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Journal mwarps's Journal: Geek Chic Modding, LJ and stuff.

I have a new Case Mod Project going. I'm going for the Geek Chic on this one. (That's not "chick" for all you ignorant in the subtleties of the english [and/or french] language[s])I have a dead sexy pair of fan holes for my radiator in the top of the case, and have attached the grills, fans and screwed in the radiator. It looks so pimp. I also have installed Ultraviolet and Blue Cold Cathode Lights. I am looking forward to putting the watercooling setup together and firing up this monster. It's gonna be great.
In other news, Kate got a LJ. I will be interested to see the frequency in which she updates it. I'm thinking a photon with that frequency might have a wavelength somewhere around 1.8x10^14 meters (do the math, all ye with the ability) With all that work, I can't blame her though. I've got roughly the same problem, except my slashdot journal is second nature to me :-P
Hopefully My cousin still has a job. He works for EMC, who just laid of 1350 people in his plant, as far as I know. Bad news. So Good luck, Michael.
Lots of people I know are sick, including myself. So everyone, let's get better. Being sick sucks!

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Geek Chic Modding, LJ and stuff.

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