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Comment "It's Alive!" (Score 1) 6

Wow! That's the best news I've heard in a while here! I was hoping that was the story, and after a while it was clearly the case for most of us. Its a fluke I even noticed your posting before another six months ticked by... It really slowed down after they nuked AC postings at some point, but before that it was getting to be a bad Turing Test. Anyway, early on my imagination went crazy. Also, notably absent was Barbara Hudson, who I was worried about actually, if you're still in touch. Anyway, I have to run but wanted to send you this before I let any time lapse. Last I heard I think you were talking about a drive to Florida and I had a bunch of "Florida Man at a Circle K" stories running through my mind. Anyway, glad your still kicking, here at the old folks home! Peace, out.

Comment Re:We didn't have a computer room (Score 1) 192

My Junior High in 1977 had a teletype on modem to the County mainframe, Paper punch tape and dot matrix. We wrote in BASIC as an independent study in rotating periods in the library. I remember programming games of chance, cards, dice, role playing stuff. But I was much more interested in the Super 8 camera and segued into the arts. Gary Kildall's Digital Research was happening down the road...

Comment Opportunity Knocks... (Score 1) 47

In post Soviet Russia, stealing from sanctioned Western commerce is an excellent gig with commissions and bonus pay as well as exemption from serving in the infantry, The more Russia antagonizes the west, the better their business plan goes: their people can blame the west for hardships, while the oligarchs laugh all the way to the bank. Its much simpler to negotiate terms when you refuse to play by anyone else's rules..

Comment Re:Just business (Score 2) 9

How are those last few rounds of layoffs working out for you, Cisco? I never understood why Corporations of this scale expect loyalty from NDA's and other legal agreements after they shit-can staff with the breeze. The "Dark Web" is rife with disgruntled stakeholders. The key to successful business is to maintain relationships beyond the transactional. People take "Just Business" attitudes personally, so its no surprise the "E-shification" of Cisco looks like this.

Comment Re:Save the beeps for fines and tolls (Score 1) 179

Looking at California property taxes and their general consumer taxes, you sure about that “number one” source of revenue claim?

Absolutely. Everyone drives. Even the homeless. Gas tax is 18%. The court system is subsidized by traffic infractions. Mandatory liability insurance is the most profitable of them all. Sales tax on new car sales, and each resale are the most sales tax I ever pay. Mechanics, smog certificates, reg and license fees paid in advance x 40 million adds up. This is necessary due to the fact that highways and roads and infrastructure are the biggest State expense.

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