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Comment Re:Great. (Score 1) 76

They say the threshold is "lifetime views," what you're probably referring to is called "subscribers."


For example here is a specific video on a channel with around 52K subscribers, but the video itself only has a few thousand "views" explicitly.

There are many other videos with "views" on that channel though and it should be possible for a smaller channel with very few subscribers to have a much higher view total across all videos on that channel.

Comment cluttered feed... (Score 1) 22

I use Youtube a lot. I have unsubscribed to certain Youtubers because they release too many low quality videos mixed in with their good ones. Jim Sterling is an example, Jimquisition videos are good, most of his others are filler where he scrapes the bottom of Steam's basement. I do not need all that flooding my subscription feed so I check his videos just once a week as an unsubscribed visitor.

I also do not subscribe to youtuber twitters because those tend to be mostly filled with more low quality garbage--I value the content in high quality videos and that's it, that is all I want in my feed. I might check a twitter directly just to find out when someone is streaming next but very rarely is there anything else worth my attention in there.

If this change results in feed spam that subscribers do not have fine grained control over (like a checkbox to enforce 'only videos') then I expect to be unsubscribing from a number of youtubers.

Comment Re:Amazon update bricked stock Fire TV (Score 1) 71

I had this same problem and decided to replace it with a chinese-built android set-top box with Kodi and google play pre-installed on it. The experience has made me very wary of updates pushed by amazon.

Still, if anyone knows how to fix networking on the fireTV so it works again, I'd like to know.

Comment Re: Any documented instance... (Score 1) 232

Evidently there is some interest in finding why certain people are resistant. This page says it is based on a chemical in sweat, "It turns out that the chemical, whose exact nature must remain confidential until the laboratory receives its patent, is not only naturally occurring but can also be used as a harmless food additive..."

Comment Re:It seems to me that a few days is more than eno (Score 1) 113

Streaming isn't a primary business for funimation, they make money off of dvd/bluray sales. I think it more likely that they both aren't dedicating many resources to the service, and that they really aren't particularly competent. That's speaking as someone that buys a fair number of their disks and regrets it sometimes when they make some boneheaded and/or lazy decision there.

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