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Comment Re:The whole industry has done what? (Score 1) 117

A great deal of Apple's stuff was through acquisitions, too. Notably, the iPod and their ARM design team.

Indeed, though they did innovate enough that they have added value. Apple was an early player in ARM (when it was still called Acorn Risk Machines) and it was PA Semi the company Apple acquired to develop their chips.

Comment Re:Fees should include minimum baggage (Score 1) 141

I did say "mandated", as in what airlines are permitted to advertise. In Canada, for example, airline weren't advertising prices with taxes and fees included, which would sometime result in $500 price difference between advertised price and effective price. The regulators got involved and changed that practice. I am suggesting that we should be getting the government to be forcing an equivalent change when it comes to carry-on.

So when you say "It's nice that most of the cheap brokers now include all fees", this was forced on the airlines and not something they did out of the kindness of their corporate hearts.

How many people really travel with no carry on? 10%-20% of travellers?

Comment Re:Pointless (Score 1) 75

Restricted C missing "dangerous" things such as pointers is already a thing and has been for decades. Google MISRA-C which is used in the defense industry. Converting it to Rust will gain you nothing except reducing the number of devs who can work on it iand hence raise your costs.

It makes me wonder whether simply encouraging use of Mini-C would be enough and how it compares to Rust when used in a practical context?

Comment Re: Insurance prices in California will spike (Score 1) 106

Most homes in Cali are made out of wood due to earthquake risk. Wood is more flexible and less dangerous during a quake.

Climate change is also a factor. Many places that used to be considered safe are now higher risk for fire.

From what I have read reinforced concrete is fine for earthquakes. The problem is that most people aren't willing to spend the money they should for a house and the insurance is left to pickup for that reason.

Comment Re:Insurance prices in California will spike (Score 1) 106

You can't mandate coverage and expect insurance to absorb the cost. This will result in all insurance in California to drastically increase and with some insurance companies even pulling out of California.

Exactly. If people are building in places of high risk, then they should either be paying crazily high insurance or get the message that playing with fire isn’t worth the cost. Building out of wood in a fire prone area is also crazy. How about in incentivising people to use materials and building designs adapted to the area?

Comment Fees should include minimum baggage (Score 2) 141

Having been bitten by bait and switch luggage costs, including having to pay for carry-on, I feel advertised prices should be mandated to include a standard size carry on. If there is a reduced faire available for just going with a handbag (no larger than a brief case or satchel), then that should be as a discount during purchase.

Comment Re:So, I buy the non-CA compliant vehicle in Nevad (Score 1) 66

Then register and drive it in California

This won't work. As soon as you cross state lines and try registering it you will be required to prove that it meets the road worthiness code of that state.

The closest you can get to your idea, is to live outside of California or have someone out of state own your vehicle.

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