Comment Why just a rectangle? (Score 1) 408
Why not make the connector circular similar to a headphone jack? Then you won't be able to mess up insertion.
Why not make the connector circular similar to a headphone jack? Then you won't be able to mess up insertion.
Isn't this what Google wanted? I've always been under the impression that Google didn't necessarily want to become a large ISP, but instead wanted to spark competition.
All I want my car to do is get me from point A to point B... by itself and without my help.
to be fair you're not running VMs on a phone/mobile unit.
Are you sure? Android phones will most likely be running a Dalvik Virtual Machine.
I wonder how the Grizzly would work if the barrel had vacuum formed kevlar composite added to it. I would imagine that it would definitely help hold it together from cracking in the first place along with protecting the person holding the thing if it were to break.
100 is more than 20.
slashdot decided it would be really droll... err... funny, to ROT13 the articles, so users are ROT13'ing their posts.
Personally, I don't find ROT13 to be very secure. As a result, I *always* double ROT13 my posts, for maximum security.
I think the keyword you missed was "enterprise class", implying that its prints will be of higher quality. Or that it has a voice module and regular printer attached to spew our corporate bullshit and white papers.
Probably the five finger discount.
It seems to work pretty well for other companies.
Exactly. Maybe I'm just old, but to me electronics is closer to physics and hardware than what the poster listed. Microcontrollers and software are great fun and are electronic, but are not *electronics*. Building a machined brass test fixture to study the high speed switching of 20GHz-rated tunnel diodes and the hardline SMA fixtures to get that signal into a sampler is electronics. Downloading a library you didn't write and typing INCLUDE LIBRARY isn't electronics.
If he got an FPGA development board, he would be designing hardware then (assuming he doesn't just throw a softcore on it...). Definitely a large step closer to dealing with "electronics".
Hey, 70TB write endurance ought to be enough for anyone!
Well, if it isn't then a TLC SSD isn't for you today. Fortunately for you, there are other involving HDDs and RAID setups.
It seems that no amount of resolution in the RGB space is able to reproduce all the colors a normal person can see. Thus no, 48 bits are not enough.
If you can tell the difference between #9999CCCCDDDD and #9999CCCCDDDE, I'll buy you a Coke.
EASY! The one on the right ends with a 'D' and the one on the left ends with an 'E'.
Killing is a part of nature. Without it, animals would starve. Therefore, when people have a problem with murder, something is very wrong...
Worst. Argument. Ever.
While your argument there is bad, I'm not sure I would call it the worst one ever.
in the typing world, five characters defines a word in the typing world, in case you were wondering
Redundant much?
Why do you think he needs to type so fast?
Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better not refuse.