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Journal mwarps's Journal: End of the quarter approaches!


Physics: B
Ckts: C
Diff Eq: B/C

That's the rundown. I'll know more in a few days.
Whoever said engineering school is easy was smoking crack!

Rearranged the desk today so I have some workspace, and realized that I have to mod the desk. it's not big enough to hold Big Daddy. If you don't know who/what Big Daddy is, you'll see him soon enough. :-D

I have spent the last two days cooking and cleaning. It's frightning the amount of work I've done. I made tacos of death last night, which were oh-so-wondrous, and tonight I've got pasta sauce of death, which I hope will be just as porcelain-rocking as the tacos. Hee Hee.

It's been a great weekend so far.

I need ... something.

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End of the quarter approaches!

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