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Comment Re:Bad vs Good Journalism (Score 1) 236

If going from a news story to the sources...

My point is that it is not a news story, it's an opinion piece. News stories generally inform the reader of the news in as neutral and balanced way as possible. This was a badly written opinion piece. Going to the sources is the job of the journalist. The fact that even you are suggesting that this is needed means that clearly the so-called journalist did not do their job.

Comment Only if a particular game is already on consoles (Score 1) 155

People who want to play games can buy a console

Until they use their tablet to browse the website of the game they want to buy and see "Linux and Windows: Buy Now / Consoles: We are seeking a publisher." A newly established indie studio's games aren't on consoles until the console maker approves a studio's request for a devkit. That in turn doesn't happen until the studio brings two or three games to market on a competing platform, which usually ends up being Windows.

browse websites on a tablet

And write long-form articles for a website on what? Learn concepts of computer science on what?

Comment You're seeing PEP 668 (Score 2) 106

Try to pip install --user pkg. If it exists as a deb the pip commend will fail.

This is true of all system Python in GNU/Linux distributions since PEP 668. Ostensibly, it's to protect the user from installing a new major version of a package whose breaking changes cause other packages installed on the system to stop working. Creating a venv solves the problem.

Comment iTunes in Wine doesn't detect iPhone (Score 1) 155

What is there that only runs in Windows 11 and not under Wine that you need so badly that you're willing to buy an extra computer just for that?

iTunes, for adding music to my roommate's iPhone's music library after October 2025, when Windows 10 security updates end. Last time I tried iTunes, Wine couldn't run the part of iTunes that syncs to a mobile device. "How to Install iTunes in Ubuntu 22.04 | 24.04 (Step by Step)" states: "NOTE that, iTunes running with wine does NOT detect iPhone, at least not for me."

As for what to use instead of iTunes: I looked into libimobiledevice on Linux but its FAQ states "Sorry, music synchronization with newer devices is currently not supported." Using a Spotify or Apple Music subscription doesn't work if someone bought an MP3 album from the website of a band that isn't yet represented by one of the labels on Spotify or Apple Music. Using VLC instead of the Music app doesn't let the user mix and match songs manually added to the library with songs from the user's Apple Music subscription.

Comment Swap to SODIMM (Score 1) 218

I dont see a sane path to getting pluggable ram back without backtracking on the main selling point of the 'apple silicon' range, which is to gain performance by putting it all on the same die.

Mount the SODIMM as a RAM disk and have the operating system swap to it instead of swapping to the SLC intake buffer of the SSD. Main RAM stays on package; SSD sees less wear.

Comment Re:Running for President in 2028 (Score 1) 184

Now imagine you explaining to your own wife/children/parents that they should NOT try and kick an intruder out of their own vacation home, because âoesquatters rightsâ.

Their vacation home? Fuck them.

Given the fact that we have a massive immigration problem

Given that we have a massive homelessness problem, fuck you too.

You can always find a way to justify greed, can't you?

Comment Re: Yay to the abolition of lithium slavery! (Score 2) 133

People have heating oil, propane, and kerosene tanks next to their houses all the time and rely solely on the fire-rated tanks. Batteries aren't special in this regard, unless you consider they aren't a liquid that can spread or a gas that can expand so they're safer.

Fuel oil (whether you're talking about heating oil, kerosene, diesel, or anything else in this category) is relatively difficult to ignite. Propane tanks are usually separated from the dwelling by some significant space.

Comment Re:Running for President in 2028 (Score 2) 184

I was specifically addressing the nonsensical concept of âoesquatters rightsâ, which should not exist in any American state

If there's one place squatters' rights should exist, it's a nation that was founded on the top of a bunch of other nations and is all stolen land (since the USA has honored literally zero of the treaties it signed with native nations.)

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