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Comment Re: Why is the FS a problem? (Score 1) 424

You may want to consider using relatime rather than noatime on your data mounts, although either is likely fine for purely executable mounts. relatime allows the atime to not be updated on every access, but will update it once after each change to the file so that tools checking for relative order of ctime/mtime/atime still work.

Comment Re:Mobile phone numbers are craved (Score 1) 185

They are likely faking the area code and exchange. I live in Texas with a central Illinois phone number. I get calls all the time from people who admit they're in Florida or overseas, but from exchanges in central Illinois. VOIP services make this relatively simple to do. Heck, I have a VOIP number I could call from in Missouri, but I'm not in Missouri and have no physical phone there.

Comment Re:I'd start counting flaws but I don't have all d (Score 1) 192

SQL/PSM isn't SQL. It's a second, optional language added to the SQL standards and competes with the likes of TSQL, PL/SQL, and PL/pgSQL. It's an optional extension with different syntax. If you're arguing (by just mentioning it) that SQL/PSM and SQL are the same thing, then we may as well say C#, C++, Objective-C, Cilk, and C-with-classes are all C. Lump Delphi and Ada into the Pascal bucket. Call SML and OCaml both just ML.

Yes, Arduino has a special preprocessor for C++. Many projects have their own preprocessors, template kits, custom configurators, or custom build systems. That doesn't mean the language isn't still C++. Visual C++ is still C++. Delphi is still Object Pascal, and C++ with Boost or the STL or some custom preprocessing that is still written as C++ is C++. The Arduino FAQ lets you know that the recommended language is just C or C++ with some custom functions and some preprocessing. It also goes on to say you can program it in any language that supports the processor so long as you link against the proper libraries. https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main...

Comment I'd start counting flaws but I don't have all day. (Score 3, Informative) 192

I'd start counting flaws but I don't have all day. At least these are readily apparent.

HTML is not a programming language. It's a markup language, and although one might be able to coerce HTML5 and CSS3 together into being Turing complete that's an emergent property best thought of as a bug.

SQL is a query language. Fairly sophisticated data manipulations can be done with it, but it's typically used with an actual programming language to develop applications.

Arduino isn't a language at all. It's a hardware device which can be programmed in various languages. There is an approved IDE but more than one language supports the platform.

Cuda is not a language, but a toolkit for GPU programming that's used from multiple different languages.

Shell and assembly are each more than one language. May as well by that logic call Clojure, Scheme, and Racket part of Lisp. Call JavaScript and ActionScript both ECMAScript.

The method of looking at searches for "X programming" specifically gives an advantage to languages that don't lend themselves to search or need disambiguation like C, Go, Python, Ruby, R, S, D, shell, assembly, or Crystal. Languages with distinct names like Perl, Erlang, JavaScript, Smalltalk, ActionScript, or Matlab don't generally need such qualification.

Submission + - Lockheed Martin to Build Quiet Supersonic X-Plane (space.com)

john of sparta writes: NASA has taken a huge leap forward in its quest to create an aircraft that can travel faster than the speed of sound without causing the ear-splitting sonic boom.The space agency announced today (April 2) that it has awarded the aerospace company Lockheed Martin a $247.5 million contract to design and build a new X-plane, known as the Low-Boom Flight Demonstrator (LBFD), which may soar silently over the U.S. by 2022.

Submission + - Shooter opens fire at YouTube headquarters in San Bruno (sfgate.com)

mr_mischief writes: “Heard shots and saw people running while at my desk,” one employee, Vadim Lavrusik, wrote on Twitter just before 1 p.m. “Now barricaded inside a room with coworkers.”

Witnesses told The Chronicle they saw at least one person dead and another suffering from a gunshot wound.

Submission + - MIT Severs Ties To Company Promoting Fatal Brain Uploading (technologyreview.com)

An anonymous reader writes: The MIT Media Lab will sever ties with a brain-embalming company that promoted euthanasia to people hoping for digital immortality through “brain uploads.” The startup, called Nectome, had raised more than $200,000 in deposits from people hoping to have their brains stored in an end-of-life procedure similar to physician-assisted suicide. MIT’s connection to the company came into question after MIT Technology Review detailed Nectome’s promotion of its “100 percent fatal” technology. Under a subcontract, MIT was receiving approximately $300,000 from a federal grant won by Nectome to develop methods of brain preservation and analysis. According to an April 2 statement, MIT will terminate the research contract with Media Lab professor and neuroscientist Edward Boyden. Boyden said he didn’t have a financial stake or other personal involvement with Nectome. MIT’s connection to the company drew sharp criticism from some neuroscientists, who say brain uploading isn’t possible.

Submission + - Tesla announces results for Q1; Model 3 production up fourfold from Q4

Rei writes: Furthering recent rumours, Tesla today announced their results for Q1 2018, with 34491 vehicles produced, a 40% increase since Q4. Of particular interest, however, is Model 3 production, at 9766 vehicles, four times as many as were produced in Q4. The last week produced 2020 vehicles, and Tesla states that it expects to produce another 2000 next week. Guidance remains unchanged: Tesla continues to target a rate of 5000 vehicles per week by the end of Q2 and have good margins, high volume, and strong cash flow in Q3. Summing up their progress, Tesla added: "As a result, Tesla does not require an equity or debt raise this year, apart from standard credit lines." The initial quality satisfaction score on Model 3 deliveries is recorded at 93% — Tesla's highest ever — and reservations have remained stable through Q1.

Comment Re: sheesh, the paranoia is strong with this one (Score 1) 431

So you mean to say you never used it back when it was StarOffice? Or after the name change to OpenOffice but before the fork?

I also wonder if you've used Lotus SmartSuite, Corel Office, or the stuff that WizardWorks used to put out. Or Microsoft's own Works.

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