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Journal bettiwettiwoo's Journal: Question of the Day: Ginning Up Baby 2

Is it only natural or totally, totally depressing that when you read a story at Quizlaw about a 16-year-old Florida mother who got her 10 month old son drunk just for giggles and for the hell of video-taping it all, you assume, you just assume that she would look something like this? Which, in fact, she does.

I'm with the depressed posse.

On the other hand, the man who let his 9-year-old son smoke pot for no particular reason at all looks like this ... and his son, of course, looks like this.

I'm still with the depressed posse.

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Question of the Day: Ginning Up Baby

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There is hardly a thing in the world that some man can not make a little worse and sell a little cheaper.
