed. I wanted the Ultra 60 booted into single user mode to comment out the appropriate line from the /etc/vfstab.

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