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Comment Re:In Addition ... (Score 1) 607

iCloud Keychain needed to happen. Didn't MobileMe subscribers have that functionality in the past? In any case it is most welcome news.

iCloud iWork sounds interesting... but what's really missing from iWork is document sharing along the lines of Dropbox or Google Drive, at least if it's supposed to be more than just a toy. I suppose that could be part of the updates, but I didn't see anything along those lines mentioned in Engadget's live blog. Even for home use, though - I occasionally want to share documents with my wife. The current "email it to her" solution is straight out of 1995...

Comment This keeps getting omitted (Score 1) 81

Maybe this doesn't matter to others, for some reason; but -

The call metadata they're collecting also includes the location the call originated from and the location of the person receiving the call. I think that's a much bigger deal, since it means they are effectively tracking everyone who uses a cell phone.

Comment Re:As a former Navy Veteran - (Score 1) 581

I have no doubt Microsoft will find some convoluted method specifically to allow our soldiers and sailors to use these consoles when they don't have Internet access.

And I'm also sure some soft news journalist at CNN or FOX will write a story about what a wonderful thing Microsoft has done for the Boys in Blue, detailing every step in the convoluted solution to demonstrate to what lengths they went and how much money they spent coming up with said solution - all without ever questioning the core issues that created the problem in the first place.

Comment Re:kinda pointless given a few facts (Score 3, Interesting) 128

1. microsoft already enjoys lock-in at most universities and private colleges. shit like outlook and sharepoint has unfortunately shoved years of well-maintained unix to the roadside in an effort for universities to seem more cutting edge. protracted multi-month outages (ahem, University of Kentucky) requiring expensive consultants drive alongside patch tuesday now in the race to time best wasted.

I can only speak for what I see at my university; but I don't think this is really as prevalent anymore. I think too many schools got burned by experiences such as the one you refer to.

Now Microsoft does still try to do this, but they don't have the leverage they once did. On our campus Microsoft did schmooze the previous president to get Live included as an offering; but with the students Gmail is king and Dropbox is queen. The only people I know using Outlook and the other MS cloud options are some staff members for whom it's been the only email they've ever known.

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