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Comment Re:Simple solution is the best (Score 1) 285

I don't trust the back-end of the wagon to be completely water tight. Heck, I just recently had to drain water out of one of the taillight assemblies (not kidding - and I do still own my username's namesake).

On the plus side, I could probably leave a big expensive hard drive in the back of the thing... no one who looks at that old beater will suspect there's anything of value inside.

Comment Re:End it or make it year-round (Score 4, Insightful) 462

To accommodate them, I would consider keeping DST for the entire year.

I'd go for this - or even what the Car Talk guys referred to as "double dog daylight savings" where it's a two hour jump (but year-round, I mean).

As it is, during the winter there is a period where I leave for work while it's dark and return home afterward in the dark. To have at least a little daylight left at the end of my workday would be nice.

Comment Re:It's really dumb once you understand the purpos (Score 2) 462

The reason for it nowadays basically amounts to this: If it's light out when most people get home from work, they're more likely to go shopping.

I hate to break it to you, but not everyone lives their lives indoors. There are even some people who willingly participate in different outdoor activities where having ample/additional daylight in the evening is beneficial - sports, gardening, whatever.

Comment I'm curious - will the tone here change? (Score 5, Insightful) 145

One of the things we're learning from Snowden's releases is that, apparently, many/most European spy agencies are behaving much like the US and British agencies. So will people get as outraged about the behavior of their own country's government? Will they speak as disparagingly about their own fellow "sheeple" as they like to do about Americans? Or will they maybe pay a little lip service, then get back to droning on about the NSA and idiot Americans?

It seems to me we ALL need to let our own governments know this is intolerable. And the statement that "everyone else is doing it" is no more of an excuse for a country than it is for an 11 year old.

Comment Overselling it (Score 5, Interesting) 356

If Comcast's donations help Murray defeat McGinn, it will send a powerful message to mayors in other American cities considering initiatives to increase broadband competition.

This article was written by someone who didn't do their homework.

There are a lot of reasons McGinn is probably going to be voted out. I doubt anyone's even going to connect his defeat with his lip-service regarding city-wide fiber.

McGinn has consistently pissed off both the business community in Seattle and large chunks of its citizenry. It all started before he was mayor - a lot of people were leery he was too much of an ideologue. As candidates do, he claimed he'd be pragmatic - promising he wouldn't let his personal opposition to the Highway 99 tunnel affect his mayoral decisions regarding the voter-approved project. Of course he got into office and immediately did everything he could to derail the project (but failed miserably - in addition to being an ideologue, the dude is not an effective leader). Anyway, it's gone downhill from there...

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