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Comment Re:Not the same thing (N900 form factor...) (Score 1) 394

Yes, 3.5" widescreen is small. However, you can change the font size both in the xterm, web browser, and many other apps just using the "zoom" button, and most applications use fonts larger than typical paperpack book. My eyesight is far from perfect (I'm in my mid-thirties, with myopia and some astigmatism in both eyes), not only I have no problem with, but I'm much happier with the new rather than the previous 3-and-something-inches mobile.

Comment Re:Not the same thing (Score 1) 394

I replaced my netbook with a Nokia N900, because of:

- Built-in physical keyboard, and external full-size standard bluetooth keyboard.
- It is the first { Linux + X11 + phone } that works nicely (OpenMoko was a poor attempt), and it's Debian based! (Maemo).
- As music player: impressive.
- As video player: impressive for h264 (hardware accelerated), not bad for mpeg4-baseline.
- As photocamera: quite good (5MP + two-LED flash, quite sharp for a mobile camera, and much better than my previous standalone 3MP Canon Powershot 4 year old camera).
- As agenda: very good.
- For notes: I love the default notes application provided by Nokia. You can use Conboy too, which is also OK.
- Multitasking: very good, the best I've seen in smartphones, because of using Linux plus plenty RAM (256MB + 768MB for swap) is years-light ahead from Symbian, iPhone, and Windows Mobile devices.
- User interface: uses desktop composition, but with the vertical sync disabled (it is possible to enable it, but I will not enable it until some other does it and confirm that it is safe). That makes it less smooth than the one from the iPhone or from Android devices.
- Geekness: Linux, X11, 256MB RAM + 768MB of swap, 2-way in-order supescalar ARM CPU (ARM Cortex A8 @600MHz, 1200MIPS, 2.4-4.8GFLOPs (4.8 GFLOPs when using the VMLA -FMAC, floating point multiply and accumulate-)), ssh, sshd, xterm, dosbox, game console emulation, perl, python, clisp, ml, airodump/aircrack, etc. With the exception of the C++ compiler, which haven't manage to install into the device yet (I'm using a cross compiler in my main PC, provided with the SDK), because I'm afread of broken the shared library links (I'll do it when I'm sure I'll don't break anything), the device runs most Linux applications!
- Presentations/slideshows/portable video player/etc: TV-out (composite NTSC/PAL plus stereo sound, via 3 RCA connectors).
- Storage: 32GB built-in (write speed is about 10 MB/s), expandable up to to 48GB with an additional 16GB micro-SDHC card.

Comment Re:Port? Or Dosemu? (Score 1) 95

It's a port, I tried it this morning: runs in full resolution (800x480), accelerated 3D, and it is very smooth. The N900 is tiny monster: Linux, X11, composite desktop, 256MB RAM + 768MB swap, 2-way-in-order superscalar ARM ARM Cortex A8 CPU @600MHz, 1200MIPS, 2.4-4.8GFLOPs (4.8 GFLOPs when using VMLA opcode -similar to the FMAC, floating point multiply and accumulate-), hardware accelerated OpenGL ES 2.0, etc.

As contrast, using Dosbox on the N900 is slow, barey enough for simulating an 8MHz 80286.

Comment Re:Nokia... (Score 1) 114

The N900 has actually 256MB of RAM (plus 768 of virtual memory using the flash storage). Previous Nokia models, as the N800 (without telephone, just a tablet PC) had just 128MB of RAM and 256MB of flash. That amount of ram costs below 10 USD. I see no problem for sub 70-150 USD full-fledged Maemo/Linux phones.

Comment Re:My bet: (Score 1) 421

Which assumes NP != P, which is unproven

As it is NP = P. The main handicap for NP = P is to sort the space solution dynamically, without expanding all permutations, avoiding combinatorial explosion. Other problem is that it is not trivial to fragment or address the space within a unexpanded solution for the permutation-space.

Comment Re:There are two sides in that coin... (Score 1) 235

Source ("El Economista", somewhat similar to "The Economist", but for Spain -it is not the same editor, but is one of the most important economics news paper in Spain-):
Gobierno, empresas y familias deben 2,7 billones, el 250% del PIB español (El Economista, m20091020)

Translation: "Government, companies, and families owe 2.7 trillion, which is about 250% of the Spanish GDP"

Those "2,7 billones" are 2.7*10^12, as in Spain we use the long scale, equals to 2.7 US/UK trillion (short-scale). In USD would be about 4 trillion (not much different from the 3.75 I posted in the previous post), so it is about 88.888 USD/person (!)

Comment Re:There are two sides in that coin... (Score 1) 235

666 USD per capita debt just for electricity!

Spain total per capita debt is 83.333 USD/person (2.5 trillion euro -2.5*10^12 euro, 3.75*10^12 USD-) is the private and public combined debt). Spain is one of the countries with most debt per capita (total debt it is not "world wide known" because of huge private debt, so it is somewhat masked).

Comment Re:There are two sides in that coin... (Score 1) 235

Socialism? It isn't. Both current goverment ("socialist") and the previous one ("conservative"), are pretty the same: pseudo free market + corruption. Both allowed the bank to pump the finantial and real estate bubbles, for their own interests (corruption, politic finantiation, etc.). Now we're facing the burst of the bubbles, without the possibility of coin devaluation, so is gonna be painful.

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