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The Matrix

Journal Journal: Malcolm Shabazz Just Assasinated by Deep State Agents

The rabbit hole goes deeper. What he seaid in the earlier weeks, this year:

"The formula for a public assassination is: the character assassination before the physical assassination; so one has to be made killable before the eyes of the public in order for their eventual murder to then (be) deemed justifiable.

"And when the time arrives for these hits to be carried out, you're not going to see a CIA agent with a suit & tie, and a badge that says 'CIA'.

"What they will do is to out-source to local police departments in the region of their target, and to employ those that look like the target of interest to infiltrate the workings in order to set up the environment for the eventual assassination (character, physical/incarceration, exile) to take place."

United States

Journal Journal: The Constitution IS NOT your FRIEND. 24

And the Federalists were fascist bastards.

"By transforming democracy into a concept that encouraged uninhibited wealth accumulation rather than wealth equality, the founding elite (and subsequent generations of elites) tamed what they could not defeat. They turned democracy from a threat into an asset by making it into a concept that supported their own ideals and interests."

The Matrix

Journal Journal: Katrina Missing Children, The Saudis & Bush 4

"After the tsunami there was great concern that many of the children left without families due to that disaster had disappeared into Asian, Middle Eastern sex trade rings."

Why bring this up, after 8 years?

User Journal

Journal Journal: The irony is startling 13

"We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." - Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, 1939

"God bless you" - President Obama to Planned Parenthood, 2013

User Journal

Journal Journal: Want Less Government? Champion Order in Religion! 9

Order is the first need of human beings, the only thing that makes life remotely tolerable. Mankind will give up just about anything to get it- freedom, money, family. Better a slave in Athens than a king in Africa!
What changed all that was religion. Religion is the anti-government. Only a moral people can be ruled with few laws; and now that we've abandoned morality to relativism, we need to increase the number of laws and number of prisoners to keep order.
So true libertarians need to be religious- for only with religion, can there be order without laws and punishment.

The Matrix

Journal Journal: Who or How? We Don't Know, but the Marathon was Gladio.

The uncle of the accused Boston Marathon bombers incorporated, in 1995, a company called the "Congress of Chechen International Organizations."

Even as the company was sending aid to Islamic terrorists in Chechnya, its listed address was in the home of former top CIA official Graham Fuller.

Ruslan Tsarni was listed as the company's resident agent. The company's address was 11114 Whisperwood Ln in Rockville MD., the home of Graham Fuller, the one-time Vice-Chairman of the National Intelligence Council at the CIA under President Reagan.

Using the home address of a top CIA official under President Ronald Reagan, who had also, and perhaps not coincidentally, been the author of a famous memo that eventually led Oliver North to step off a plane in Iran with TOW missiles in one hand and a cake for the Ayatollah in the other, Ruslan Tsarni's Congress of Chechens put into practice the CIA's unacknowledged policy in the former Soviet Republics.

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