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Journal Mike Hawk's Journal: More on thoughtcrime 6

The arrests begin. Who will bail me out? Suspicion of incitement to racial hatred. Not suspected of a race based crime. Not suspected of incitement of a race based crime. Incitement of mere racial hatred. Not far now from being arrested for merely being incite-ful. Doubleplusungood.

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More on thoughtcrime

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  • or maybe that is the better picture
  • Here, NAMBLA (not the National Association of Marlon Brando Look-Alikes) is being sued [] for providing "psychological comfort" to two child rapists and murders. The wrongful death suit is being brought by the parents of a murdered 5th grader because the killers took the boy to look at the NAMBLA website before they killed him. The website didn't give any instructions on rape or murder, didn't advocate rape or murder. But it did provide and accepting environment for pedophiles. Apparently, if you don't denoun
    • Of course I support any groups right to peaceably assemble and express itself in any peaceful way it sees fit, and this includes groups I don't agree with, such as NAMBLA.

      What I would like to know is what do you have to gain by equating pedophilia advocacy with criticism of a religion and its practitioners? The case I cite was not nearly as extreme as the classic NAMBLA example. You also previously advocated having children become Muslims, at least as far as practicing Muslims are concerned. Are you a
      • Not disingenuous at all. I think that the NAMBLA case is a particular henious trouncing of the first amendment, and I think it is just as extreme as the Nick Griffin/BNP case.

        Griffin is a David Duke style politician. He was president of the neo-nazi National Front party before joining and then leading the "pro-white" and anti-immigration British National Party. So I don't think it's a stretch to equate pedophelia advocacy with racism. Both are concepts I find disgusting. Both NAMBLA members and BNP members
        • By the way, I would like to know if there is any anti-muslim statements that, for you, would rise above the level of "criticism of a religion." At the BNP meeting that prompted the arrests, members made statements like "Shoot Pakis. That's all I want to do. Shoot Pakis," and fantasized about blowing up a mosque with a rocket launcher.

          This is a very easy question to answer. And it has nothing to do if a group is pro-this or anti-that or is based on anything. The line is crossed when non-abstract plann
      • There's nothing wrong with children becoming Muslims, per se. I think you meant to accuse me of advocating that children be converted to Islam against their will or without their knowledge or something like that. What was in question was a comparative religion or social studies class in a public school that had children recite an Islamic prayer. The hysterical article you cited explained that Muslims believe that saying such a prayer out loud is all that is required to convert to that faith, and such a conv

"Call immediately. Time is running out. We both need to do something monstrous before we die." -- Message from Ralph Steadman to Hunter Thompson
