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Comment Re:I hope (Score 3, Insightful) 308

I mean, I hope he gets really really sick, pulls through, perhaps with obvious but not crippling aftereffects. and convinces some of his death cult that this isn't a joke and it should be taken seriously.

Especially since if he dies before noon on January 20, 2021, we end up with apocalypse fetishist Mike Pence as president.

Comment Re:So what is it then? (Score 1) 49

To be fair, MS in the early 2020s is much different than MS in the late 1990s

Windows is largely a dead-end as a platform, the way going forward for end-user computing is web browsers, and at that point, it doesn't matter much what the underlying OS the browser's running on.

I mean, it's not *that* out there to say that there may come a point where "Windows" is actually a Linux distro with the Windows API bolted on top.

Comment Re: Howie Hawkins (Score 1) 455

Except Biden made a career out of being to the right of Ronald Reagan on a lot of stuff in the 80s. And I'm with the first post on Howie Hawkins as I simply can't support the Democrats while they're chasing the Republicans as the Republicans go further and further to the right. I mean, in 2018 I would have voted against Dan Lipinski (D-IL) if the Republicans hadn't nominated an actual Nazi.

Comment Re:Visible Wireless (Score 1) 31

And you can band together with random internet strangers for that, each line is paid for separately.

(Reasonably happy Visible customer here. It can be somewhat buggy at times, but $25 for unlimited data including hotspot)

Though pings aren't great, and at times in certain areas, the speeds can be not great, for example I was in the basketball arena of a reasonably large catholic university in a major city during a basketball game a couple months ago getting 1-3 mbps.

But in my corner of suburban hell, 50 mbps is fairly common.

Comment Re:Out of (huge) pocket expenses? (Score 2) 79

For a small enough thing, insurance becomes unnecessary. Everything is relative.

Wal-Mart insuring the store and the merchandise inside is like me insuring a pair of my own shoes.

It would suck if the solar panels on my shoes caused my shoes to catch on fire, but I'd rather just buy new shoes and complain really loudly about the guy whose gear set them on fire than to hire a profitable underwriter to insure them.

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