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Journal Mike Hawk's Journal: Suicide by ideology 3

We have suicide by cop. We have suicide by misadventure. Welcome to suicide by ideology. I'm sure everyone has seen the SF gun story by now. I just had to comment though. PLEASE DO IT. Bush only lost California by 1.1 million votes. I can only hope it goes something like this:

Step 1. Ban guns
Step 2. Sensible please flee the Bay
Step 3. Criminals move in
Step 4. Criminals euthanize everyone that remains
Step 5. The United States government retakes San Fransisco by force
Step 6. The California State Constitution is amended so that noone is ever allowed to speak of it again

Between the idiotarians and career criminals being gone, that should about make up the difference and turn California red. Now I don't wish for anyone to die. But if this is how these people want to kill themselves, once again I am forced by my kind and understanding heart to allow it to happen. I am not one to think I know whats best for these folks. If they see fit to turn SF into DC, so be it.
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Suicide by ideology

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  • Gun robbery criminals have a tendency to congregate where there is money- therefore by your supposition of the sensible people moving out, there's no incentive for the criminals to move in. Instead the criminals will go where the money is- to the homes of the sensible people which will be elsewhere.
  • Under the language of the measure, the ban would not apply to... anyone else "actually employed and engaged in protecting and preserving property or life within the scope of his or her employment."

    So if you just want to protect your own life and property, but no one is paying you to do it, it's not okay to have a gun? WTF? How the hell does a paycheck make you more worthy to own a gun?

    This clause seems to me an easily exploitable loophole, however. Neighborhoods could get together and form watch groups.
    • That clause is the very reason why the law will be found unconstitutional. The CA Constitution basically says this sort of law is illegal. SF is claiming they can ban guns outright since that is not regulating them. Trouble is by saying who can and cannot own them they are in fact regulating them. So the people are protected from anti-gun tyranny in spite of themselves.

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