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Journal Journal: Hi-larious 2

I enjoy the WSJ Opinion Journal's "Best of the Web Today" almost daily. Great one today which I'll paraphrase and add my own bias to because its my journal damnit.

The ACLU on its page about "Free Speech" the ACLU claims that:

It is probably no accident that freedom of speech is the first freedom mentioned in the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." The Constitution's framers believed that freedom of inquiry and liberty of expression were the hallmarks of a democratic society.

Of course, this isn't true at all. Those three little dots edit out something that is, oh, I don't know, pretty central to what we do here in America. As we all know, the First Amendment actually reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

So the ACLU's statement isn't actually true. Religion was first and how the state should deal with it is layed out plainly and specifically. Of course the ACLU has proved time and time again that they aren't comfortable with people exercising their religion, and religion tends to stand in the way of progressivist goals, so its really about time they just tried to write it out altogether. The Anti-Christian Lawyers Union does it again!

Sweet update: Ouch! A Californian dis's the ACLU and an AC shows up to say something about "redneck" states. Racist and divisive! There's your healing Dayton. Don't forget AC, the party of New England ALWAYS loses.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Hey fucktard

If you go to a fast food place alone, don't take a four-person booth. That is all.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Suicide by ideology 3

We have suicide by cop. We have suicide by misadventure. Welcome to suicide by ideology. I'm sure everyone has seen the SF gun story by now. I just had to comment though. PLEASE DO IT. Bush only lost California by 1.1 million votes. I can only hope it goes something like this:

Step 1. Ban guns
Step 2. Sensible please flee the Bay
Step 3. Criminals move in
Step 4. Criminals euthanize everyone that remains
Step 5. The United States government retakes San Fransisco by force
Step 6. The California State Constitution is amended so that noone is ever allowed to speak of it again

Between the idiotarians and career criminals being gone, that should about make up the difference and turn California red. Now I don't wish for anyone to die. But if this is how these people want to kill themselves, once again I am forced by my kind and understanding heart to allow it to happen. I am not one to think I know whats best for these folks. If they see fit to turn SF into DC, so be it.
User Journal

Journal Journal: More on thoughtcrime 6

The arrests begin. Who will bail me out? Suspicion of incitement to racial hatred. Not suspected of a race based crime. Not suspected of incitement of a race based crime. Incitement of mere racial hatred. Not far now from being arrested for merely being incite-ful. Doubleplusungood.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Choice quote 1

"If they, for whatever reason, decide to do this, it's not only wrong, they will rue the day they did it, because we will do whatever we can do to strike back," incoming Senate Democratic leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.) said last week. "I know procedures around here. And I know that there will still be Senate business conducted. But I will, for lack of a better word, screw things up."

And that, everyone, is Democrats. Stupid. As far as I can tell, they typically screw things up, but this time he was kind enough to report that he intended to do it. And isn't this the guy who said Justice Thomas' opinions are poorly written? Nothing demonstrates mastery of the English language like the phrase "for lack of a better word". Just another example of projection. I'd link to the specific examples, but they are numerous and hopefully obvious. Think, "why does he think he knows so much about people he has never met and who do not make themselves public figures?"

Journal Journal: Movies

While on my trip to NYC, I took the opportunities provided by the various flights and train rides to read The Watchmen. Coincidently they're turning into a movie. Further coincidently, they bring out the anti-hero story JUST after The Incredibles is so well received? The Watchmen vs The Incredibles. Blue vs Red America? Gotta stop Americans from feeling good about themselves. The culture war rages on!
User Journal

Journal Journal: Blue State Life

This is how we do it. Turns out those wacky California judges ruled first that you can peddle porn in your employer's name and cannot be fired for it. Good thing the whole country isn't as insane as California and just the blue edges.

Speaking of insane in the blue vein, is everyone keeping up with the LA Times 5-parter on Killer King? Man, shits complex, yo. I fucking hate liberals. Wasting my money hand over fist.

Still nothing about Van Gogh from out here. Moore? Anyone? Hello? Uproar over a possible fine from a titty on broadcast television and nothing about the murder of a documentarian. I find it harder everyday to take anything anyone associated with the Democratic party says seriously.

Last tidbit from the blue today. This is flying under the radar too, but one possible reform to the tax code would be the elimination of the deduction for state and local taxes. Normally I would be against this since the closer the money stays to the man the happier I am. But I'm a vindictive sort so I like this. Turns out that NY and CA have by far the highest state and local tax rates. Is this reform intended to fuck blue states directly? Or is it just happy coincidence? The world may never know.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Chinaman is a racial slur? 8

Chinaman is a racial slur? Who knew? Englishman isn't. Frenchman isn't. China = a country. Man = a man. Chinaman = something more than a man from China? I'm not buying it. Aren't there actual racial insults created from otherwise nonsense syllables? How does a compound word grow into a racial slur? I'm just boggled by this. I refuse to acknowledge Chinaman is a racial slur and I will work to take back this word from the forces of thoughtcrime. Who is with me?
User Journal

Journal Journal: Full on gloat

Alright. I'll admit it. I'm enjoying the national smackdown and rejection of Moore. And two days later he is still in tantrum mode. His first note since the election is dated today, and its appropriately titled "My First Thoughts After The Election." He is indeed a very slow man.
User Journal

Journal Journal: The Daily Show 8

So I'm watching the Daily Show for about the 5th time since John Stewart decided he had a mandate to make it a democratic operative and its still not funny. Its presumptive. Its condescending. And most of all its boring. I don't know how anyone can laugh at this garbage. You have to have the intellect of a five year old to not know what he's going to say. I found Dennis Miller to be much more funny and insightful. I watched that for the third time ever tonight and both he and his panelists "got it" much better on both sides and were able to articulate humor and insight on a level that I don't think Stewart could ever understand. His guest just said that if Kerry didn't win its because there is something wrong with the people. Self-righteous ass.

Keep on worshipping him left leaning America. This was the guy that said terror isn't a noun. Fools.

UPDATE: That ignorant fucker just perpetuated the lie that Bush won over gay marriage. You know what? The people of that back-water, redneck, good liberal state California voted to ban gay marriage too. And not just from happening in CA, from recognizing other state's situations. Please keep telling yourselves that was the issue Democrats. You are dooming yourself to a continued future of failure.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Ya know 3

Alot of people could be gloating right now, but they aren't. But I am getting tired of the fact that somehow the words coming out of the American left have gotten even more hateful as the time since the election passes. So I have a few words of advice for those of you who are struggling with the fact that you do not share the same hopes, dreams, and goals for the future as 59 million Americans do. They come from a moderately famous celebrity from right here in my hometown:

Maybe you should kill yourself.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Quote of the election! 2

From the Kerry campaign on Meet The Press THIS MORNING!

MR. RUSSERT: But is it inconsistent for John Kerry to be criticizing the missing weapons of mass destruction when, if he had been president of the United States, Saddam may be in power with all those potential biological, chemical weapons or munitions, however you want to describe them?

MR. KERREY: Well, first of all, we don't know that. We don't know that that's the case. We don't what John Kerry would have done if he had been president.

Thank god John Kerry and his people have such solid decision making that they don't know what he would have done even this late in the game!

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