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Journal Journal: Matchmaker, Matchmaker Make Me a Match 3

Super-gorgeous (self-described) 25-year-old girl puts ad on craigslist: she wants to marry (N.B. marriage only; none of that dating crap) +500k man. What is she doing wrong? What do such men look for in a woman? +500k man takes time out to answer. Q&A here.

The Matrix

Journal Journal: Information as Cure 4

Herd Watching has an interesting post about a now-cured 9/11 Truther, Mike Metzger (MikeyMetz): A 9/11 'Truther' Reforms and What We Can Learn about Fringe Groups from It All ...

Personally, I find most interesting a bit from the quote from the former 'truther' himself:

For whatever reasons at the time, I no-showed the 8/11 truth action our group was doing in Albany. Instead, I watched a movie called Screw Loose Change. I expected it to point out a few corrections in some minor details of the film. To my surprise, it contested just about every claim in the entire movie. I was a bit shocked.
I was a true believer of all this controlled demolition nonsense for a time. I never cared about the physics or the claims of pseudo-"experts." What always did it for me was the fact that there was never a decent response to any of these questions by the government. [...] After watching Screw Loose Change, I delved into the world of 9/11 Truth debunking. Among my favorites are the Screw Loose Change Blog and 9/11 Myths[.] Finally, someone was answered all these pertinent questions with something that was a bit foreign to me... facts agreed upon by the experts.

Information as cure to conspiracy theories. Well, well, well, what do you know?!

[Mike Metzinger's new blog is called Confessions of an Ex-Truther.]

Input Devices

Journal Journal: 5 ... Handy Latin Phrases 4

  1. Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre? Is that a papyrus roll in your toga or are you just happy to see me?
  2. Cogito, ergo doleo I think, therefore I'm depressed.
  3. Ita erat quando hic adveni It was like that when I got here.
  4. Canis meus id comedit My dog ate it.
  5. Sona si latine loqueris Honk if you speak Latin.

Courtesy of Latinska Citat


Journal Journal: Quote of the Day

'It's like trying to lose weight by cutting open an artery - it sorta works, but the collateral damage is severe.'
Silliman's Blog explains why newspapers are wrong to ditch literary reviews to boost their viability.


Journal Journal: 5 ... Things to Do When Your Divorced Is Finally Finalized 10

  1. Kiss your assets goodbye.
  2. Get drunk.
  3. Listen to Louise Hoffsten's Dance on Your Grave on 11:
    My father told me, I've seen the type before:
    He's never satisfied 'til he has all and more.
    My father told me to stay away from you
    Before you wash my brain and twist my point of view.

    I guess I didn't clean my ears that morning;
    I really put all my trust in you.

    I'm gonna dance on your grave one day,
    Play the maracas and sing olé.
    Dance on your grave one day.
    I'm gonna dance on your grave one day,
    Invite all my friends for a cabaret
    Dance on your grave one day
    I'll have a ball ... when you're gone!

  4. Try to ensure you'll do better next time.
  5. Go home and turn ALL the lights on.

Journal Journal: 5 ... Friday Links 1

  1. Ironic Sans looks at various terrorism organization logos: stars are very popular, but guns are the numero uno symbol used (so much so that they have been divided into two subgroups: One Gun and Two Guns, Crossed). Writes Ironic Sans: 'While I hate to give terrorists any more attention, I still think it's interesting to see the various approaches they took in their logos, and wonder what considerations went into designing them. Does the logo successfully convey the organization's message? Is it confusingly similar to another group's logo?' Considering the plethora of guns, I would answer those questions yes and yes.
  2. Kyle Smith reviews Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: '"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," the 59th film in the popular series, brought me straight back to one of the most enduring of childhood feelings: boredom.'
  3. New York Magazine recommends the 'time waster of the day': Makibishi's 'promotional online cartoon game'. (Attention! Addictive! Addictive! Addictive! You have been warned.)
  4. Australian actress Toni Collette is pregnant, but can still count. Sort of. 'In February Collette said she was looking forward to motherhood and had become aware that her body clock was ticking. "I'm 35 this year, which is almost 40, which is almost 50," she said ... '
  5. It seems like an eternity since I posted about the egg song last, but you can't keep a good thing down: apparently it's just as interesting these days.
The Gimp

Journal Journal: Mustaine on UN 4

David Mustaine of Megadeth is interviewed in The American Spectator:

In a mere five minutes and thirty-seven seconds United Abominations' title track encapsulates a litany of complaints against this "blot on the face of humanity," as Mustaine sneeringly calls [the UN], from its practical indifference to ethnic cleansing and state-sponsored terrorism to the "mire of hypocrisy, bribes, kickbacks and corruption" it mucks around in. [...]

Not everyone is amused by Mustaine's battering of the blue helmets. "I just wonder which abomination he considers worse: Eradicating polio or ending obstetric fistula?" Mark Leon Goldberg sniffs on UN Dispatch. "Or is it the campaign to reduce childhood mortality rates by two-thirds that gets the aging rocker's blood boiling? I suppose he can take his pick."

"I'm sure the United Nations does some good stuff," Mustaine retorts. "I mean, they've got one of the most beautiful women in the world pushing rice in Darfur. But that's the irony of it all. They'll send those C130s over there full of supplies, drop it off and...the rebels get it. Deliver it all the way if you're going to deliver it. What good is it if it goes to the bad people? Then there are these allegations of women and children being raped by peacekeepers in Africa -- the first time that happens it's a crime, the second time it is a travesty [sic]."

United States

Journal Journal: Happy 4 of July 2

Why is it that Americans, who usually say 'Month' first and then 'Number', nevertheless say it the other way around when it comes to this particular day?

It's just to confuse foreigners and aliens, isn't it?!


Journal Journal: Question of the Day: Ginning Up Baby 2

Is it only natural or totally, totally depressing that when you read a story at Quizlaw about a 16-year-old Florida mother who got her 10 month old son drunk just for giggles and for the hell of video-taping it all, you assume, you just assume that she would look something like this? Which, in fact, she does.

I'm with the depressed posse.

On the other hand, the man who let his 9-year-old son smoke pot for no particular reason at all looks like this ... and his son, of course, looks like this.

I'm still with the depressed posse.


Journal Journal: Results in: Folksonomy Worst 1

According to a poll by British YouGov, folksonomy is the worst - in the 'wince, shudder or want to bang your head on the keyboard' sense of that word - cyberspatial word, followed by (in order) blogosphere, blog, netiquette, and blook. (news.com.au: Blook-haters vent rage on Web's worst words)

Personally, I don't mind any of those, save, of course, blook which, frankly, I would vote worst by a mile.

Another hated net-word was wiki, which for some reason always makes me think of (faux) Hawaii songs, kind of like something Elvis would sing:

      Elvis: [Hawaii shirt on top; cut from the waist down]And there I saw her ...
      choir girls: [while suggestive wiggling their bottoms in a mock-Hawaiian way] wiki wiki wiki ...
      Elvis: She said Aloha ...
      choir girls: wiki wiki wiki ...
      Elvis: And made eyes at me ...
      choir girls: wiki wiki wiki-eeeeeee ...

I'm not entirely sure that this hasn't something to do with the general not-so-completely-high regard in which I hold Wikipedia.

I wonder, though, how many of these words we will be using in that far, far distant future ... oh, say, in two or three years time?!


Journal Journal: Ask /.: 007 Food? 3

To celebrate 070707, we are throwing a 007 party. The drink is, of course, a given, but what about food?! Any good 007 food suggestions?

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