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Journal Journal: YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Physics: B
Ckts II: C
Diff Eq: C

2.75 :-)

Besides that, I'm home, bored and goofy.
woot woot.

Went to see Kate rock the stage on Friday night. And she did :-) Spent the night with the boys, up till ungodly hours eating pizza and playing cards and watching Bond. Rock my box.

Boredom sucks though. I need to do watercooling. I think I'm gonna go nutballz if I don't!

W00+ w00+ ;


User Journal

Journal Journal: Slap yo Pappy!

Well, After totally pwn3d'ing my CJ paper and final, my Prof told me to go to him if i ever need a letter of recommendation. How hard does that rock? A in there, no questions asked.

I totally went Super Lawyer Level 4 last night. I was flying around glowing blue and shit. It was awesome. I have my favorite Star Seed to thank for that one *wink* =P

Have a confirmed report that I might be able to get a B in Circuits. The Prof does the FinalMagic thing. W00t W00t.

Study sessions today for fizzix. 10:00 and 3:00. I'm going to the 3:00. Duh. ER's on at 10:00 :-P

r0x0r1n9 j00r b0x0r :-D

User Journal

Journal Journal: End of the quarter approaches!


Physics: B
Ckts: C
Diff Eq: B/C

That's the rundown. I'll know more in a few days.
Whoever said engineering school is easy was smoking crack!

Rearranged the desk today so I have some workspace, and realized that I have to mod the desk. it's not big enough to hold Big Daddy. If you don't know who/what Big Daddy is, you'll see him soon enough. :-D

I have spent the last two days cooking and cleaning. It's frightning the amount of work I've done. I made tacos of death last night, which were oh-so-wondrous, and tonight I've got pasta sauce of death, which I hope will be just as porcelain-rocking as the tacos. Hee Hee.

It's been a great weekend so far.

I need ... something.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Loss.

A year ago, we lost one of the finest men to ever walk this Earth. A kind, gentle, caring soul. I didn't write of it then for reasons I don't know. I've decided to rectify that now.

We miss you, we love you, and the world is very different without you. I can't go to a Dunkin Donuts, or walk thru the cymbal section of a music store, or walk by a Legal Seafoods, or stroll down the fish pier, or drive through Alston and Brighton, or sit in that big tattered leather chair, and a million other things, without thinking of you.

Here's to you, Zayde.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Woo hoo

It's Sunday night. I'm tired as hell, and I have no idea why I'm updating this thing. That's okay. I'm bored, lonely and I need some intellectual stimulus outside of school. I just spent 3 hours working on WAGZ's computer. Good kid. He and Al love beating on eachother, it's funny as hell to watch. I am disenchanted with people making shitloads of noise in my fucking living room. GO HOME AND STOP MAKING FUCKING NOISE!!!!

Okay, so I'm cranky.

I'm going to go get my fan and pass out. Good night. I'm hoping for some good dreams tonight. :-)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Good time to buy tech.

Since the stock market is in the shitter, I think it's a good time to buy some tech. AMD for example. It'll go back up once Hammer comes out and annihilates Intel. It's at $3.49/share. Penny stocks. It was a 16 percent down day. Little change == big gain. Don't forget that. AMD took less of a beating than any of the other major chip monkeys. Intel lost 18 percent, Motorola lost 28 percent. Ow. IBM's loss was 5 percent, but they're diversified, not chips only. Give it some time to level out and buy some tech. You won't be sorry. Winter therefore Xmas is coming - big sales in computers, classically.

CJ was decent tonight. Talked about exclusionary rule and how it doesn't exist in Britain. We need some of that English system here so we can shut these flaming liberals the fuck up. Oh look, we stopped you for speeding, yet we opened your trunk and found ten kilos. You're going the fuck away for a very long time. But this cop might lose a week's pay. I wouldn't lose any sleep. The Brits actually did something right.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Today's Thought.

I like reading people's LJs. For the simple reason I always come to find that I have so few mental issues in my life. I'm so sane it hurts. You people make me fuckin laugh. Stop taking yourselves so seriously. Life is meant to be fun.

And now, for my momentary lapse of judgement:

It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes.

I can't get it out of my head.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Drunken foolishness!!!! 3

Yeah baby, I am silly.

Rob is fighting with the other roomate. It's funny as hell. This guy keeps knocking down Rob's fan, kicking it even, destruction of property, as I see it. It's all fun and games until someone's shit gets messed up. Then it's fair game to fuck up the other guy's shit. If something's in the fucking way, walk around it. Don't kick something unless it's yours. Let's stop acting like a two-year-old and play nice. Poor Rob, and therefore poor Kyle for having to deal with this.

I went to the House of Poon tonight. Chinese restaurant, calm down. It was amazingly good food. I had a maitai and some plum wine. Being a lightweight is so much fun! My forture cookie was "Love is the only medicine for a broken heart." :'-(

Next the other roomate will start demanding that Kyle and I use headphones or turn down our music. I'm sorry. This is not an intensified study floor. Have a nice day. Even on intensified study floors you can have music on until 10:00pm. This is an apartment. Go get a restraining order.

User Journal

Journal Journal: S.O.S. - Save Our Shithole!

Start getting the sump pumps and the bailing buckets, we're going down! (not in that way :-/)

YAL: (Yet Another Leak)

Fucking RIT. I hate this damned apartment. It has decided to randomly leak again. It hasn't rained in at least a week though. I finally got tired of the power restrictions and got an extension cord for the dehumidifier. Problem is, my AC apparently has the thermostat on the outside of the unit, which doesn't take into account that it's 120 degrees F in my fucking room, yet 55 outside. GRRRRRR.

In other news, my CJ professor was ... boring last night. He's been pretty good until last night. I'm shocked. I think it was because I had dinner, which included everyone's favorite source of tryptophan, dead American Bird, before class. I think next time, it's wait for dinner till after class.

Back to the grindstone for me!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Today's Rant, sponsored by LiveJournal

I'll be the first to admit I'm a little clingy. Things that piss me off (people that need to be removed from the genepool): Co-dependents. People who "can't live" without their SO. Get a sense of identity, for God's sake. Find out your own dreams, your own aspirations; Find yourself. Don't bury yourself so deeply in an other that you derive all your self-worth from them. It's not healthy. It's pretty damn sick. Get a hobby. Get a life... of your own.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Geek Chic Modding, LJ and stuff.

I have a new Case Mod Project going. I'm going for the Geek Chic on this one. (That's not "chick" for all you ignorant in the subtleties of the english [and/or french] language[s])I have a dead sexy pair of fan holes for my radiator in the top of the case, and have attached the grills, fans and screwed in the radiator. It looks so pimp. I also have installed Ultraviolet and Blue Cold Cathode Lights. I am looking forward to putting the watercooling setup together and firing up this monster. It's gonna be great.
In other news, Kate got a LJ. I will be interested to see the frequency in which she updates it. I'm thinking a photon with that frequency might have a wavelength somewhere around 1.8x10^14 meters (do the math, all ye with the ability) With all that work, I can't blame her though. I've got roughly the same problem, except my slashdot journal is second nature to me :-P
Hopefully My cousin still has a job. He works for EMC, who just laid of 1350 people in his plant, as far as I know. Bad news. So Good luck, Michael.
Lots of people I know are sick, including myself. So everyone, let's get better. Being sick sucks!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Ranting

I am really f*cking tired of people who aren't honest. If for some reason any of you find yourselves lying to me, or omitting something, don't bother talking to me. Someday hopefully the lack of virtue will come back and nail you in the ass.
I am deluged with work. I signed up for it, so I won't complain about that. I'll complain about the professors' inabilities to speak English properly, about the pontification and bad teaching technique. You're getting paid like $80,000 a year each. Go take a f*cking English As A Second Language course, or SOMETHING.
I need an outlet. I want to burst. GAH!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Another day, another year?

Yeehaw. 22nd birthday. I'm alone in my room listening to music, and throwing back a couple woodchucks. Yeah, I'm still in a good mood though. :-)

Back to work tomorrow. The weekend was a little too much relaxation. I'm most likely going to get my ID tomorrow. I need to get less and less free time. Must build the machine.

Gonna build Adam, Al's roomate, a box. At least I'm good at something. At least I can build my friends computers. A lonely old hack, that's what I'll be some day.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Birthday soon

Well, it's my birthday on Sunday. I'll be 22. No one's coming to visit or anything. I might get good presents though ;-) Hopefully no one decides to drop in unexpectedly as I may not BE here, as studying stops for no man. We'll see what happens.

User Journal

Journal Journal: w00t w00t

Back at school!!!!

2/3 classes down for the day. Lookin good, folks!
Books are, as usual, expensive as sin. Hopefully I'll be able to sell back the Differential Equations book I bought unneccessarily, since I had it already (I thought it was an earlier edition).
Stopped over in Troy on the way up. Saw people :-) Prum Brossom needs to put death peppers in with their Kung Pow Chicken. That is my official decision!
Huzzah for the ratio of the incoming class being 2:1. At least the old theory about deaf one-armed women can be laid to rest. :-P Yup, I'm an asshole. :-D

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