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Comment Re:Don't buy subsidized phones (Score 1) 416

Except this ignores the second-hand phone market. Someone could buy a subsidized iPhone 5 today and use it for two years, then sell it. If the original owner doesn't remember to request an unlock prior to the sale, the buyer is now stuck.

I bought a second hand 3GS and decided to pay for a SIM unlock rather than having to wait for ultrasn0w to update every time iOS increments. It's too bad future purchasers of used phones won't have that option open to them. And for what it's worth, AT&T doesn't seem willing to unlock an old phone for a non-customer, so I went through a third-party unlocker.

Comment Re:Pokemon Institute? (Score 2) 70

Yes, seriously. Professor Oak did a LOT of research before dispatching Brock, Misty, and Ash to Firefox World Headquarters with the news.

Unfortunately, Team Rocket got there first, and Jesse, disguised in a suit, was waiting for them in Mitchell Baker's office. Things got a bit dicey for a while... but let's just say that, in the end, Team Rocket blasted off again.

Comment Sorry, but it's over (Score 2) 171

The idea of pitching from the top down was always the Microsoft approach - and it no longer works. iOS and Android have succeeded despite not having any official sanction - it was exactly the opposite approach. The rank and file bought these devices themselves, and pretty much refused to cow-tow to the company line because their personal devices already did what they needed, even in the workplace.

Blackberry's time has come and gone. The end game has already been played. They should just part out the remaining assets and give the money back to the shareholders.

Comment Re:So why the hell does Flash get a pass? (Score 1) 181

So for me, nothing will change - I'll still have to keep FlashBlock installed.

Seriously... if I could only enable one plugin, it'd be FlashBlock - even over AdBlock. It makes the web significantly better, and - after several years of use - I still only have a handful of sites (like YouTube) whitelisted. Flash just isn't necessary for most things.

Comment Re:But I can do stuff with an Ultrabook (Score 1) 501

^^^The words of a person who doesnt own/use an ultrabook. I use my ultrabook on a lapdesk as I sit in my recliner EVERY SINGLE DAY after I get home from work & gym. Better still, I don't have to use two hands to hold the damn thing up to my face to view the screen.

I used to feel the exact same way - then I got an iPad Mini. Now, my laptop doesn't leave my bag once I'm home, most nights.

Comment Re:Any talk along this vein (Score 1) 379

Right, I agree with your assessment - however php's continual problems with security, coupled with the breathtakingly feature-complete security flaw recently seen in ruby on rails, highlights (to me, anyway) the fact that perl doesn't seem to have these additional problems "more modern" languages and development platforms include.

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