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Journal Mike Hawk's Journal: Ya know 3

Alot of people could be gloating right now, but they aren't. But I am getting tired of the fact that somehow the words coming out of the American left have gotten even more hateful as the time since the election passes. So I have a few words of advice for those of you who are struggling with the fact that you do not share the same hopes, dreams, and goals for the future as 59 million Americans do. They come from a moderately famous celebrity from right here in my hometown:

Maybe you should kill yourself.
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Ya know

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  • Since 55 million voters voted for Kerry, and 59 million voted for Bush, all we need to do to insure a democrat in office in 4 years is kill off 6 million conservatives.

    So join the NRA and sharpen up on those sniper skills. Take as many conservatives with you as possible.

"Right now I feel that I've got my feet on the ground as far as my head is concerned." -- Baseball pitcher Bo Belinsky
