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Comment Re:It's almost as if building no new infrastructur (Score 1) 187

In this case the computers made it possible to radically increase throughput so that we could massively increase the amount of shipping without having to spend money building out our ports.

Here on this planet, we (the US) have been expanding the capability of our ports for decades. I watched these suckers coming into Puget Sound just the other day...

Or, to put it another way, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

Comment Re:Won't happen (Score 2) 131

The laws of physics haven't changed

No, they haven't. But that doesn't mean that decades of technological improvements haven't changed the picture.

technology that could be used to make a more efficient supersonic airliner could also be used to make an even more efficient subsonic airliner

True. Which is exactly why the more efficient engines that will power newer supersonic aircraft have been used on subsonic aircraft for decades now. Also, exactly why the improved fuel and weight and balance controls need by supersonic aircraft are also in widespread use in subsonic aircraft. And exactly why the improved structures and materials... well, you get the picture.

You're delusional if you don't grasp that it's not 1969. Aircraft technology has greatly evolved over the last half century and that alters the prospects for supersonic travel.

Comment Re:Technical Issues (Score 1) 232

Everyone in the Navy knows seawater and salt spray will cause gremlins and malfunctions - where it should be impossible. We will see if maintenance fees sours the economics, or if sharks or boat anchors damage the cables that carries electricity back.

That sure *sounds* impressive... But what it reveals is that you're an ill educated ignoramus.

The reality is, we have plenty of experience in operating off-shore installations. World wide, there's plenty of experience in operating off-shore wind plants... And they work just fine. Ditto for the cables.

I don't know if you're a veteran or not (I am, USN)... but if you are, please stop saying stupid shit and then using your irrelevant experience to cover up your cluelessness.

Comment Re:Interesting spin (Score 1) 152

this isn't Peter Thiel doing this. It's some of his money supporting something that he thinks will make him some money back

With investment comes influence and control over the thing invested in. How much is open to question and debate... But you're delusional if you think Big Money just hands out checks and hopes for the best.

Comment Re: Hypersonic flight is the application du jour (Score 4, Informative) 131

I honestly don't get why the military keeps working on new hypersonic missiles when WE ALREADY HAVE HYPERSONIC MISSILES and have had for the last 50 years. It's not like our adversaries are going to look at this and say "well, ICBMs were bad and scary but these new launchers are fine because they're airbreathing, we sure won't resume our arms race for those."

I can think of several offhand:

  • - They travel at a much lower altitude than ICBM's. reducing radar warning time.
  • - Since they're not surrounded by re-entry plasma, they could conceivably mount sensors of varying kinds to improve accuracy.
  • - It's quite likely (since they're not limited to ballistic trajectories) they'll be able to take evasive action and maneuver on deceptive flight paths.

Comment Re:Not the only problem... (Score 0) 376

*nods* Electric cars could be free... and we'd still face the infrastructure problem. Not just the big stuff (stress on the grid), but also the small stuff. Things like millions of individual charging stations at private residences and places of work. Stuff the EV cultists try to avoid discussion of.

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