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Journal TrollBack's Journal: Daily TrollBack FAQ 8

We of the TrollBack Team have started a new programme to help satisfy your taste for TrollBack in between issues. Daily TrollBack takes advantage of our extensive troll monitoring system to bring you the best trolls of the day in an automated way. This journal shall serve to help allay any questions you may have.
  • Where will Daily TrollBacks be posted?

    Because of the annoying large number of lamers and modbombers lurking in sid 20721, we have decided to post future editions of Daily TrollBack to sid 31337. You can always check TrollBack's posting history if you think you've missed an issue.

  • Hey! I thought you said this was a daily TrollBack. Why do you skip every other day?

    It was indeed the original plan to post every day. Unfortunately, our in-house testing has shown there just aren't enough interesting posts a day to make a truly Daily TrollBack entertaining. Our current bidaily posting schedule keeps the overall quality much higher.

  • You clods! How could you not include this-or-that awesome troll post???

    The postings are fully automated. That comment either was posted by a currently unmonitored account, or simply didn't get enough replies or moderations to make it onto the Daily TrollBack score sheet.

  • This post you linked isn't really a troll at all! It sucks.

    Once again, the system is fully automated. A piece of crap is bound to slip in every once in a while.

  • What is this "voodoo factor" you rank postings by?

    1.2*DirectReplies + Moderations + TotalReplies/5

  • How can I tell if an account is currently being monitored?

    You can check the list here.

  • Is this the end of full-blown TrollBacks?

    Not at all! A full, human-edited edition TrollBack complete with the commentary and ASCII art you've all come to know and love will be posted to our journal every month, as always.

If you have any other questions, either post them to this journal, or email them to us at <trollback # ziplip , com>.

- The TrollBack Team

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Daily TrollBack FAQ

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