Comment "It's Alive!" (Score 1) 6
Wow! That's the best news I've heard in a while here! I was hoping that was the story, and after a while it was clearly the case for most of us. Its a fluke I even noticed your posting before another six months ticked by... It really slowed down after they nuked AC postings at some point, but before that it was getting to be a bad Turing Test. Anyway, early on my imagination went crazy. Also, notably absent was Barbara Hudson, who I was worried about actually, if you're still in touch. Anyway, I have to run but wanted to send you this before I let any time lapse. Last I heard I think you were talking about a drive to Florida and I had a bunch of "Florida Man at a Circle K" stories running through my mind. Anyway, glad your still kicking, here at the old folks home! Peace, out.