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Journal bettiwettiwoo's Journal: Mustaine on UN 4

David Mustaine of Megadeth is interviewed in The American Spectator:

In a mere five minutes and thirty-seven seconds United Abominations' title track encapsulates a litany of complaints against this "blot on the face of humanity," as Mustaine sneeringly calls [the UN], from its practical indifference to ethnic cleansing and state-sponsored terrorism to the "mire of hypocrisy, bribes, kickbacks and corruption" it mucks around in. [...]

Not everyone is amused by Mustaine's battering of the blue helmets. "I just wonder which abomination he considers worse: Eradicating polio or ending obstetric fistula?" Mark Leon Goldberg sniffs on UN Dispatch. "Or is it the campaign to reduce childhood mortality rates by two-thirds that gets the aging rocker's blood boiling? I suppose he can take his pick."

"I'm sure the United Nations does some good stuff," Mustaine retorts. "I mean, they've got one of the most beautiful women in the world pushing rice in Darfur. But that's the irony of it all. They'll send those C130s over there full of supplies, drop it off and...the rebels get it. Deliver it all the way if you're going to deliver it. What good is it if it goes to the bad people? Then there are these allegations of women and children being raped by peacekeepers in Africa -- the first time that happens it's a crime, the second time it is a travesty [sic]."

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Mustaine on UN

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  • The best part of the song "United Abominations" is the beginning where Dave is basically listing off some complaints and his voice is getting more and more agitated as he keeps talking.

    The UN was a nice idea at the time, but has outlived it's usefulness.

    • I guess I now have to dig up the money to buy one of their CDs.

      • United Abominations is just a flat out great metal album. Best song on it, in my opinion, is "Washington is Next".
    • The UN was a nice idea at the time, but has outlived it's usefulness.

      I was going to write something flippant/funny tying in with that article I think you linked to a while ago about intelligence and preference for metal, but then I got all depressed: it's not really funny that we have countries like Libya on the Human Rights Council (or whatever it's called) or that when they 'reform' that very body, they think it a great idea to put Zimbabwe on it. This would be funny in a satire, but not in real life. (W

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