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Journal mwarps's Journal: Slap yo Pappy!

Well, After totally pwn3d'ing my CJ paper and final, my Prof told me to go to him if i ever need a letter of recommendation. How hard does that rock? A in there, no questions asked.

I totally went Super Lawyer Level 4 last night. I was flying around glowing blue and shit. It was awesome. I have my favorite Star Seed to thank for that one *wink* =P

Have a confirmed report that I might be able to get a B in Circuits. The Prof does the FinalMagic thing. W00t W00t.

Study sessions today for fizzix. 10:00 and 3:00. I'm going to the 3:00. Duh. ER's on at 10:00 :-P

r0x0r1n9 j00r b0x0r :-D

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Slap yo Pappy!

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