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Journal Journal: Silly Andy

Too much Warcraft III on my computer...


User Journal

Journal Journal: So...

I like shameless plugs, and I'd rather blog on my own site than this one, so...

Go here if you're truly interested.

Go here if you like funny things.

Go here if you'd like some free-beer games.

Go here if you don't really care.

United States

Journal Journal: Thanksgiving TrollBack 8

Did you know that Slashdot.org is an anagram for Harlot's Dogs? It's true, and here's the proof:
It's November 27, 2002, and THIS is TROLLBACK.

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Bring on the tryptophan, kids, it's Thanksgiving! Time for all good Americans to crowd themselves onto buses, trains, freeways, and anything else that will make them easy targets for terrorist attacks in a mad, crazed rush to go somewhere and relax. With all the changes going on in Slashcode these days, it'd be easy to lose your head - some of Slashdot's three and four year old spelling errors and outstanding Tacoisms (like empty Parent links) have suddenly gone missing, leaving a lot of Cowboys ready to Call it a Night. But don't flip out and throw your baby in the street just yet, kids - we've brought the dressing for everybody's favorite dried out turkey .

Format: (dreplies/treplies/moderations|voodoo)

(62/171/39|147) SlashChick reminds us how much fun Anne Marie was.
(28/183/16| 86) Owl reveals every /bot's inner riceboy.
(24/128/23| 77) SKO proves that The Truth is divinely contentious.
(39/ 81/13| 76) PS sniffs at the harsh reality of being a commie.
(29/158/ 6| 72) EPM demos a 1sentence flamewar for you newbies.
(37/ 64/13| 70) SKO tries to fly a P.C. kite in a stiff/bot breeze
(27/ 71/18| 64) an AC draws a wonderfully flawed "extreme syllogism".
(26/ 80/16| 63) PG Trolls with Linus Truth.../bots prove allergic.
(32/ 93/ 5| 62) Criteria for IBM's soul: The Rightmann Test. /. fails.
(17/145/10| 59) Poor Tim gets enthusiastic about Windows.
(26/ 83/ 8| 55) tps12 gets under some Indie skin. Eminem wins.
(25/ 64/11| 53) Da Rev makes one of those posts that Ellen "doesn't read"
(23/ 63/12| 52) Eric invites/gamers to play Jingo.
(18/ 86/13| 51) GPS fights terror and saves the best for last.
(28/ 59/ 6| 51) Adam shows Sci-Fi fans their inner despair. Repent!
(17/ 24/25| 50) Stanley morphs his Transmeta post. /bots divide by 0.
(21/ 57/ 8| 44) tps12 has been to the undisclosed Moose Lodge!
(15/ 47/17| 44) 'scout reminds Mac users that their empire is evil too.
(16/ 33/18| 43) PM: Linus is a stupid mangina at +5. Gold medal.
(21/ 67/ 4| 42) /.ess: Ask a stupid question, get 67 stupid answers.
(16/101/ 3| 42) atrowe knows you don't shave. admit it!
(16/ 75/ 8| 42) MV brings Truth in from "out there"; /bots put it back

Editor's choice

The problem with scoring Trolls is that sometimes, even the losers are winners (you read Slashdot; we're sure your familiar with the concept). Just because a post doesn't have the world's highest Voodoo doesn't mean you can't get a laugh out of it. For this reason, the editorial staff here at the secret Trollback headquarters decided to pick a few more of the best and brightest, for obvious reasons:

Scary, dirty Toys for Tots

A long time ago, the Trollback team made some heavy-handed accusations, claiming that Slashteam was mass-moderating posts by users they disliked. We were of course met with general disbelief until the Post of Doom, after which mass-moderation and Editor Modbombing made it into the Slashdot FAQ. We're still asserting that Slashbots and Linux users in general are dirty, unwashed pedophiles, but now we've got proof. Behold, ladies and gentlemen: lock up the kids and make sure they wash . Probably the best argument against Linux in the classroom... ever?

Would you like to play a game?

Just how important is it to get your friends list jacked up as high as possible? Well, to those who like to play Slashdot The Game, it's the New Karma. FortKnox has spent months rambling on in his journal about... stuff... in order to get as many fans as possible. In a few short days, ekrout has almost surpassed FortKnox with a grand total of 351 fans. How? The same way you get anything done on Slashdot: make it stupid and make it easy. See ekrout's signature for more info. If you're wondering how YOU can participate in this new penis length contest, we feel that it's only fair to provide everyone with a means of keeping score. So, released under the TPL, we present the Slashdot New Karma Tracker, a Shell(tm) script for keeping score. Please note that this script will only work on Lunix 8.0 certified systems:

wget --quiet -O- http://slashdot.org/~$1/fans -U "The Slashdot New Karma Tracker (tm)(r) TPL 1.0"| grep fans | grep "HREF=\"//slashdot" | wc | gawk '{printf("You have %s fans. PATHETIC.\n",$1)}'

Remember to put it in a file and put your account name in as a command line argument. And don't engage in scripted abuse or you'll get the Flaming Gay Pink Screen of Death.

Doing your duty

What is FatWallet? No, no, put that thing away... FatWallet is a message board where American Citizens post messages about where the best sale prices are. Cool idea, right? Well, perhaps, but only if you're trying to DESTROY CORPORATE AMERICA. FatWallet made Slashdot frontpage news for trying to exploit innocent corporations and getting busted by the DMCA. Fortunately, our agents were already working to stem the tide at FatWallet by:

The Trollback team officially salutes everyone working at sites like FatWallet across the Internet to protect America.

The Trolls are out there

We'd like to take a moment - well, maybe just a sentence - to recognize the hard work of our brothers [wisc.edu] in arms [supernet.net].


Have you ever seen this Secret Slashdot Design Document ? It's very (+1)Informative, and it makes a lot of CmdrTaco's design decisions a lot more transparent. We've been working hard to replace Jon Katz but as you can see in the feature request, nobody understands the perils of reading at Threshold -1. Now go buy a T-shirt .

___ [_____] YHBT!
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That's all for this episode. As always, please send your suggestions and Nigerian hate mail porn to T r o l l b a c k 47 Zip Lip d07 Com.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Daily TrollBack FAQ 8

We of the TrollBack Team have started a new programme to help satisfy your taste for TrollBack in between issues. Daily TrollBack takes advantage of our extensive troll monitoring system to bring you the best trolls of the day in an automated way. This journal shall serve to help allay any questions you may have.
  • Where will Daily TrollBacks be posted?

    Because of the annoying large number of lamers and modbombers lurking in sid 20721, we have decided to post future editions of Daily TrollBack to sid 31337. You can always check TrollBack's posting history if you think you've missed an issue.

  • Hey! I thought you said this was a daily TrollBack. Why do you skip every other day?

    It was indeed the original plan to post every day. Unfortunately, our in-house testing has shown there just aren't enough interesting posts a day to make a truly Daily TrollBack entertaining. Our current bidaily posting schedule keeps the overall quality much higher.

  • You clods! How could you not include this-or-that awesome troll post???

    The postings are fully automated. That comment either was posted by a currently unmonitored account, or simply didn't get enough replies or moderations to make it onto the Daily TrollBack score sheet.

  • This post you linked isn't really a troll at all! It sucks.

    Once again, the system is fully automated. A piece of crap is bound to slip in every once in a while.

  • What is this "voodoo factor" you rank postings by?

    1.2*DirectReplies + Moderations + TotalReplies/5

  • How can I tell if an account is currently being monitored?

    You can check the list here.

  • Is this the end of full-blown TrollBacks?

    Not at all! A full, human-edited edition TrollBack complete with the commentary and ASCII art you've all come to know and love will be posted to our journal every month, as always.

If you have any other questions, either post them to this journal, or email them to us at <trollback # ziplip , com>.

- The TrollBack Team

User Journal

Journal Journal: Halloween TrollBack! 7

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Yes, autumn is in the air. Amber trees, dark skies, and chilly rock hard nipples are on us like Anna Nicole - uninvited and unstoppable. The more things change, the more the change at Slashdot remains the same, and it's our job to celebrate the unstoppable twit parade. So put down the knives, take off the hockey mask and stop playing 'American Pie' with that pumpkin, because it's time for Halloween Trollback.

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(Direct Replies / Total Replies / Moderations / Voodoo Factor)

(20/214/10 /76.80) TTR takes the cake by trying to spike the ball on Buy Nothing Day. Go for 2!
(21/101/23 /68.40) The absent minded professor forgets the rights of the handicapped.
(26/ 71/18 /63.40) Scottish girls like it slow and quiet.
(18/147/ 7 /58.00) AOL Keyword: Strip Motherfucker
(24/ 98/ 8 /56.40) SKO explains why Carrot Top glows in the dark.
(13/148/ 8 /53.20) SKO proves that your average Slashdot consumer doesn't understand clock speed.
(21/ 50/13 /48.20) Rock n' Roll will never die, but PDA's already have
(16/104/ 8 /48.00) Kelly dons her tin foil hat and ladels out voting advice.
(21/ 39/13 /46.00) Physicsgenius teaches how to float a boat by motioning the ocean.
(24/ 36/ 9 /45.00) SKO deserves a medal for this Informative mirror.
(17/ 42/12 /40.80) gnillort proves that violent computer gamers are easily annoyed. Shocking.
(18/ 37/ 9 /38.00) GPS gets a precise fix on flying pigs.
( 8/ 12/23 /35.00) Tune in, turn on, drop acid. Post.
( 9/ 64/ 9 /32.60) GPS throws pie at Mac users. Result: predictable.
(13/ 48/ 7 /32.20) TPS the 12th explains why open sores are bad. Fails to convince /bots.
(10/ 41/12 /32.20) PG pushes the subtlety envelope with inspirational hand waving.
(16/ 45/ 4 /32.20) gnillort bursts the Office bubble; soap covered /bots attack.
(13/ 23/11 /31.20) Hairy Potter introduces /. to the Laws of Thermodynamics. Entropy skyrockets.
(12/ 22/12 /30.80) SKO lobs a grenade at the Euros. /bots pull pin and start to argue.
(10/ 15/15 /30.00) TPS PSA... SNAFU!
(17/ 26/ 4 /29.60) TP-s12 the robotroll grinds one out. Stallbots panic.
( 9/ 59/ 7 /29.60) HP warns Mac users about contamination. Message lost in the noise.
(17/ 19/ 5 /29.20) HP takes one last stab at Mac users by disproving Godwin's law with authority.

What is the EFF-PEE?

Are first posts a good thing or a bad thing? I'm sure that our dear readers have their own answer, but getting CmdrTaco's take on the issue is more complicated. Slashdot's old sql datadump file used to start out by dumping the first comment into your Slash setup entitled 'First Post!' which went on to warn that 'there will be a bunch of faceless anonymous morons who will attack you for no reason' - in short, a typical First Post troll. The exact same file went on to text filter the phrase 'First Post' out of our subject lines, meaning that only Taco's troll was allowed, and giving birth to such explosively creative catchphrases as 'Frost Pist' and 'Eff Pee'. The filter against 'First Post' has been removed, but the automatic First Posting remains unedited. I guess the answer is that it depends who's doing the FP'ing.

And as we've been told before, there's nothing worse in the world than a post marked +5 Funny. Now it seems that the ultimate Bad Thing is a +5 Funny AC post... Which leads us to the question: Just how terrible is it when someone AC posts a 'First Post!' which unlike CmdrTaco's automated FP is actually funny? The answer appears to be that if this happens enough, these posts will be capped at a max score of +4.

With this in mind, we'd like to take this moment to salute the following first posters for their contributions toward yet another arbitrary, nonsensical, gratuitous gatekeeper - without byzantine rules like this, there'd be nothing fun to do here!

Moderation is not broken!

We'd like to take a moment to salute one of our trolls for managing to achieve for the briefest of moments the highly elusive Score:5 Troll. Truly a Slashdot Icon.

ASCII Art is exclusively destructive.

Five years of intense research have so far failed to yield a regular expression which will prevent ASCII art. ASCII doesn't troll people, trolls do... but as long as ASCII art is outlawed, only outlaws will have ASCII art! We'll keep you posted in case a solution is found.

As always feedback is welcome. Have a happy Halloween, and keep the trolls coming.

- The TrollBack Team (trollback 'at' Ziplip.com)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Blah

Does this actually qualify as 'Blogging'??? If so, please kill me... I have committed a horrible crime towards humanity and must be severly punished...

Journal Journal: TrollBack Returns! 4

Today is Monday, September 30, 2002, and it is time for...



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Looking at the sorry state of trolltalk and the sheer stupidity of the more vocal "trolls" of today, it's easy to think that /. trolling is dead. Through this very special episode of TrollBack, we hope to prove that, like rock and roll and *BSD, trolling is here to stay. For your enjoyment, here are twenty top-notch tidbits for your viewing pleasure:

(Format: link description (replies/mods))

34303&cid=3712135 atrowe chooses capitalism over Kyoto (16/?)
34684&cid=3751063 WTC Survivor sacrifices privacy for security (24/?)
37801&cid=4051434 ST points out the perils of pot proselytizing (19/?)
39362&cid=4202158 tps12 points out the necessary evils of IP laws (17/?)
39664&cid=4232045 Professor Collins gives a lecture on vegetarianism (24/14)
39912&cid=4256786 euroderf suggests the death penalty for spammers (11/5)
40031&cid=4266440 HP proves that foreigners do it better and more efficiently (17/6)
40037&cid=4267381 michael is told to can it, bitchslap ensues (20/37)
40151&cid=4280185 tps12 raises security concerns of the indian satellite launch (33/7)
40585&cid=4319501 tps12 questions the actual openness of nvidia (12/8)
40625&cid=4323445 an Owl raises privacy concerns of spam-hunting (16/5)
40694&cid=4332048 the Owl fights against Apple for Your Rights Online (14/11)
40708&cid=4331081 Collins sets the record straight on Vorbis (14/20)
40709&cid=4331307 ST reposts an old KDE troll and ignites yet another flamewar (23/14)
40786&cid=4339637 Dr. Hairston points out the true source of gamers' rage (25/7)
40877&cid=4346068 PhysicsGenius belies the fundamental absurdities of 3D displays (24/12)
40899&cid=4347432 GPS flames amateur rocketeers (15/2)
40936&cid=4348705 One-line AC first-post starts a U.S. v. rest of Americas flamewar (19/8)
40957&cid=4351022 Kelly Osbourne advocates a new poll tax (16/7)

(NB: numbers are as they were when the posts were reported to TrollBack. they may have changed and likely will change further in the future.)


Please e-mail interesting links to trollback@ziplip.com, and we'll put you under consideration for future editions. Until next month, this is TrollBack signing off.


Journal Journal: Lwared lives! 1

Well, it turns out that Lwared hasn't worked since the early 2.0 kernels, ouch. Just got permission from the original authors to continue development, and will be releasing lwared-0.95-jo1 soon. Builds without a warning now, but still some issues with functionality... it's unable to recognize an interface's IPX addr. I have no explanation, as well as I can read the C code, it's not even trying, maybe I got ahold of a broken beta? Will have to check some of the pre 0.95 code to be sure.

Beginning to do prelimnary research on a VIP protocol stack for linux. (Banyan VINES, for those wondering). It won't be easy, I'm not that great of a programmer. Looks like I'm on my own though, no one else would even be interested.

Some friends and I are finally launching spalp.org. Society for the preservation of assembly language programming. Text book quality tutorials on asm for just about any cpu you can name, is our goal. At the moment, we have an intro to asm, and several 65xx chapters. Look forward to books on the z80, pic microcontroller, and motorola 68k before the end of the year. Contact us if you can help!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Unemployment still sucks.

Managed to hack the ipx utils and lwared enough to compile on 2.4.x. Mostly just incorrect includes, they must have switched alot around from 2.2 to 2.4. So I get the daemons to compile, and no segfaulting even... and still can't get the damn things to run right. When finished though, my home uberserver will be able to broadcast reboot messages via samba, netware's nsend, appletalk broadcast, and even pitou's onscreen messaging feature. Gotta get around to installing SNA on the thing too, but decnet didn't work very well, and I really want to get that working first.

Still need to work on PAMizing slackware, and getting my uberdirectory built... local accounts suck ass when you have close to 50 active boxen.

Of course, when I am employed, with the jobs I usually have, I'm given no credit whatsoever. Maybe I don't deserve any.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Cool

Even though I've been reading slashdot for quite some time, I jusr recently started poking around to see whats what.
Obviously, I found out about the Journal.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Journal entry, Febuary 4, 2002

Discovered there is such a thing as a journal. Wow. Got mis-moderated by a troupe of chimpanzees masquerading as slashdot readers. Some idiot accused me of cutting and pasting a list of OS's I claimed to use. Haha. The list would have been twice as big, had I been able to remember them all. Must find work, unemployment about to run out. Very uncool.

Christmas Cheer

Journal Journal: Christmas TrollBack 5

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It's Friday Dec 21, and this is Trollback.

trollback has a new format - in the spirit of ASCII-art choked lame walkthru guides for gamers obsessed with wasting their youth in front of a cathode ray tube, i bring you trolltalk, ASCII-enhanced. because imitation is the sincerest form of mockery. think of this as phrack, only without any real insight, technical knowledge, or redeeming value.

please, enjoy. eat your fill. and when you're done reading this issue, head over to the comment section and tell me how gay i am. thanks a bunch.

(moderations/direct replies) ... (story)/*

24900&cid=2704401 (6/11) foster tells us how Big Brother needs a TV station (GTA)
24969&cid=2712435 (5/6) ST opens a sore with GNU documentation (Gnu-Doc)
24969&cid=2712491 (2/6) Perdida gets a GNU Virus (Gnu-Doc)
24925&cid=2707281 (2/11) foster explains how the RIAA competes (Rebroadcasting)
24983&cid=2712822 (4/11) Total TiVo bullshit with some wonderful refutes (Tivo)
24968&cid=2711942 (7/4) Offtopic guilting of /gamer pirates (PS2 Pirates)
24967&cid=2711594 (6/5) Not a troll, but insult the Simpsons and you're F'd (Simpsons)
24962&cid=2711721 (4/8) Too much genius to describe in one sentence. (B-52)
24962&cid=2711392 (4/7) AC's strike B-52 story again. Invade Afghanistan with swords! (B-52)
24957&cid=2710311 (4/5) one line trolling NASA for metric units (Cassini Probe)
25011&cid=2716835 (2/14) BD's template LinuxSux leads to Snafoo's classic reply (LNUX/Acct)
24833&cid=2697981 5 mods for a 1-sentence racist flame of de Icaza... one positive.
25014&cid=2717387 (7/6) Recent Accenture hire dfeldman explains why HomeNet is bad. (HomeNet)
25022&cid=2717653 (7/10) EPD shows us EuroTrolling done right. (Canada-ISS)
25022&cid=2717729 (2/6) ..while Patrick goes Offtopic on Canada (Canada-ISS)
25015&cid=2718009 bsdguy's misinformation "corp insider" troll goes under the radar. (HD)
25031&cid=2718366 (2/9) ...but his classic War On Drugs troll doesn't! (Satellite)
25031&cid=2718295 (6/10) foster pitches another War on Drugs ball (Satellite)
25048&cid=2720080 notatroll but proof that "i work for a big company and" works (al Queda)
25066&cid=2721811 (13/6) Egg Troll's cut & paste just keeps working. jesus. (Lineo)
25068&cid=2723255 (7/26) EPD's Message to Gnome/KDE: plz die. (IT Kids)
25112&cid=2729322 (8/9) foster 2 H-1B's - fuck your government (Contracting)
25078&cid=2725042 (0/3) Jeff shows sometimes you only need a line. (Midori)
24980&cid=2732711 (6/19) Sdem remembers to think of the children (LinuxSchools)
25153&cid=2733217 (5/7) EPD fails at guilt, but watch him work the crowd (Solitaire)
25156&cid=2734314 (39/50) Wire Tap takes everyone to town... just read (MS-Worm)
25137&cid=2731129 (2/6) KDE/Gnome flaming in 2 lines or less. (KDE 3.0)
25164&cid=2735521 (9/35) IAAL? YAAT! stick it to 'em gayrod (Lindows)
25151&cid=2733882 (6/12) Sdem looses the rabid libertarians on us (Chromosome)
25096&cid=2735114 (9/14) Read this entire thread as WB and EPD work it. (Copy-CDs)

You people are tremendous assholes - low uid can't figure out that the signal is noise.

  • this guy may not be a troll, but his user bio is an excellent cut&paste template. the innocent/ignorant "former Microsoft intern" who "doesn't get the Redhat business model" could really be played up, especially if combined with a female ("i helped design the XP look & feel graphic-artist").
  • 12/20/2001 - Frank pointed out this excellent piece by the Cato Institute, a Microsoft-sponsored propoganda machine, just one paragraph of which will send the average bot into a froth before he can hit Reply. Feel free to plagarize.
  • 12/17/2001 - Roblimo makes a rare post regarding all the crazy "conspiracy theorists" who think that Slashdot is being run by special interest groups, like Users for instance. since i'm pretty sure he's talking about people like me, i'd just like to remind Robin that i know about what they're doing with the drinking water.
  • 12/17/2001 - Klerk got banned in the now familiar pattern of a User censoring a user for "scripted abuse" that didn't involve a script. notice here that the ban page has a bright, flaming pink background (this is not a browser setting but the actual HTML). speculation abounds on the message Rob was trying to get across with this.
  • 12/03/2001 - for those not acquainted with the term "User", you'll need to read this bug report, in which Rob states that "Admins are Users too". since he apparently capitalizes it to keep track, we do too.
  • as always, mail your suggestions, submissions, emissions or whatever to operation_mongoose at ziplip.com


      &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp_.-^^---....,,--_
      &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp_-- &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp--_
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      &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp | &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp TERRORISM &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp|
      &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp\._ &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp _./
      &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp ```--. . , ; .--'''
      &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp| | &nbsp |
      &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp .-=|| &nbsp| |=-.
      &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp `-=#$%&%$#=-'
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      &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp ________.,-#%&$@%#?~,._________
      &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbspFree Junis from Afghanistan!

    * - reply & comment totals recorded when viewed. totals may change drastically after i record them, sorry.

Christmas Cheer

Journal Journal: It's December 15, and this is Trollback 14

too much talking the talk, time to walk the walk. on with this week's issue of TrollBack, where we discuss old trolls and catch up on unfinished troll business.

24938&cid=2708618 offtopic User baiting
24934&cid=2707600 insulting Russian engineering
24934&cid=2708138 fact moderated as troll (that'll teach him)
24914&cid=2706873 15 direct replies to "OS X sux"
24914&cid=2706916 11 directs to AT's crack at OS X's Jordan
24755&cid=2689195 7mods 7directs to EPD's "turing the faggot"
24684&cid=2682100 6mods 11directs to WB's AMD conspiracy
24393&cid=2645150 22 mods, 24 directs AT's excellent shot at the Linux desktop (old)
24834&cid=2697504 19mods 39directs to dfeldman's excellent Magic Lantern piece
24672&cid=2680674 9mods 8directs to ST's "RPM sux"
24910&cid=2705517 8mods for turbine's michael baiting (how many User mods?)
24910&cid=2707415 hidden perdida? who knows.
24905&cid=2704844 9mods 11directs to the TRUTH. phear.
24871&cid=2701729 4mods 11directs sdem misinforms the led story
24897&cid=2703640 9directs sdem guilt trips the bandwidth hogs
24885&cid=2701949 8mods 31directs as sdem's Calculator/Math Teacher Flamefest ignites.
24819&cid=2694969 4mods and a bite for egg troll. who knew.
24869&cid=2700730 6mods 8directs for a 2line not-troll of the X-box. something to learn from.
24869&cid=2701491 an OK pro-passport screed.
24843&cid=2700157 Klerk's page widener on steroids.
24807&cid=2694227 Egg Troll gets bites again. sigh.
24882&cid=2702036 13mods, 11 directs for Rosco's AskSlashdot sucks
24824&cid=2697264 6mods 4directs for a post titled "Screw the Arabs"
24778&cid=2690400 8mods 8directs MIT==criminals
24776&cid=2691273 17mods and a huge flamefest for calling Michael on his shit
24776&cid=2691248 13mods 11directs security/obscurity GOOD
24776&cid=2691218 19mods and a massive flamefest to an AC in the IE story

Jamie's rant and FortKnox's excellent journal entry/michael Flamefest.

The JonKatz hater list continues to grow as people click this link


  - this issue of TrollBack is totally incomplete. it reflects the time i had to compile it (not much) and the defects in my current version of Troll-o-Vision (namely, no sort, krow).

  - i have ordered and gathered trolls with no real sorting criteria whatsoever. if you have something you'd like to appear here, post it, or email me.

  - if i missed your troll(s), please flame the holy fuck out of me. then, submit your troll(s) to next week's edition: operation_mongoose at ziplip.com.

  - if you'd like to help with TrollBack, please email operation_mongoose at ziplip.com

  - floss daily.


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The flow chart is a most thoroughly oversold piece of program documentation. -- Frederick Brooks, "The Mythical Man Month"
