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Journal mwarps's Journal: Drunken foolishness!!!! 3

Yeah baby, I am silly.

Rob is fighting with the other roomate. It's funny as hell. This guy keeps knocking down Rob's fan, kicking it even, destruction of property, as I see it. It's all fun and games until someone's shit gets messed up. Then it's fair game to fuck up the other guy's shit. If something's in the fucking way, walk around it. Don't kick something unless it's yours. Let's stop acting like a two-year-old and play nice. Poor Rob, and therefore poor Kyle for having to deal with this.

I went to the House of Poon tonight. Chinese restaurant, calm down. It was amazingly good food. I had a maitai and some plum wine. Being a lightweight is so much fun! My forture cookie was "Love is the only medicine for a broken heart." :'-(

Next the other roomate will start demanding that Kyle and I use headphones or turn down our music. I'm sorry. This is not an intensified study floor. Have a nice day. Even on intensified study floors you can have music on until 10:00pm. This is an apartment. Go get a restraining order.

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Drunken foolishness!!!!

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  • Did you eat anything at this so called "House of Poon" or just drink?
    • I ate out at the house of poon. Great Chinese food. It really does exist. Shame they didn't have any of the featured menu item available. Then again, who wants a 14 year old thai whore. Yup, I'm going to hell.
    • Did they serve Tang at the House of Poon?

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