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Journal bettiwettiwoo's Journal: Information as Cure 4

Herd Watching has an interesting post about a now-cured 9/11 Truther, Mike Metzger (MikeyMetz): A 9/11 'Truther' Reforms and What We Can Learn about Fringe Groups from It All ...

Personally, I find most interesting a bit from the quote from the former 'truther' himself:

For whatever reasons at the time, I no-showed the 8/11 truth action our group was doing in Albany. Instead, I watched a movie called Screw Loose Change. I expected it to point out a few corrections in some minor details of the film. To my surprise, it contested just about every claim in the entire movie. I was a bit shocked.
I was a true believer of all this controlled demolition nonsense for a time. I never cared about the physics or the claims of pseudo-"experts." What always did it for me was the fact that there was never a decent response to any of these questions by the government. [...] After watching Screw Loose Change, I delved into the world of 9/11 Truth debunking. Among my favorites are the Screw Loose Change Blog and 9/11 Myths[.] Finally, someone was answered all these pertinent questions with something that was a bit foreign to me... facts agreed upon by the experts.

Information as cure to conspiracy theories. Well, well, well, what do you know?!

[Mike Metzinger's new blog is called Confessions of an Ex-Truther.]

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Information as Cure

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  • Just some food for thought ...

    > "Finally, someone was answered all these pertinent questions with something that was a bit foreign to me... facts agreed upon by the experts"

    Less than a century ago, experts also agreed that blacks were genetically inferior, because "they were more closely related to monkeys."

    For a closer example, look at the "experts" in the stock market and their claims that CDOs (the repackaged sub-prime mortgages) were a safe investment. Or that "real estate never goes down" (ex

    • Good point about "experts", however:

      Things like fire burning hotter when oxygen is deprived is something that not only the the experts agree on, but is infinitely reproducible in a lab environment.

      Lab science can also verify that metals become softer when heated.

      So, there are "experts", and there is also reproducible science based on the laws of physics.

      The 9/11 "Truthers" ignore these laws along with just about all of the other facts.

      The "truthers" also never answer the question - if flight 77 didn't hit
      • if flight 77 didn't hit the Pentagon (as security camera footage clearly shows that it did), then where the hell is it?

        The Bermuda Triangle?
  • I still think that the plane that crashed in PA was shot down rather than brought down by onboard acts of heroism.

My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income. -- Errol Flynn Any man who has $10,000 left when he dies is a failure. -- Errol Flynn
