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Journal Journal: Does the Wii Alienate You? 2

Half a week ago I was lucky enough to have a friend who works at Best Buy hook me up with a Wii. I've been playing Smash Bros fairly obsessively but it's not like Warcraft or Star Wars Galaxies obsessive. Why is this?

I found an interesting article about Sega claiming the Wii has been inappropriately written off as being not for 'hardcore' gamers. So I would like to ask Slashdot if they, as members of a gaming community, feel that the Wii is inaccessible because it doesn't offer the time consuming grind of achievements (like the XBox 360) or even the endless single player RPG (like the PS3)? Is it seen as a system purely for the 'casual gamer' and not someone who wants to dump a whole Saturday into progress? Is it's popularity based on this image? I remember the backbreaking days I put into Gauntlet & Bionic Commando, has Nintendo forgotten the games that require hours and hours of practice and finesse? Is this a side effect of the occasionally glitchy and not too precise wiimote?

Journal Journal: Mikhail Bulgakov's A Dead Man's Memoir (A Theatrical Novel) 1

As a regular reader of Slashdot, I am often amazed at the litigation that artists--especially musicians--have to deal with. The lawyer profession is almost almost a pox upon their kind. When it should not be, lawyers should be working with musicians to protect what is theirs. And the abuses, mistreatment, scamming & lying they face from their managers, labels, publishers & contracts makes it a wonder to me that any artist makes a living at all!

A friend in college introduced me to the works of Mikhail Bulgakov after which I immediately read and fell in love with his most famous work, The Master and Margarita . Spurred by that I read Heart of a Dog yet could find no other novels at any of the used bookstores. Bulgakov was a Ukrainian born Russian novelist and playwright who suffered suppression and torment by the Soviets. Oddly enough, he found favor from Stalin which was possibly the only thing that kept him from a much worse fate. So he is a rare gem that was allowed to write novels & plays which he wrote with furious satire against those manipulating his life and existence.

Recently in 2007 Andrew Bromfield translated A Dead Man's Memoir (A Theatrical Novel) for Penguing Classics and I found it at a Border's Books of all places! I have found that I can order translations of several other of his works but for now I would like to discuss A Dead Man's Memoir as I feel it pertains more and more to present day America than it does the historical Soviet Union.

The books main character, Sergei Maksudov, is a failed novelist. This is Bulgakov's satire of himself. Maksudov is not a great legal expert and meets a man through a friend who will publish one of his manuscripts in a literary magazine. But after he sells the rights (for very meager sums) to publish it to this man, nothing is ever published. What really happened in Bulgakov's life when he did this was a man named Zakhar Kagansky traveled to Europe with the ill conceived contract and posed as Bulgakov's legal advisor! He spent fifteen years collecting royalties on Bulgakov's plays & novels!

So instead, Maksudov turns to writing plays. He makes the mistake of signing a contract with a theater interested in producing his play. But he at once realizes that they are not so interested in producing it as they are turning it into something ... more acceptable or merely just more to their likings. His author friend--a man trained and broken already by these types--explains to him that he should have agreed to everything and then simply never done it. This is what it takes to progress as an artist.

One of my favorite parts of the book is when he faces the entire board (including their leader and the very manipulative Ivan Vasilievich) of that theater and comes to a very harsh realization:

'As far as I can understand, my play has not been found suitable, and I ask you to return it to me.'
For some reason, these words caused agitation. Armchairs shifted, someone leaned down towards me from behind and said:
"No, why put it like that? Come now!"
Ivan Vasilievich looked at the jam and then, in consternation, at the people around him.
'Hmm ... hmm ...'--he began drumming his fingers--'we are saying in a friendly way that to perform your play would mean causing you terrible harm! Quite horrific harm. Especially if Foma Strizh takes it on. You will find life unbearable and you will curse us ...'
After a pause, I said:
'In that case I ask you to return it to me.'
And in that moment I quite distinctly glimpsed malice in Ivan Vasilievich's eyes.
'We have a little contract,' another voice suddenly spoke up, and Gavriil Stepanovich's face appeared from behind the doctor's back.
'But your theater does not wish to perform it, what do you want it for?'
Then a face with very lively eyes behind a pince-nez moved closer to me and in a high, thin tenor voice said:
'Surely you won't take it to Schlieppe's theater? What will they make of it there? Why, they'll have brisk little officers strutting around on stage! What good is that to anyone?'
'Under the terms of the current statutes and interpretations it cannot be given to Schlieppe's theater - we have a little contract!' said Gavriil Stepanovich emerging completely from behind the doctor's back.
'What is going on here? What do they want?' I thought and suddenly, for the first time in my life, I had a terrible, suffocating feeling.

So used and manipulated leaves Maksudov a mental wreck and wretchedly jaded. Bulgakov opens chapter 14 talking about Moscow and a stain he has on his clothing, perhaps drawing parallels to the people he deals with daily there:

How, can you tell me, can grease stains be removed from clothing? I tried this way and that, one thing and another. And it's quite remarkable: for instance, you soak it in petrol and the result is wonderful - the stain dissolves, dissolves and disappears. You feel happy, because there is no torment worse than a stain on your clothes. It's sloppy, it's bad, it gets on your nerves. You hang the jacket on a nail, and when you get up in the morning - the stain is back again, only now it has a slight smell of petrol.
The same thing after boiling water, dilute tea, eau de Cologne. Its' a real curse! You start getting angry and twitchy, but there's nothing you can do. No, it's clear that anyone who has once put a stain on his clothes is going to walk around with it until the suit itself wears out and is thrown out for ever. It's all the same to me now, but I wish others fewer of these stains.

So true of the tricks and contracts that artists find themselves in. Ever wonder why The Artist Formerly Known as Prince is once again Prince? Contract dispute! And I'm sure he had some of the best lawyers working for him and reading over that document before he signed it! How much longer before that stain is back?!

Fortunately, his play is eventually produced as the theater is under criticism for not being contemporary or independent (which is in its name). From that point on, every horror story ever told of a book or play being produced into a movie or stage is realized by our hero. Aside from massive ego complexes, critics mad with jealousy & bad acting instructions, he has to deal with his contemporary play being directed by an older, more esteemed man who wants to censor and edit the play. Bulgakov's real life hardships were no different as directors and theater managers tried desperately to cleanse his plays of any political satire or criticisms--especially of the current government!

This drives him to nearly complete sanity. At night he practices lying to Vasilievich and dealing with him so that his play will be produced without censorship. He comes to this harsh realization:

One night I decided to check things - I pronounced my monologue without looking in the mirror, and then cast a furtive, squinting glance into it - and was horrified.
Gazing out at me from the mirror was a face with a wrinkled forehead, bared teeth and eyes that betrayed not only anxiety but also ulterior motive. I clutched my head in my hands realizing that the mirror had misled and deceived me, and I flung it to the floor. A triangular piece sprang out of it. They say it's a very bad sign if a mirror breaks. Then what can be said of the madman who deliberately breaks his own mirror!

A harsh realization that you are dealing with these kind of people, an even harsher realization when you realize that you've become one of them. Now a nearly a raving lunatic who has taken to talking to himself, he depends entirely on living at the theater where his play is being produced. It is the only thing that keeps him going--to know that his story might be told to people to provide them enjoyment and to hear it and recognize with the characters.

However, the production goes very slowly and the director (Vasilievich) is taking entire days to force the actors and actresses to perform strange acting rituals that are supposed to make them better actors. While the play does not progress at all! By this time, Maksudov & Bulgakov have become cut down and unsure of themselves, the lunatic says to himself near the end of the book:

'Yes, this is all astonishing. But it is only astonishing because I am an ignoramus in these matters. Every art has its own laws, mysteries and methods. For instance, a savage would think it funny and strange that anyone should scrub his teeth with a brush, filling his mouth with chalk. To the uninitiated it appears strange that instead of proceeding directly to operate on his patient, a doctor first does all sorts of strange things to him, for instance, he takes blood for analysis and so on ...'

How many times do you think that a musician, actor, writer, painter or graphics artist has been instructed not to do something? How many albums do you think come out these days with the intensity of the sound on the CD mastered so that it is all the way up all the time? How many artists are allowed to keep the sound that made them famous in their small towns? How many movies are made that lack a formulaic sure fire success model for today's theaters? Are we not living in a society where what is 'art' is defined by those with the funds to publish it?

If you don't read A Dead Man's Memoir, at least recognize that to be an artist of any kind today doesn't mean starvation necessarily but instead torment, manipulation and in the worse cases being stripped of your dignity & sanity.


Journal Journal: Help Amazon Select Finalists for Writing Competition! 1

Just months after launching its CreateSpace site for people who want to be published, Amazon has asked readers to download and rate the semi-finalists in their author competition. Check out the sci-fi/fantasy selections and help them pick someone good! Although all of this reeks of the beginning of a good Bulgakov novel/play, I can't help but read all of these entries!
User Journal

Journal Journal: 1000 day uptime 11

Ok, first off: I know "I haev teh l337x0r5 uptime" boasts are lame but this has me happy at some 14-year-old-who-just-installed-linux level:

$ uptime
3:43PM up 1000 days, 16:40, 2 users, load averages: 0.27, 0.06, 0.02

It's an ancient Pentium 166 MMX running FreeBSD 3.3 (OLD!) but has had all services touching the net up to date. The machine is well firewalled off and all packets hitting it are scrubbed with pf.

Look at all that disk space:

$ df -k
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/wd0s1a 119055 34449 75082 31% /
/dev/wd0s1f 2887188 2118030 538183 80% /usr
/dev/wd0s1e 992239 162634 750226 18% /var
procfs 4 4 0 100% /proc

This machine was at an uptime of 683 days but a power failure which lasted long enough that the UPS failed happened 1000 days ago today.

When we moved our offices in the house around I carried this computer while Kim carried the chirping UPS along. Anything to keep the uptime... :)

Funny, other machines I have get upgraded every 6 months (OpenBSD) or every day (Windows) and I don't care about reboots. I also have a newer machine which is ready to drop into service when this one chokes but this old crapbox has a lot of nostalgic value for me. I have no idea why. It's weird to think that this has been running since well before we talked about having kids (our daughter is 18.5 months old now).

What's your lame uptime story? What have you done to keep the uptime going? We all have a story like this to own up to...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Alpha Wikia Search Available

So, as you may have heard, the Alpha for Wikia Search has been launched and it is interesting. The UI is clean and looks very mellow in bluish cloudy ways.

Oddly though they had nothing when I searched for 'slashdot' so instead I tried searching for 'bears' to get a result.

The most interesting aspect is the 'miniarticles' that I had the option to start at the beginning of the search results. The purpose of these are mentioned briefly as "Short definitions, Disambiguations, Photos, See also."

I wonder what will start to pop up there and/or why they didn't take shortened versions of wikipedia to seed that. Well, to be fair this is an Alpha and they have a disclaimer:

We are aware that the quality of the search results is low.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Happy Birthday to Me 8

Remember the Reason for the Season: December 24th is my birthday!

In the dawn of my 42nd year, I'd like to reflect on what made the 41st so superb: Me, I am awesome.

Have a great Day After Grub's Birthday tomorrow, everyone! :)

Journal Journal: Farm Children Have Half the Risk of Asthma 2

I just read a story on a study that concluded that the risks for asthma among children were about 2.3% for farm children compared to 5.3% for other rural and 5.7% for urban children. The research is currently up for review in the journal of Respirology but the abstract can be found here. I've been ridiculed for my anecdotal analysis of this kind of rationale so I found this research particularly interesting.

Journal Journal: What's Your Favorite Banned Book? 10

Favorite Banned Book?
  • Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger
  • Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
  • Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
  • Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
  • Ulysses - James Joyce
  • To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
  • The Lorax - Theodor Seuss Geisel
  • Nineteen Eighty-Four - George Orwell
  • One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
  • Rights of Man - Thomas Paine
  • Slaughterhouse Five - Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Personally, I'm going with Ulysses because it's my favorite book of all time.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Kessel Run in Under 12 Parsecs 3

Alright, after reading an outbreak of people arguing over the Kessel Run comment that Han Solo makes in Star Wars: A New Hope & after seeing Family Guy parody it, I'm going to have to speak up and make a statement. In my youth, I read many a Star Wars book from the expanded universe. The word 'kessel' is German for cauldron or kettle and a 'kessel run' was actually used to refer to German Luftwaffe pilots trying to bring aid via air to stranded German troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (Operation Uranus). It was met with disaster.

In the Star Wars universe, the Kessel Run refers to series of dangerous areas a smuggler or wanted person would take to escape pursuit which included the Maw black hole cluster. The shorter you made the distance, the closer you came to the black hole and oblivion. A sign possibly only of impressive stupidity or cases of extreme need when the Imperial forces are after you.

So effectively, either George Lucas had this planned out or authors helped him cover his ass after the mistake. It's hard to say but in the novelization of "A New Hope," Han uses 'standard time units' instead implying guilt on George Lucas' part.

Journal Journal: Most Underrated & Unappreciated Scientist? 4

Most underrated & unappreciated scientist (of any field--mathematician, physicist, physician, engineer, etc.)?

While I know that some of these people have things named after them (Gauss, Tesla, Planck), they still may be conceived to be under appreciated. I imagine you would measure how under appreciated they are based on how much their work influenced our lives today without anyone knowing what they did. Anyone have any other favorites?


Journal Journal: Teleportation ... Sans Quantum Entanglement 4

The edge of scientific endeavors is often paved and extrapolated by science fiction. And researchers work ever diligently to bring Star Trek-like teleportation to be a reality. Slashdot has covered teleportation by way of quantum mechanics but one of the unfortunate prerequisites for such a scheme to work is that both sides share quantum entanglement which is not only difficult/impossible to achieve over long distances but also suffers the issues associated with degradation of the entanglement (must occur very quickly). To alleviate these problems, a team has recently theorized and proven on a small scale that it is indeed possible to 'beam' macroscopic matter between two Bose-Einstein Condensates (BECs) without the problems associated with quantum entanglement. Interestingly enough, this method does not violate the No Teleportation Theorem since the atoms transported are first encoded through the BECs which are matter frozen to within 100 billionth of a degree of absolute zero causing there to be no measurement step. The paper is available on arxiv.

Journal Journal: Live Free or Die Hard 3

I just saw "Live Free or Die Hard" and I'm a bit disappointed.

Like a lot of action packed movies today that feel the need to remain current, the plot of this movie hinged heavily on--you guessed it--hacking and network security. The problem I face is that the "security issues" we face today are obvious to me and so I don't find this plot innovative. Furthermore, it is quite difficult to swallow a lot of the feats in the movie done to surpass network and computer security.

So, this challenges my ability to suspend disbelief and, consequently, enjoy the movie. I have no problem with the old John McClane coming in guns blazing and killing many people (when he's obviously outnumbered) because he's, well, John McClane. It's scientifically proven that

Bullets + McClane = Dead Bad Guys

But once this exact same type of 'magic' enters a realm I understand, it's no good. I find myself incredulous that someone could hack the DoD so quickly or that there are these gurus just laying about able to do anything but doing nothing with their lives. I need to know how they got past so many levels of network security.

It's a difficult thing for me to swallow and it really destroyed the movie for me since the plot was so heavily dependent on it. To make matters worse, video feeds are thrown around like desktop sharing applications between users (who conveniently run the same kind of operating system) and, again without the ability to do this, the plot falls apart.

Another huge plot point is helicopters and jets (that's right, an F-35) are seen in this movie to be maneuvering around urban areas between buildings at break neck speeds with no problem. I'm pretty sure there's only a few pilots in the world that would attempt that and survive and they're all on the crack.

So where does this leave me? Pretty much unimpressed and sorry I departed with $7.50.

Aside from the cosmetic problems that come with your action movie (bad guys' guns set to 'miss', cliche catch phrases, questionable physics, etc.) there are two important concepts I would like to point out that this movie adheres to.

The first is simple: all the bad guys have accents or can speak in foreign languages. What's so bad about that in this one? Well, the people aren't even supposed to be foreign (to my knowledge). Instead, the writer/director relies on evil sounding languages (not unlike the first three movies) which due to some war or conflict, we can instantly hate. The bad guys turn into faceless corpses with a language barrier separating us so we can instantly hate. Has thousands of years of living together on earth really lead to this?


The reason I'm putting this out on Slashdot is because the bad guy in the movie has a half hearted attempt at calling himself a 'good guy' as he explains that he was merely pointing out the problems with our nation's computer security and exploiting them. He cites the money he is taking as "payment for work" and since he used to work for the government and warned them about it, he's just preventing the nation from being hit by a much worse attack. This idea that people out there should expose security problems as soon as possible with little or no repercussions is not foreign to Slashdot. While the evil villain poses several qualities that truly does make him evil, it's interesting that the rest of society would see him as being evil just exploiting the lacking defenses of so many government agencies.

How would you think the populace would digest this? Are we so inclined as a culture to accuse any attacks no matter how soft or how hard to be bad? There are entire penetration testing companies out there that make profits on such a basis and now a major motion picture has a rogue jaded programmer exploiting flaws in our system as a purely evil person. Why is it that society sees hackers in such a negative light? Are people who identify and bring to light security problems forever condemned to be 'evil' in the eyes of our culture? Are we setting ourselves up for a complete attack on all electronic fronts one day?


Overall, this is, in my opinion, the worst Die Hard film which is really too bad since I so dearly enjoyed the first and third ones.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Virtual Machine advice please. 14

Once again I reach out to that vast pool of knowledge at slashdot...

Scenario: I have a couple of decent machines on the desktop at home. One is an AMD-2500xp+ running Win2000. It's used for games. The other machine is an AMD64-3800x2 (64 bit dual core thing) It's running Ubuntu. Rest of the place is all OpenBSD on various machines and one FreeBSD box.

I'm thinking that I really don't need to keep 2 machines running on the desk. Ideally I'd have some sort of VM manager running on the Linux AMD64 box which I could run a Windows VM in for when I need my gaming fix. I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a VM manager. I have only a few needs:

- It has to run a normal 32 bit Windows in a VM on this 64 bit box so I can reinstall Win2k on it or a copy of normal XP, not XP64.
- It must support the 3d capabilities of my graphics card (ATI 9800 Pro).
- It must support my Audigy2 sound card (no stuttering, etc)

I've looked at Xen but my processor lacks the AMD-V (nee Pacifica) goop to run Windows unmodified. QEMU and VirtualBox also look nice. So far, though, it looks like VMWare is the one to beat. I'm not shy about spending a few bucks to get it.

There you have it. All suggestions are appreciated.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Slashdot or Multiply 10

I'm on both right now ('grieder' on Multiply) and find that Slashdot is much more to my liking. Granted I haven't done much on Multiply other than read and post a few comments but it's just not my thing. Much of what I see on Multiply has been linked over from slashdot and I just don't see the need for a second discussion forum.

Rather than deleting my multiply account and dropping it entirely, I've turned off all email alerts for everything other than private messages. That way I can see if I really miss it (doubtful)

Slashdot is a news site (or so they claim ;)) with some good discussions in the comments geared to the story. Multiply seems much more contrived... Come up with a topic and hope people talk about it.

YMMV, but I'm sticking close to the loveable ol' hag known as Slashdot.

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