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Journal mwarps's Journal: Good time to buy tech.

Since the stock market is in the shitter, I think it's a good time to buy some tech. AMD for example. It'll go back up once Hammer comes out and annihilates Intel. It's at $3.49/share. Penny stocks. It was a 16 percent down day. Little change == big gain. Don't forget that. AMD took less of a beating than any of the other major chip monkeys. Intel lost 18 percent, Motorola lost 28 percent. Ow. IBM's loss was 5 percent, but they're diversified, not chips only. Give it some time to level out and buy some tech. You won't be sorry. Winter therefore Xmas is coming - big sales in computers, classically.

CJ was decent tonight. Talked about exclusionary rule and how it doesn't exist in Britain. We need some of that English system here so we can shut these flaming liberals the fuck up. Oh look, we stopped you for speeding, yet we opened your trunk and found ten kilos. You're going the fuck away for a very long time. But this cop might lose a week's pay. I wouldn't lose any sleep. The Brits actually did something right.

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Good time to buy tech.

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