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Comment Re:Did anyone else... (Score 1) 839

Robots are great tools but are incredibly limited to what they can do on their own. A human being working with a robot can do tremendously more than a robot (aka. machine) can do alone. That is not to say that we should not send robots ahead of human beings with a limited goal to set up some limited infrastructure. I could imagine sending a source of electric generation (not sure if nuclear is feasible without lots of water), a few habitat modules, a few storage modules, some vehicles, a few general purpose machine shops (for recycling, tools, some place to build stuff on the fly), and a few resource modules (containing raw materials that wouldnt be easily available locally).

The first generation of one way earth-martians are going to be the ones who need to figure out how to make Mars work for humans. Until human beings can exist on Mars without supplies from earth, Mars will be like Greenland was to the vikings in the 10th century or Antarctica to modern man. I mean, lets take a look at Antarctica. Its on the same planet, but we do not colonize it because it is so difficult to inhabit. Mars is colder than Antarctica. Mars is farther away than Antarctica. Mars does not have a breathable atmosphere like Antarctica. Mars does not have water like Antarctica. You can also come back from Antarctica. Antarctica is larger than the continental United States. Antarctica has LOTS of resources that is worth while for human beings to have. The gravity on Antarctica will not cause bone mass loss in human beings.

Worth while endeavor, but the real question is regarding the pay off.

Comment Why? (Score 1) 328

Why assume that the employee is a criminal? Many people get terminated because of bad relationships with their managers every single day. Very few of those people resort to criminal activities against their previous employers, even if they have the ability to do so. I suppose everyone should suspect secretaries of publishing address books, bank statements, inventories, employee social security numbers, etc., all over the internet because they had access to that information all along. How about janitors? They go through garbage. How many things dont get shredded? Perhaps every business should conduct documentation accounting practices because who knows what the janitor might know.

Seriously. This is a bit over exaggerated. Most IT professionals have invested tens of thousands of dollars in their education and training, as well as years into a profession that doesnt really have any value outside of their relevant field. Treating every employee who gets fired as a potential criminal is stupid, and is a good sign that you do not want to work for that business. Everyone who ever works for a company has potential to cause damage to some degree... some employees more than others. But to treat your network as if that person has "rooted and back doored" it is just bad business (fairly disruptive too, considering in many cases its best to take some systems off line if you believe they've been compromised).

But to each their own.

Comment Re:News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters. (Score 1) 367

The schools have very little to do with the performance of the students. Its all about the communities that form the student bodies. You can dump a trillion dollars into Los Angeles schools and your still going to have neighborhoods with high murder rates, teen pregnancy, and high school drop outs. You know why? Because the communities are so completely dysfunctional and broken that no amount of "school" is going to fix it.

Last week a 15 year old and a 16 year old were shot to death in South East LA. Didnt even make the front page of the news papers. Just two more "latino youths". I'm absolutely appalled at the murder rate of young black and latino's in Los Angeles. Who's in control of LA? Who's been in control of California for quiet some time? Who's been in control of our government for the past 18 months? Why are these problems being swept under the rug instead of fixed? Where is all the money going?!? 1 Trillion dollars and still cities like LA are littered with killing fields. The dead: Black and Latino boys. Hows that hope and change working out?

Comment Re:Commie Bikes !!! (Score 1) 634

Yeah, the UN is a great organization. I know I want countries like Iran, North Korea and Pakistan involved in setting policy here in the United States.

I mean, we all know how accountable the UN is, right? Remember during the last UN election when you voted for... oh wait... you didnt. Vote for anyone in the UN. Super governments like the UN are a very, very bad idea.

Comment Why Zombies Win (Score 1) 320

TFA seems to takes only one possible zombie scenario; the dead rising from the grave. Most of the more well thought out zombie scenarios seem to have zombies as a secondary effect of a primary event. Take for example "Omega Man" where most of the population is killed off by the virus, while a large group turns into zombies, and a small group is simply immune. The primary catastrophe is the collapse of modern society due to massive population decreases. The surviving humans, even without the pressure of an undead predator, will get a fresh new perspective of mother nature.

Modern military forces, rednecks, pistol toting fudge packers, and inner city ghetto rats will have to survive their friends, families, and loved ones suddenly turning into rabid flesh eating zombies. Soldiers seldom have access instant access to their firearms off the battle field (take a look at Fort Hood massacre), even Rednecks have to put down their weapons long enough to get into the beer dispensary and the fudge packers have to use all fours to get it on. The suddenness of the outbreak will go a long way to determine the successfulness.

Reducing western living individuals to a pre-agrarian life style (lets face it, with less than 10% of the population still practicing agriculture in western societies), the threat of an unsleeping, undying, fleshing eating cannibal that can withstand tremendous amounts of trauma, would be extreme difficult to cope with. Most likely, these zombies would be infesting the "prime real-estate" where they formerly lived, forcing the surviving humans out into the "wilderness" where life will be even more difficult. The plains, pastures, and farm lands that humans have sought, cleared and planted will now be the swarming grounds of this now "super predator".

Depending on the type of zombie, human beings will be unable to hold up in fortresses forever. Fresh water will be scarce. Fresh water that is safe to access will be even more so. Human beings will not only have to contend with the zombies, but with each other as well. Without the ability to grow food, humans will be forced to keep groups small and force them to protect the few sources of food that they have regular access. Without growth in numbers... western society will devolve. All of our great advances will be lost. Zombies win, we lose.

Comment Re:Them scurvy dogs (Score 1) 219

Its a funny liberal problem. Constitutionally, this ship should be fine as it is out side of US territorial boundaries. Yet, Liberals hate the constitution so much that they have pretty much made it obsolete through lots of crafty word smithing and judicial activists. This leads to a US government that is pretty much without any limit as to what it will do outside of getting its elected politicians unelected.

So the Hollywood lobby goes to its locally elected politician Howard Berman (democrat, california) goes sends a facebook message to his buddy, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, "Hey Nancy. My friends over at Lucas Arts just sent me a text message saying there is a boat off the coast giving away its latest Star Wars movie. Anything we can do about it?"

Nancy Pelosi sends an IM to Ike Skelton of the House Armed Sevices Committee "Need pir8 boat off coast removed k? Msg Howie! ttfn!!! NP!"

So after a few short correspondence meetings with CNN, MSNBC, and NBC (forget Fox, they hate pirates and hollywood) to run some stories about children of move grips starving because of trillions of dollars movie piracy, the US Navy comes to the rescue by snatching an evil "pirate ship", the owner gets rail roaded for every stupid thing he's ever done (or they just make shit up), and gets his ass thrown in jail. After a few months of litigation (because said movie studios need to make someone else pay for their lawyer fees) on completely unrelated laws (because liberals are fucking fantastic at making laws mean absolutely whatever they want) they pretty much take this guy to the washers.

Good luck with your new pirate boat business!

Comment Re:That's how the market is supposed to work. (Score 1) 762

Yes. Fossil fuels are incredibly dangerous. Forget the heavy metals that are required for the batteries, which are also quiet limited, and much, much more toxic to life as we know it. Sure, plants might like a nice baking green house earth, but most everything dies from all the fun things that go into big batteries.

Comment Re:I thought it was unjustified media fearmongerin (Score 1) 158

This was only a test of the Global Emergency Response System. Had this test yielded the appropriate outpouring of funding into UN coffers, I'm certain that the FUD associated with H1N1 would have been amplified accordingly. From every HR letter to other not to mention memorandums, H1N1 was touted to be a potential epidemic that was to rival the biblical death of the first born of Egypt (hence H1N1 was suppose to kill off young children en masse).

Of course, many of the early reports of young people dying were kept VERY vague, not mentioning that many of the individuals were illegal immigrants (not necessarily important for this particular matter, other than lack of historical medical histories) with pre-existing illnesses. Later on it was found out that many of the declared H1N1 diagnosis were false, and some of the deaths were not the real cause of death, just that people who died also had H1N1.

Saying that the global response system was effective in containing H1N1 from becoming a devastating plague is suspect at best. 10,000's of thousands of people die from seasonal flu every year and there is pretty much nothing the WHO can do about it, aside from offering a russian roulette vaccination regimen. I'm not criticizing vaccinations, I'm simply saying that if H1N1 was a deadly as it was touted, and as virulent as the common cold, the death toll would have been MUCH higher.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Regarding Hawkins Ultimatum 2

Hawkins made a statement that the fate of humanity hangs on our ability to leave planet earth. He quotes a number of historical events which nearly wiped the human race from the pages of history. Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of the history of the world understands that the human race as it is will face an event that will wipe out our species once and for all. Or will it? Technically, humanity has survived since the very first moment of life. Every cataclysm, our ancestors have surv

Comment Re:An interesting counterpoint... (Score 1) 115

I have a different take on it.

Some small defense contracting firm cant get its shit together enough to get the CIA to consider purchasing its software. They probably dont have people who know the procurement process well enough to get a start (or anyone with enough pull to push for its procurement). Then they claim to open source the software to try and get it through the door in a different way, probably in hopes of a support contract for future development.

Then, instead of discussing in greater detail the problems they had selling the software, they bitch about other notable failures in government contracting as if they are stuck in the same boat.

Nothing to see here, move along.

Comment Re:moof (Score 1) 3

The problem with conspiracies is that they are hard to publicly validate and defend, while presenting easy marks to discredit through minor inaccuracies or over exaggerations. Of course, identifying exaggerations or minor inaccuracies do not invalidate the conspiracy theory in itself, they do one important thing; create doubt. This created doubt is enough to cause many neutral parties to abandon the debate (for whatever reason).

Of course conspiracies do exist, and identifying them is important for investigation. Using conspiracy notions is an advanced tool for investigation, not something for public consumption. My primary point is that there is no need to speak of conspiracies. The left has advanced their agenda so far, so fast, and with practically no publicity. Sure, the complicity between the media and the left is real, but over stating the relationship will cause people to pause and wonder why the emphasis is there, as opposed to the topics at hand.

The journal list story does lend much credence to this, but who knows about it?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Conspiracy, Cooperation, and Coincidence. 3

In my formative years, I was taught that it is important to known the difference between Conspiracy, Cooperation, and Coincidence. Even more important to assign the proper and logical label to any given situation. A lesson that I was never taught, but learned in my latter years; to know when assigning such distinction to a situation is no longer relevant.

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