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Comment Re: People are so stupid... (Score 0) 198

You would be surprised how many people never see far, far less than 2/3 of the world. Very few people would choose being broke and technically being allowed but not actually able to go see 2/3 of the world due to financial constraints over being technically allowed to go a lot less places, but in practice able to go to far more because they have 1.2 million rather than being broke.

Comment Re: Conspiracy theories? (Score 1) 229

Trying to suggest that "understanding" the Bible involves reading comprehension is absurd. It requires literally the exact opposite, to wit, the ability to read complete and utter nonsense and pretend it makes some kind of sense. .... and yes, I read it cover to cover of for no other reason than to remove your ability to claim that the reason the Bible is absurd is because I have never read it.

Comment Re: Conspiracy theories? (Score 1) 229

You can't possibly be so stupid. The Obama administration went through the effort to arrive at facts and make such a determination. Trump simply said "no need for facts. We hereby assume all adults are coyotes and all children are being exploited by them. Or to put it another way "seperate them all and let God sort them out".

Comment Re: If this was a Windows or macos vulnerability.. (Score 1) 94

Your problem it's that that isn't what is going on here at all. The reason you see so many people saying essentially "this guy is an idiot and his claim is bullshit" is because the guy is an idiot and his claim is bullshit. The reason you see this kind of thing a lot is because it is in fact quite difficult to compromise a properly maintained Linux system, and the world is full of young chumps trying to make a name for themselves, not realizing the name they are making is far from flowering

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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
