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Journal mwarps's Journal: S.O.S. - Save Our Shithole!

Start getting the sump pumps and the bailing buckets, we're going down! (not in that way :-/)

YAL: (Yet Another Leak)

Fucking RIT. I hate this damned apartment. It has decided to randomly leak again. It hasn't rained in at least a week though. I finally got tired of the power restrictions and got an extension cord for the dehumidifier. Problem is, my AC apparently has the thermostat on the outside of the unit, which doesn't take into account that it's 120 degrees F in my fucking room, yet 55 outside. GRRRRRR.

In other news, my CJ professor was ... boring last night. He's been pretty good until last night. I'm shocked. I think it was because I had dinner, which included everyone's favorite source of tryptophan, dead American Bird, before class. I think next time, it's wait for dinner till after class.

Back to the grindstone for me!

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S.O.S. - Save Our Shithole!

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