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  • The Science Icon can be viewed on the Topics [slashdot.org] page.

    Now look at a previous journal of mine [slashdot.org] that has the politics [slashdot.org] icon. Notice that the "tid" is equal to 219. It is also not an option for any journals and from what I recall hasn't been for a few years.

    Now look at the journal entry page [slashdot.org] source. You will see a bunch of code lined up nicely that looks like this:

    <option value="142">AMD</option>
    <option value="120">America Online</option>
    <option value="138">Amiga</option>

    • Thanks for taking the time to provide precise hacking instructions. It is, of course, always extra satisfying for a non-geek to be able to hack the 1337. :)

      But as you yourself point out: it's not terribly convenient, is it?!

      And yes, I had noticed that the icon was still available in the Topics, but that only makes it more irritating.

      And while we're on the subject of disappearing icons: what happened to the Politics icon? It's alright for Americans, but for the rest of us, politics isn't necessarily divided
      • by Talinom ( 243100 ) *
        And while we're on the subject of disappearing icons: what happened to the Politics icon? It's alright for Americans, but for the rest of us, politics isn't necessarily divided into 'Democrats' and 'Republicans'. Bastards.

        No, it's not alright for Americans either. I usually hack the code to force the politics icon because I don't feel like either party owns me.

        And bastards is right.
        • You're right, of course, you're right: of course it matters to Americans as well, but at least you have Democrats and Republicans.

          Well, OK, so here in Australia they do have a party called the Democrats as well (but who wants to write about them?*), and they also have a Republican movement (but who wants to write about them?+), but apart from those we don't have any Democrats or Republicans and anyway, what have the Romans ever done for us?!? Bastards!

          * OK, so there was this one time when the Democrats' par
  • We had lots of cats when we were growing up (okay - we started with one ... and "he" had 4 kittens - we were told it was a male, and nobody bothered to check until it gave birth on my bed ...).

    We decided to test the theory by taking cats and holding them upside-down less than a foot above the table-top, and releasing them. Sure enough, they'd land on their feet. Repeat quickly 20 times. On the 21st time, don't hold them upside-down. Result - SPLAT - they roll over and land on their back.

    The cats didn't

    • ... we started with one ... and "he" had 4 kittens ...

      My sister and I started with two rabbits, two white rabbits supposedly both of the female sex. And we believed that they were two girl rabbits until they started having sex that in now way looked like hott girl-on-girl rabbit action. Needless to say, we then had more than two rabbits. It's actually one of those tales when 1+1 makes ... oh, about 45 or so.

core error - bus dumped
