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Journal Mike Hawk's Journal: The Daily Show 8

So I'm watching the Daily Show for about the 5th time since John Stewart decided he had a mandate to make it a democratic operative and its still not funny. Its presumptive. Its condescending. And most of all its boring. I don't know how anyone can laugh at this garbage. You have to have the intellect of a five year old to not know what he's going to say. I found Dennis Miller to be much more funny and insightful. I watched that for the third time ever tonight and both he and his panelists "got it" much better on both sides and were able to articulate humor and insight on a level that I don't think Stewart could ever understand. His guest just said that if Kerry didn't win its because there is something wrong with the people. Self-righteous ass.

Keep on worshipping him left leaning America. This was the guy that said terror isn't a noun. Fools.

UPDATE: That ignorant fucker just perpetuated the lie that Bush won over gay marriage. You know what? The people of that back-water, redneck, good liberal state California voted to ban gay marriage too. And not just from happening in CA, from recognizing other state's situations. Please keep telling yourselves that was the issue Democrats. You are dooming yourself to a continued future of failure.
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The Daily Show

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  • Did you see the part with Car Henge!?!?! I was born in Alliance, where car henge is at! I went up there this summer to check it out, omg, it's fricken' awesome! []

    Man, he sure was depressed about Bush winning. I thought his taunting of us rural types was a little excessive with the interview with the NY senator... can't remember his name. He pretty much called us all backwards bible-thumping idiots, which I wasn't impressed with.
  • But I think it's pretty 'freakin obvious that social conservativism was the issue Bush won on. If nothing else- because the exit polls (which I don't entirely trust, but still) said so. 22% of the voters had social conservativism as their top priority- 79% of those voters, rightly or wrongly, went to Bush (I assome the other 21% agree with me that even though Kerry never came out and said it, his economic policies would reduce abortion). Gay Marriage itself may be a Weapon of Mass Distraction in this- as
    • But I think it's pretty 'freakin obvious that social conservativism was the issue Bush won on. If nothing else- because the exit polls...

      To paraphrase W from the third debate...
      In all due respect, I'm not so sure it's credible to quote [exit polls] about -- oh, never mind.
      • Well, your side is using the late exit polls to prove that Diebold didn't fix the election in Ohio and Florida- depsite the fact the early exit polls showed exactly the opposite.

        Still, I've toned it down and made it more rabidly right wing in my JE on the topic- I guess the question is, just how right wing are YOU? Are you willing to give up a little freedom in return for no more abortion, like most people want? Or are you right wingers going to spend the next 4 years like the last 4, watching the number
        • My side? I haven't tried to use the exit polls for anything.

          And please don't forget who pays for, generates and uses the exit polls. Which brings us back to the actual quote from W...
          In all due respect, I'm not so sure it's credible to quote leading news organizations about -- oh, never mind.
          Have they gotten around to calling Ohio yet?

          I quite easily showed that the exit polls are nonsense and you continue to push the probably imaginary abortion issue. This is Rather *cough* like the 60 Minutes do
          • My side? I haven't tried to use the exit polls for anything.

            Ok- then what's your defense against the Diebold CEO's Confession of intent to commit voter fraud [] that just happened to match the final result of the popular non-provisional vote in Ohio? Without the exit polls, you have no proof that your side DIDN'T cheat- but with those polls you have some proof that the election wasn't rigged (because the final exit polls matched the vote tally nearly exactly).

            Have they gotten around to calling Ohio yet?
            • Wow, your position switch rivals John Kerry's; I salute you. Were we talking exit polls here or actual votes or Diebold or which? I guess the conversation wasn't going your way huh?

              Since this discussion has once again thanks to you flown way off-topic, Ill be posting my next post on the issue in your journal on the issue.
              • Wow, your position switch rivals John Kerry's; I salute you. Were we talking exit polls here or actual votes or Diebold or which? I guess the conversation wasn't going your way huh?

                If you haven't noticed, they're closely linked- the early exit polls showed for Kerry, the late ones showed for Bush (which would only happen if all of the Bush supporters forgot to set their alarm clocks on Tuesday). Thus the early data didn't match the output of the Diebold machines- but the later data very suspiciously did.

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