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Journal Mike Hawk's Journal: Quote of the election! 2

From the Kerry campaign on Meet The Press THIS MORNING!

MR. RUSSERT: But is it inconsistent for John Kerry to be criticizing the missing weapons of mass destruction when, if he had been president of the United States, Saddam may be in power with all those potential biological, chemical weapons or munitions, however you want to describe them?

MR. KERREY: Well, first of all, we don't know that. We don't know that that's the case. We don't what John Kerry would have done if he had been president.

Thank god John Kerry and his people have such solid decision making that they don't know what he would have done even this late in the game!

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Quote of the election!

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  • and they pounce on it when Bush has a word slip. that's good stuff.
    • To be fair, that's Kerrey not Kerry, but he was the rep for the Democrat's campaign on the show with Rudy G being there for the Republicans. But he did state plainly what most of us figured out long ago, John Kerry not only doesn't know what he will do, but doesn't even know what he would have done.

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